Philosophy and the Repertory (1934)

About a score of our drugs act out the common ills of life in their pathogeneses. These Hahnemann called polychrests and if we must have favourites let us learn all we can about these first of all. …

Introduction – by James Tyler Kent

I know of no better gauge of this vitality than the interest shown in repertory work, for the repertory is our chief instrument of precision. True, some men do some good work without the repertory, but they also do poor work, more than they would do with it….


The use of the repertory is one of the higher branches of our art and before it can be mastered the laws governing the homoeopathic treatment and cure of diseases, as given to us in the Organon and the Chronic Diseases, must be learned….

Taking The Case

No matter what process we take to arrive at the remedy, unless we have our case well taken we shall only have failure for our pains. What does it mean to take the case?…

Three Directions of Cure

We find that in order to produce a permanent cure, symptoms must disappear from above downward, from within outward, and in the reverse order of their coming…….

The Three Miasms

While there as been much written against Hahnemann’s theory of the psoric miasm, those who have followed his teachings closely, have been able to secure better results in chronic cases….

Let the Patient Talk

Upon your powers of observation will depend not only the first image of your case but also your success in conducting the case after the first prescription has been made….

How to Find the Remedy

That the science of Homoeopathy is exact when applied by the use of the repertory has been proved many times, and it will be my object today to demonstrate this truth….

Index to Arrangement of Kent’s Repertory

Kent’s Repertory is divided into thirty-seven sections. The two most important sections are found first in the book (Mind) and the Generalities which are last…….

Arrangement of Kent’s Repertory

First. – Time. Second. – Conditions {modalities}, in alphabetical succession. Third. – Where there is condition of Pain it is arranged as to:- (a) Locality, (b) Character. (c) Extension….

From Generals to Particulars

To depend upon a small group of remedies relating to some particular symptom is to shut out the other remedies which may have that symptom, although not yet observed. Hence we prefer to use the General symptoms more….

Generals Divided into Three Grades

The first general group of symptoms which are of the highest value are the symptoms of the mind. These are divided into three grades: The Will; Perversions of understanding; Perversions of memory….

Particular and Common Symptoms

Under common symptoms we find all those which are common to both the drug and disease. That which is pathogenic is always common. …

How To Use The Repertory – Keynotes

Keynotes are often valuable characteristic symptoms, but if these keynotes are taken as final and the generals do not confirm then failures will come….

Grades of Drug Symptoms

Kent uses three grades, Boenninghausen had four, but this fourth grade is included in those of the third under Kent’s classification. …

Repertory Analysis, Dosage and Repetition

My method of taking the most prominent general, be it mental or physical, as a starting point and eliminating remedies from the group thus reached is much more comprehensible and more easily followed….

Cases Illustrating Repertory Work Part 2

Headache most of the time, severe pressure at base of skull. Pain in right side of head extending down to neck. Aggravation from warmth of bed; from mental exertion. Amelioration from lying. …

Cases Illustrating Repertory Work

We have arrived at the solution of the case by four steps and have used all general symptoms. Now you may ask, why did we start with the rubric complaints caused by fright?…

Form of Case Record

With the symptoms of your case arranged in this orderly manner, from Mind to Generalities, we have a record to which it is easy to refer and from which it is easy to individualize the record for repertory study….

Analysis of Forty Homoeopathic Remedies

Any list of so small a proportion of our vast materia medica would necessarily be open to such criticism; but I think that by the arrangement of this list of remedies you will acquire a working knowledge of the remedies you use. …

Suggestion as to Method of Study and Use of the Following Analysis

Take first the twenty-two rubrics and memorize the group of remedies found under each one, paying attention first to the generals. After you have become familiar with your list of remedies then learn the particular circumstance of the remedy under each rubric….

How To Use The Repertory – Forty Remedies, Part 2

In order that we may analyze these remedies I have taken twenty-two rubrics which cover generals as to: (1) Heat and cold;(2) mental states as related to (a) restlessness, (b) fear, crossness and irritability, and (d) tearfulness; the modalities ….

How To Use The Repertory – Forty Remedies

Aggravation After Midnight is covered by the following thirteen remedies: ARS., Bryonia, Calcarea, DROS., Gelsemium, Mercurius, NUX V., PHOS., POD., RHUS., Sulph., SIL. THUJ….