
Zincum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


An element. Preparation: Triturations of the metal.


Emaciated. Great emaciation. He presented an emaciated feeble appearance, the face wrinkled and bluish. Paleness of the mucous surfaces, with disappearance of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and atrophy of the muscular system, much more marked on the right side, in the face as well as in the limbs. C Much visible twitching of the body and face (after five days). Visible jerking in both arms and hands (after sixteen days). Twitching and jerking in various muscles. C Twitching in various muscles. C Muscular twitching, here and there, in the body. Long-continued trembling, as from chilliness, after every slight emotional excitement. Stretching of the body and limbs, with pale, sunken face. Great inclination to stretch arms. On waking in the morning, for about ten days, there was entire inability to move the head and limbs, with extreme sensibility to contact over the whole surface. After about an hour, this paralytic state improved enough to permit walking, but with a staggering uncertain gait, and a marked tendency to fall to the left side. Heaviness in the morning. C Feeling of heaviness in the body and weariness in the lower extremities, in the morning in bed, as after too heavy sleep. Dullness like slight nausea, with a tremulous feeling in the chest, headache in the forehead and diminished intellectual power, so that he could not understand what he was reading, two hours after dinner. Is obliged to lie down during the day. So weary in the morning on waking that he thought he could not rise. Weariness, frequent yawning, and great exhaustion in the whole body. Tired in the evening. C Great weakness (third day). General physical weakness for three weeks. General weakness, more marked on the right side. Weak and indolent, especially in the lower extremities, in the morning. At first, while walking, increased vigor and great lightness; afterwards great weakness through the whole proving. Sudden, faint like weakness while standing, so that she could scarcely reach a chair. Body weak and prostrate, frequently, especially after dinner, at times with tremulousness and heaviness of the head. General debility. C Prostration, 37 39, etc. Prostration of the whole body. Great exhaustion all day, sleepiness, aversion to noise, and yet difficult hearing, a dreamy condition, as after a sleepless night, together with shivering and cold creeping, like a cold after perspiration. Feeling of languor, with aching in the lumbar region. Lassitude, prostration, and pains in the limbs. General lassitude and sensation all over as if beaten. Faintness. Faintness, unconsciousness, almost without pulse. Frequent fainting, several times daily, followed by prostration and general numbness. Decrease of sensibility to touch; tickling, on the contrary, was more quickly responded to than in the normal state. Sensation of swelling. Sensation of general trembling, without trembling. Every slight emotional excitement causes internal trembling. C The pain at times seems to be between the skin and flesh. When I lie down I am numb all over; I fear apoplexy. General internal discomfort. Painful feeling of the whole body, relieved by rest. Uncomfortable feeling of pressure and pressing upon the inner walls of the trunk, as though the whole body would be forced as under, without trace of flatulence, rather caused by the nerves, worse in the right than in the left side. Cramp like pain, here and there, in the muscles. Jerking through the whole body during sleep, at night, and at noon (after thirty-two hours, and second day). Sticking, here and there, in the body, in the evening. Sticking cutting pain in the whole right side. C Violent throbbing through the whole body. Wine aggravates nearly all the symptoms, even though they seem to have been relieved by Camphor. C Wine and Nux-v. aggravate and reproduce the symptoms, especially the uneasiness at night, and the constipation, 3 Most of the symptoms appear after dinner and towards evening. C Most of the symptoms come on while sitting and during rest, but less during motion and in the open air. Better on awaking. She feels better in the morning.


Emotional. Fanciful illusions when holding the head down, as though she had a large goitre, which she could not see over. Attacks of great loquacity. Much talking of other people, even of those of whom he is fond, affects his nerves, and makes him morose and impatient. Talking and listening were distressing. Lively and excited. Very joyful, excited mood, especially towards evening. He is frequently able to laugh excessively over a trifle, but he is just as easily vexed. Good-humored and talkative. Very happy at times. Easily excited to anger, and very much affected thereby. Easily excited to anger, but quiet. Easily becomes angered. Vexation and anxiety. He wishes that he might get hold of some one on whom he could vent his anger (though irritated by nothing). Great sensitiveness to noise. Sobbing on account of vexation, without obvious reason, with pressive pain in the top of the head. Overpowering sadness. Despondent. Mood depressed and sad. Somewhat depressed (after six days). Anxiety, 18 26 30. During the menses anxiety. Anxious mood, as from a misfortune (first eight days). Very uneasy mood, as though he had committed a crime. Mood uneasy, unsteady (after two days). Anxiety on account of thieves or horrible apparitions while awake, like a feverish fancy. Apprehensive and ennui; she seeks society. Apprehensive and lachrymose mood, which disappears in the evening. Hypochondriac mood three hours after dinner, with pressure under the short ribs, especially of the right side, with aversion to work discomfort over the whole body, without trace of flatulence or of overloading the stomach (after five days). Irritable, startled. Easily irritated, peevish; the talking of other people and every noise are intolerable. At noon, irritable, peevish, terrified; in the evening better. Ill-humored and indolent (first days); lively and joyful later. Ill-humored and sad (second day). Ill-humor, 11 26. Very impatient, but not bad-humored. Morose in the morning (eight day). Extremity gloomy and morose. She looks very morose, gloomy and disturbed, even in the morning. Morose and peevish in the morning, though well disposed. Morose peevish, and fretful, in the afternoon. During the menses peevish and lachrymose. Fretful, morose, several days, inclined to have a secret grudge and to vexation; he is for the most part quiet, and it frets him to be obliged to speak a word. Fretful, despondent mood, especially in the evening. Indifferent (after thirteen days). Alternately irritable, fretful, quarrelsome, despondent, and depressed. Extremely variable mood; sad at noon, melancholy; in the evening contented and happy (second and third days). Intellectual. Dread of work, disinclination to work. Mental operations very difficult (first eight days). Difficult to grasp ideas and to coordinate thoughts. Answers were slow, and he spoke as if in a bad temper. Imaginative power, excited (first day). Quiet thoughts of death in the afternoon, with weakness. Disconnected ideas (after sixteen days). Loss of thought and a soporous condition of mind. Forgetful of what has been accomplished during the day. Great forgetfulness.


