On clipping the hair from the neck the swelling showed up clearly. Diagnosis was injury to the neck, possibly a dislocation with some congestion. We applied a thick tape of absorbent cotton soaked in arnica lotion and bandaged, and gave Arnica 1x three drops in water three time a day. Next morning there was marked improvement. Same treatment continued for two days more.

I notice a request in the June number of Homoeopathic Recorder for reports of veterinary cases treated homoeopathically. I will endeavor to give a few cases of interest treated here at our hospital. I would first crave indulgence on the part of the readers for any faults made in these reports, as I do not pretend to be a writer of scientific articles, and certainly not a first- class homoeopath, only a very enthusiastic one and a staunch believer in the system of homoeopathy. First, I would like to say that I practiced allopathy for about twenty years. I several times read considerable about homoeopathy, but always felt it would be a very difficult system to follow.

However I was all the time growing more dissatisfied with the allopathic method, although I was not in any way having bad results as far as recovery was concerned; only I felt (as of course I still feel) that Nature was playing a very big part in recovery (and that is where I think Homoeopathy is a far superior system to allopathy in helping Nature and not in hampering her), and with good nursing, and the limited amount of medicine. My loss of faith in allopathy led me into taking a more interested view of homoeopathy with the result I purchased every homoeopathic veterinary work I could get and studied them and started right in with the best of results.

I would say that “Veterinary Homoeopathy” by Hurndall, has been a great assistance to me in working out treatments. One of most remarkable recoveries that I know of with this treatment was a case of a greyhound suffering from intestinal “flu,” having very severe haemorrhages from the bowel. They (the owners) had already lost one dog which on P.M. appeared to be “intestinal flu”.

This animal was brought to us in a very low condition and having very profuse haemorrhages. One dose of Ipecac 1x, three drops in water was given immediately on arrival at hospital, this cleared up the bleeding. The next day a dose or two of Carbo Veg. 3x was given. While recovery went on without interruption during the next week there were a few loose and foul smelling bowel movements, when a dose of Sulphur and a few more doses of Carbo Veg. were administered with complete recovery.

Another case of interest was a toy dog weighing about three or four pounds brought to the hospital with a history of having been under treatment at another hospital for about a week without any improvement. On being asked by the owners what was wrong with the dog, they told them they did not know, but that they had given him a good cleaning out, probably Castor Oil or a Compound Cathartic.

On examination we found a peculiar stiffness of the whole body, especially the forequarters, head and neck, the eyes, mouth, lips and tongue were terribly cyanosed. An examination of the heart by the stethoscope proved negative. On palpitation and manipulation there seemed to be a peculiar indurated condition of the whole muscular system, especially the neck and a very large swelling, embracing the whole cervical vertebrae. The head could not be either elevated or turned without the dog crying out in pain.

On clipping the hair from the neck the swelling showed up clearly. Diagnosis was injury to the neck, possibly a dislocation with some congestion. We applied a thick tape of absorbent cotton soaked in arnica lotion and bandaged, and gave Arnica 1x three drops in water three time a day. Next morning there was marked improvement. Same treatment continued for two days more. Almost complete recovery, and a days more treatment completed the recovery. Dog can now lie in any position, eats well, and can elevate and lower head without any difficulty.

We have found Pulsatilla a very useful remedy to give three times a day for a month to females before helping, making an easy and safe delivery of pups.

Rhus Tox., external and internal, excellent i n eczema.

Euphrasia, for eye treatment in conjunctivitis.

Nux Vom., for gastric and intestinal treatment.

Arnica, for injuries, bruises, etc.

Calendula, for wounds, especially safe for cuts

Cactus Grandiflor., for heart treatment in shock.

Ipecac, for vomiting, haemorrhage of bowels

Chimaphila Umbel., for discharge from piles, balanitis, etc.

Passiflora., for nervousness.

Chelidonium, for jaundice.

Mullein Oil, for ear troubles, deafness, etc.

Oenanthae Crocata, for fits, convulsions; also Hyoscyamus.

Bryonia for cough worse from moving about. With regard to cholera following distemper, we have had some success with Cuprum Acet.; also Cocculus and Cicuta Virosa in chorea with paralysis.

Cannabis Indica, in corneal ulcers.

Trusting this may be of some interest and use to your readers.

Yours faithfully,


4234 Euclid Avenue., San Diego, Cal.

George R. Bowyer