WAYS OF GIVING THE POTENCY. In disease of great pathology or with more end results present or in the aged where vitality is sadly weakened, one should favor the low potencies perhaps given a little more often, while in early functional states with not much pathology as yet present and in the young with lots of vitality, higher and higher potencies can be nicely tolerated.

As we all know, this controversy over the right potency is one of much thought. But today I propose to throw a new light, gleaned from practical experiences on the subject.

I grant you that starting with a low potency, feeling your way along and then gradually working higher is the recognized true course of procedure; the higher the potency, the more dynamic the action, which is after all the true action that all pure homoeopaths are seeking; the lower the potency, the more materialistic the action.

In disease of great pathology or with more end results present or in the aged where vitality is sadly weakened, one should favor the low potencies perhaps given a little more often, while in early functional states with not much pathology as yet present and in the young with lots of vitality, higher and higher potencies can be nicely tolerated.

So, if you think you have the right remedy and nothing happens, do not despair; you may not have the right potency. In the similimum one has a great tool; it is my purpose to tell you how to use that tool. Cases in mind have failed to respond to the CM, but falling back to the 30., I got beautiful results. Evidently, I was in the wrong vibration frequency. There is no such thing as the ideal potency for all. I have seen the CM work wonders. I have seen the tincture run up to the 3rd, work wonders; yes, and even the straight tincture, as in one case of angina pectoris with the typical iron band constriction.

Cact. 200 gave only moderate relief. Cact. 1M did but very little if any more good. Then I happened to think that one of my old professors said that the way to give Cact. was 5 drops of the tincture in a 1/2 glass of water, a teaspoonful every 2 hrs. until relieved. This cured the case.

Ornith.|H| in water succeeded, when Lyc. in all its potencies failed; I am satisfied the man had a Ca of the stomach with typical Lyc. symptoms.

If you have an extremely tough chronic case, I think you have to hammer at that case and not give just a single dose and wait and wait and wait and lose precious time in waiting. There is no danger of proving a remedy on a sick person.

Give the patient the benefit of all they can get out of each potency if it is acting well. One such case, a cancer of the left breast with intolerable pain, was advanced and advanced perhaps too rapidly from Lach. 200 up to and including Lach. DM with only fair results. Then, finally, Lach. 1M. was dissolved in 8 teaspoonfuls water and a teaspoonful every hour was given until relieved. This has held that woman now for 6 months without any pain and the lesions is healing. This cancer of left breast is now doing nicely after 8 years. Pain in ulcer of stomach is stopped by Ars. 50 M in water the same way.

Now if you have a case that you are fairly sure is going to be here next week, or the vitality is not playing out too fast as to not permit one to juggle the potencies, then I would say that the trying of different potencies and the giving of some of them in water is an excellent way to get a “take.” But on the other hand, if your case is desperate and minutes are counting, choose your remedy well, dissolve it in 3 teaspoonfuls of water and give a teaspoonful every 2 hours. Due to your rush for time, if no results are seen, it is advisable to change your remedy every 6 or 12 hours, if necessary to save your patients life, using some good medium potency like the 1M or 10M.

For antidotal purpose of some poison or drug abuse, use the potency of that substance high 50M and CM. Such interfering drugs may be aspirin, X-ray, poison ivy, sulfas, penicillin, etc. Wait 48 hours, then you may give your true remedy with astonishingly good results.

As a rule, the average chronic case I start on the 200. or 1M, 5 doses 12 hours apart. If a remedy is going to “hit,” it will do so in 48 hours.

Finally, as an example of how hard a stubborn case may have to be hammered, let me cite a man of 70 with the worst kind of bone cancer of left hip with osteomyelitis. Calc fl. 30., twice a day for a week; then 200. same way for 5 days; then increase the potency for a month or so and all the while keep him on Calc. fl. 6th every 3hrs. This sounds radical but a disease like this is no childs play and you cannot afford to wait because time is running out on you.

This is the way to a cure.


Wilbur K. Bond