Why Remedies Fail

Recurrent winter colds, especially if more than one member of a family is affected, should suggest an injury as to the atmospheric condition. A humidity indicator in your own home may show some startling facts. Nowadays the humidity indicators are so simplified and inexpensive that it is money well spent to buy one. Often a pan of water on radiator or register will remedy the situation much better than Alumina for dry mucous surfaces.

Wonders Of Homoeopathy

The temperature was less but the patient was not conscious. She was rolling her head on the pillow. She was also muttering. Her look was very unnatural. Pneumonia was present. I wanted Dr. Bose to give me only 24 hours for the action of my medicine. I promised to leave the patient under his treatment if I could not show further favourable changes in her condition. He agreed with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Editorial – Homoeopathic Teaching

Critics of Homoeopathy must make a deep study of our literature and receive the real fundamentals of homoeopathic philosophy and Materia Medica or else their criticism will only tend to mislead public opinion and cause inconvenience and harm to innocent people. Before pronouncing it good or bad one must possess a thorough knowledge of it. This is true of any criticism. Criticism is an analysis of experience. Most of the critics of Homoeopathy have absolutely no knowledge of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Organon.

Paralysis – 5

Rhagades on hands between fingers, joints of fingers, palms of hands. Hang-nails. Cramps in the legs at night, in soles of the feet at every step. Cold sweat on the feet. Cold feet and hands; cold soles of feet. Coldness of fingers. Peeling off of the fingers. Profuse sweat between the fingers. Coldness and cold feeling of the legs, in the evening. Very much disposed to catch cold. Always weary and fatigued. Disturbed sleep, catnaps, wakes up at night every half hour.

Small Pox

In all my cases I have observed marked improvement within 24 hours and sometimes within 12 hours. If I notice improvement only in fever I never change remedy. Fall of temperature is the surest sign of improvement. After giving the medicine closely watch your patient whether any of the symptoms is showing any decrease. It is a very remarkable thing to know or recognise signs of amelioration in whatever quarter it may be.