Vaccination performed once, if it took badly, or failed wholly or partially, falls into the same category. Even if it ran a normal course, yet if the history is given that the patients health was in any degree affected thereby, the antidote must be applied. There are several remedies to choose from, and it is not easy to say which should be preferred from, and it is not easy to say which should be preferred in any case

Xenembole is the introduction to the system of substances foreign to the economy. I do not propose to consider more than one of such substances in this paper, namely Calf Lymph. Among all the varied animal and vegetable substances innoculated upon the surface of, or injected into the human system, is there any the results of which are more insidious in onset or more terrible in final effect than cowpox?.

In cases where treatment on ordinary constitutional lines has failed, enquiry into past history has, time and time again, revealed anything from one to six or more vaccinations, whereupon treatment instituted to antidote their effects has provided eminently helpful and frequently produced brilliant success in such a wide range of disease conditions as psoriasis, epilepsy, paresis, trigeminal neuralgia, varicose eczema, carcinoma and sarcoma, haemorrhoids, dysmenorrhoea, asthma, recurrent pneumonia, contracture, duodenal ulcer, angina pectoris, chronic rheumatism, neurosis, biliousness, insomnia, warts and moles, pruritus ani, chronic bronchitis, and innumerable other aberrations from normal health covered by allopathic nomenclature.

Such investigation into a patients past history must, however, be conducted systematically to ascertain correct sequence of events and to maintain that sequence in treatment. If enquiry be made for vaccinations only, and acute infectious diseases be ignored, seldom will good results be obtainable. Hahnemanns third “Direction of Cure”, i.e., reverse order of appearance, must be obeyed, however convinced one may be that an infancy vaccination is at the root of the trouble and that a subsequent measles, which permanently affected the sight, has nothing to do with it.

To neglect that law is to invite disaster or, at best, to fail where one might have cured.

Miss G. 60. HISTORY:

Vaccinations. (a). Infancy, took severely.

(b) 1902, almost complete failure.

Measles and chickenpox, no sequelae.

German measles, rash partially suppressed.

Mumps in 1925, severe, with slow recovery.


1. Parotidin, because mumps was last to appear.

2. Thuja, because vaccination failed at 18.

3. Rubeolin, because German measles rash partially suppressed.

4. Measles and chickenpox negligible in this case.

Mrs. R. 64. History:

1. Vaccination in infancy, normal course.

2. German measles at seven.

3. Influenza and septic pneumonia at forty-two.

4. Phlebitis and boils at fifty-nine.

5. Quinsy at sixty-one.


Tuberculosis on fathers side.

Patient, delicate in childhood, has suffered from chronic bronchitis since the influenza pneumonia in 1918, and from varicose ulcers for the last ten or twelve years.


1.Boils and quinsy can be passed over as legacies from the septic pneumonia.

2. Streptococcin given in July 1939, result unsatisfactory. Pyrogen given in September has kept patient free of colds all through this exceptionally severe winter, and she has had more freedom of movement than usual for some years.

3. Thuja next because in all probability the vaccination was at least partly responsible for the delicate childhood.

4. Finally Tuberculin for the heredity.

Now let us take the subject in rather more detail. A complete inquisition into the patients past history would, of course, include every illness and operation, but that is outside the scope of this paper. It is advisable, however, to include influenza, acute rheumatism, rheumatic tonsillitis, pneumonia, boils and carbuncles, with the exanthemata and vaccinations and, in fact, any illness which has had an adverse effect upon the subsequent health of the patient.

(a). Vaccination. It is important to know how often and when a patient has been vaccinated, and whether each one was a success or failure. It is essential that the doctor should examine for himself the presence or absence, size and visibility of vaccinations marks. Vaccination performed twice or oftener, whatever the results may have been, necessitates the use of an antidote.

Vaccination performed once, if it took badly, or failed wholly or partially, falls into the same category. Even if it ran a normal course, yet if the history is given that the patients health was in any degree affected thereby, the antidote must be applied. There are several remedies to choose from, and it is not easy to say which should be preferred from, and it is not easy to say which should be preferred in any case. Thuja is the usual selection, but Malandrinum, Variolinum may be required instead.

Miss R. 64. HISTORY:

Vaccinated thrice in infancy; all failed.

Right breast and cervical glands on both sides scirrhous.

Marked general debility. Treatment unsuccessful for four years until above information elicited.