Vertigo. Vertigo, 15 27 33, etc. Dizziness after dinner. Vertigo and flushing heat. Vertigo, with headache in the morning (third day). Dizziness, as if he saw through a mist, after eating. When standing on a height, vertigo as if I should fall to the right (seventh day). Vertigo, with weakness of the head and abdomen, so that she is obliged to lie down (after three days). Vertigo while sitting and standing, which disappears on walking. Dizzy, nauseating weakness on remaining up rather long in the evening, as after smoking too strong tobacco. Vertigo in the whole brain, especially in the occiput, as if he would fall over, without affecting the eyes; while standing (after one, two, and four hours). Dizzy drawing deep in the right side of the occiput, while sitting. In the morning on waking, vertigo as if the head were moving up and down, with a similar floating of the images of his fancy; all during a semi-consciousness. Frequent attacks of vertigo, preceded by sharp pressure at the root of the nose, and a sensation of drawing together of the eyes, as if by a cord, followed immediately by excessive nausea, faintness, and trembling of the hands. Vertigo, as if he would have apoplexy, with anxiety and fear of falling headlong. Vertigo in the occiput in the evening while sitting and smoking as usual, with desire for stool. Vertigo in the occiput, as if he would fall to the left, while walking (immediately). Vertigo from morning till noon, it frequently seems as though she would fall (after three days). Great vertigo while sitting up in bed, as if the bed were constantly swaying back and forth (after seven days). Violent vertigo after rising up from stooping, as though everything were whirling around, with buzzing in the head, even in the morning. Vertigo, that he could scarcely stand. Vertigo so violent that he could not stand (after three days), 15 33. Temporary intoxication. General Head. Inability to support the head, in the evening. Dulness of the head, 23 27 32a. Head dull on waking. Great dulness of the head. Great dulness of the head after a meal (after seven hours). Dulness of the head on waking in the morning (second day). Heaviness of the head, as if it would fall down. The head is heavy, dizzy, and confused in the morning, as from loss of sleep. Weak feeling in the head, especially in the eyes (second, fourth, and several other days). Head oppressed. Stupefied and dizzy at noon. Stupefying headache, is obliged to lie down (after four days). Dizzy stupefaction in short paroxysms, with blackness before the eyes and general weakness, especially in the afternoon and evening, for several days (after eleven days). Stupefying headache, as from coal-gas, all the morning (after ten days). Pressure in the head, with dulness (after five days). Headache (first day), 15, etc. Headache at night. Headache with some vertigo (after eight hours). Intense headache. Intense headache, with violent shivering. Violent headache, relieved by washing with cold water. Violent pains in the head and eyes, after a glass of the accustomed wine. Pain as from a tearing in the whole brain. Pains in the head, relieved in the open air, worse in the house. Intense pain in the brain, almost driving one mad, followed by excessive vomiting of bile, and trembling. Painful raging here and there in the head. Fixed pain in the head, and sense of tightness across the temples. Tearing and sticking in the right side of the head after dinner. Sticking and tearing in the head and cutting in the abdomen, with yawning, during and after dinner. Tingling and resounding in the head when speaking loud. Violent throbbing and tearing in the whole head, especially in the right frontal region, from morning till evening, after lying down. Forehead. Constant dull frontal headache. Dull pain in the forehead, with unusual impatience. The first effects noticed were a continuous dull pain across the frontal sinuses, accompanied with extreme sensibility of the cartilages of the ear and nose. During the menses heaviness in the forehead, with a feeling as if the head would be drawn backward, in the evening. Headache in the region of the left frontal eminence, after dinner. Pain in the frontal sinuses, as though air forced itself in sensitively. Extreme sensitiveness in the forehead.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.