Headache Repertory

Mental exertion: Ars, Cal-s, Ign, Nat-m, Psor. Motion: Agar, Ars, Caps, Iris, Lyc, Nux-m, Puls, Rhod, Rhus-t, Valer. Violent motion: Sep. Moving head: Agar, Chin. Pressure: Am-c, Bell, Bry, Calc, Chin, Coloc, Ferr, Glon, Kali- bi, Lac-d, Lach, Lyc, Mag-m, Mag-p, Nat-m, Nux-v, Puls, Stann. Cold hand: Calc. Hard pressure: Chin, Mag-p, Bell, Mag-m, Sang, Zinc. Rain: Cham. Raising head: Ang, Carb-v, Ign, Kali-c, Mag-c, Nat-m, Rhus-tox, Spig. Riding in a carriage: Brom, Graph, Nit-ac, Sanic.

Editorial – Homoeopathic Injections And Patients

It is to be regretted that some Homoeopaths have commenced to use Homoeo injections and Homoeo patent medicines. In Homoeopathic Philosophy and in Homoeopathic literature we do not find any mention of Homoeo patents or of Homoeo injections. Homoeopathic medicines are to be prescribed on the strength of the totality of the symptoms.

Essential Symptoms – 2

Patient improves for a time, then relapses; worse on alternate days; faint and tired, must lie or sit down; brittle nails; itching when heated from any cause; troubles from spinal affections; skin of face feels tense, as if white of an egg or glue had dried upon it; red nose, point of nose cracked; heat and redness of the ear; sad thoughts, everything viewed in a sad light; changeable mood; time passes too slowly; can evacuate bowels only when standing.


Pneumonia, sputa raised with difficulty. Expectoration makes the breathing easy. Sputa of blood mixed with clots during day. Pulse intermits. Typhoid pneumonia, with rattling in chest, inability to expectorate or when he can expectorate, the sputa is brown and bloody, urine smells like that of horse. Nose bleed. Face anxious, haggard, sickly. Dark rings about eyes, mouth, nose.

What Is Homoeopathy

The homoeopathic physician knows that he must treat his patient as an individual, he must study his patient, must know his personality, he must note and carefully consider every symptom that his patient presents; in other words, the homoeopathic physician must go beyond the simple physical examination and laboratory diagnosis of an ordinary disease, and treat his patient according to the law of “similia similibus curantur.”