Feb. 2. 1939. Thuj. Temporary relief of pain.

April 4. Variol. NO real benefit.

May 29 and Aug. 13 Thuj tried again. Very little help.

Sept 18. Maland. Some improvement for one month only.

Nov. 13. Vaccinin. 200 (1), 1M. (1), 10M. (1), four-hourly. First month pain and nausea slightly decreased. Second month, intense aggravations, but patient better in herself. Third month, general improvement first fortnight. Then symptoms returning less severe.

March 3, 1940. Repeated Vaccinin. 200 (1), 1M. (1) 10M. (1), 4- hourly.

April 1. Aggravations less severe. On whole, better in herself.

Whether this patient has the vitality to maintain progress or not is still problematical.

(b). Exanthemata. It is necessary to have every attack dated, at least approximately, so that orderly treatment may be instituted.

Two or more attacks of any acute infectious disease are sufficient reason for exhibition of the corresponding nosode. But where single attack has been severe, or has run an unusually long course, as whooping-cough often does, or was complicated by pneumonia or impairment of vision as in measles, or nephritis or deafness as in scarlet fever, then, no matter how much ordinary constitutional treatment that patients receives, there will be no permanent cure until the nosode has been given.

It will be profitable now to study some examples of benefit obtained.

1. Psoriasis.

R.K. 18. A stammerer. Congenital psoriasis inherited from his father. Had been treated by met at intervals for several years but without success. He returned in the spring of 1939, when I obtained this history: Vaccinated once, normal course. His father had been vaccinated four times, of which three were failures. April 20, 1939. Thuj. 200 (1), 1M. (1), twenty-four hourly. Feb 2, 1940. He reported that the psoriasis had been away, but a few new spots were now appearing. Stammer only a slight hesitation. Repeated Thuj.

Mrs. R. First seen in 1926 at age 48. Nervous breakdown in 1917. Still inclined to be neurotic. Under constitutional treatment nervous symptoms disappeared and were replaced by rheumatism which in turn was driven out to the surface as psoriasis in 1932. Treatment for the psoriasis only effected temporary periods of improvement until last year, when I obtained information concerning two vaccinations. The first, in infancy, had left six large and plainly visible marks, but the second, in 1920, had almost failed, there being only one very faint mark.

Aug. 11, 1939. Thuj. 30 (1), 200 (1), 1M. (1), twenty-four hourly.

Nov. 11. Long aggravation, followed by slow improvement.

Jan. 30, 1940. Marked improvement. Healthy skin appearing in places. An old umbilical discharge had cleared up.

March 29. Steady progress. Deaf ear clear of eruption; slight return of hearing. Upper limbs almost healthy, and crusts on lower limbs thinning.

2. Epilepsy.

Miss Mc. V. 27. Treatment unsuccessful 1931 to 1939.


Measles at six months and at three years old, affected eyes.

Vaccinations. (a). Infancy, normal course.

(b). Two later, both failed.

Fits began at sixteen, after the second vaccination.

It was this case which taught me that the third Direction of Cure must be obeyed, for Morbill. was given first, causing only severe aggravation without subsequent amelioration. Thuja was then prescribed, the result being one severe fit within a month, and no actual fits since, though there have been attacks of vertigo suggesting petit mal, with diminishing frequency.

3. Varicose eczema.

Miss I. 42. Dry eruption on legs for the last five years, with burning itch. Healthy otherwise.

Vaccinated twice; two rather faint marks each time.

Nov. 23, 1939. Thuj. 30 (1), 200 (1) 1M. (1), twenty-four hourly. Initial aggravation, eruption oozing, inflammation extending to head and face, followed by steady improvement for four months.

Thuja repeated April 5.

J.D. 63. Man. July 28, 1939. Complained of stinging pain in nipples last three weeks; said they were swollen and hard in June. There was a stony hard knot in both breasts. Ran. b. tried without success.

Two vaccinations, both of which ran a normal course.

Aug. 25, 1939. Maland. 30 (1), 200 (1), 1M. (1), once a day. Oct 31. Knots gone.

Mrs. F. 59. Vomiting and abdominal discomfort four months. No pain. Flatulence distressing. Debility; needs two people to help her out of bed. Seven healthy children. Psoriasis formerly, recurrent always suppressed with ointments. A few warts in childhood.

C. Gordon