VERIFICATIONS AND COMMENTS. Blow to lower extremity of the fibula with but slight pain. Five days later the foot swollen, cold, oedematous, dusky redness, very tender could not step; abrupt demarcation of the swelling at a line above the ankle. Hamamelis 1M. Resumed his walking job in forty-eight hours.

Read before I.H.A. Bureau of Clinical Medicine, June 17, 1940.

Scattered through these verifications the reader will find an occasional symptoms which may not be found in the provings but because of its association is to pertinent to let pass. Many such symptoms are found in clinical experience which are invaluable in their finer distinctions and which bring the finer results, for instance the relief from cold applications of Bellis perennis, or its amelioration from pressure over bony regions but intense aggravation from pressure over the soft tissues. Such distinctions are of the highest grade whether proved or clinical.

Although the bulk of our work is done with the provings of Hahnemann and the very early masters our materia medica is so vast and the ailments of people so complex that the search for the striking, peculiar and characteristic is sure to lead out of the beaten paths occasionally. Following back my prescriptions for about two years I was surprised at the number of these deviations.

The remedies mentioned are a mere handful of the many which were outside common groups. Natures supply of these gentle spirit-like agents of healing is inexhaustible! Beneficently redundant! Every morbid variation, every nuance in the realm of troubled mind, spirit and flesh seems to have its corresponding little genius in the outer world, waiting only for human understanding to let it perform its miracles.

As to this little presentation the reader will observe also that even familiar symptoms are not always clothed in the well known phrases of the next. Instead, most of the patients phraseology is put into the record. This is the way it should be kept and used. If one waits always on the stereotyped phrasing of the repertories many patients will go forth unrelieved.

Old lady. Urine flows and burns as soon as she lies down, otherwise difficult to urinate. Bladder feels heavy as if it would fall out. Urine which with blood and pus. Stinging and soreness in muscles. Kreosote 200 and 1M.

Drowsy; eyes feel like heavy balls. Aching at root of nose, with obstruction. Frequent urination. Symptoms followed hard after ptomaine poisoning which had been relieved by Nux vomica. Adaxukah 1M.

Combination of sluggish restlessness and dozing; prostration; fever without thirst; gripping pains in knuckles, elbows, knees. Adaxukah 1M.

“All gone”; legs especially weak; pain in joints; sleeps, wakes to moan and turn sluggishly; prostrated mentally and physically; Adaxukah 1M. Such pictures are not uncommon in acute troubles; many experience; fine grippe remedy, for instance.

Right-sided tonsillitis better with cold drinks. Mark Mercurius iodatus flavus in the repertories to the highest degree. Also add to the rubric Mercurius dulcis and the biniodide, the latter being a purely clinical observation.

Neuritis, with numbness; upper or lower extremities, < by motion, by lying but lies best on the affected side. That sciatica is < by stepping, > by sitting. Numbness of extremities without pain caused by obscure spinal maladjustments. Numerous instances; a remedy for old strains. Gnaphalium polycephalum.

Felon and other infections > by cold and < by heat; < by the part hanging down. Vipera torva.

Sad anxiety equal to Arsenicum, moans and walks, but is warm blooded. Fluttering in stomach; face becomes flushed, wants fresh air. Tries to lie down and cannot; < from collar; awakes with arrested breath but latter in the night than Lachesis. Late circulatory sclerosis-grateful palliative: Cenchris contortrix.

Hot flashes with perspiration, especially of the neck, has to go to window, then chilly. The flashes wake her late at night, with constriction of throat. Unusual coldness. Just like Lachesis? No, too cold; and the flashes later in the night instead of during the early sleep. Cenchris contortrix.

Attacks of laryngitis with tightness in the back of the throat following coryza. Patient better in the open air. Manganum aceticum.

Old man. Fear of everything, for instance, to do any accustomed simple duty; of the dark; will not button collar or have anything over the head, for instance, to pull his shirt off. Desire to yell. Stopped in the middle of a sentence to collect thoughts; unable to think what he wants to say. Confusion; anguish, lost sense of location; warm blooded, sweats with anxiety; hypotension. Stramonium failed, Glonoin the remedy.

After a series of Glonoin had done what it could the symptom picture was this: sleep well now but fears he will not. Although it is early spring he dreads next winter. Intense anxiety about little noises around the house. While sitting jerks and shivers a few seconds. Light headed in the morning; or confused; tends to fall. Hellebore 200. I had long wanted a complementary remedy for Glonoin; perhaps this may become a notable one.

Flatulence, pushing toward heart; short of breath; back weak and tired; dragging sensation of intestines when up. Long standing case of neurasthenia. Torula cervessaie.

Menstruation protracted, bright, gushes, < when urinating. Inguinal pains; weakness of lower extremities during menstruation. Trillium pendulum.

Sensation of suffocation at night with faint sensation. Fear, fears to be alone. Tightness at throat; at site of thyroid operation. Dizziness, objects seem to jump up. Crotalus cascavella.

Old lady: pressure upward from below jaws and ears as if blood crowded upwards, < by any excitement; arterial hypertension. Wakes daily with headache, as if sides of head were being pushed our. Full sensation, sides of throat. Crotalus cascavella.

Blow to lower extremity of the fibula with but slight pain. Five days later the foot swollen, cold, oedematous, dusky redness, very tender could not step; abrupt demarcation of the swelling at a line above the ankle. Hamamelis 1M. Resumed his walking job in forty-eight hours.

Old bronchitis. Forty-four years before punctured the right lung and had four inches of two ribs resected.

Coughing spells lasts two hours, racking so hands quiver, some o them at night and rising in the morning. Expectoration blood- streaked, bright, with thick heavy mucus. Hamamelis 1M.

Here is an odd one. Old lady. Sensation of balls moving in the rectum, not easily expelled; lumbar backache < after lying at night. Sensitive to cold weather. Sleepless until daybreak; heat in head, shoulders cold. Sensitive to electricity, feels it while riding in street cars and sitting near electric fan or radio. Stiffness and lameness of extremities. Fine improvement in all respects; improved an old spinal curvature and cured an old wart on the face. Galvanismus (zinc pole) 1M.

Little girl. Deficient development; restless, screams without apparent cause; persistently naughty, seems to want to provoke a spanking, she feels so much better after it; talks in a loud voice, wakes talking and cannot be stopped. Air hunger. Cannot endure constriction about waist. Lactuca virosa.

Anaemic woman: intense headaches, unable to rest in any position; feels prostrated but the sitting position last longer tan any other. Head is pounding, hot, > by rubbing though tender to touch as if it had been crushed. Constant nausea, < by water; vomiting without relief. Heat, uncovers, then chilly. Hamamelis 1M.

Hay fever suppressed by a prescription of “drops. Cough is almost continuous, < lying, < at night. Nostrils blocked. Sensitive to heat. Thirstless. Piles failed. Viola odorata 1M. cured. The reference was to a proving by Donald Macfarlan.

The man is the end of this little list. As usual one can rake up a moral. This one is to make the earnest worker sweat hot tears. Everyone in this Association knows that data like the above is of the most practical utility; and every member knows that it will appear in print, then be hidden forever. Why is it that we can fill the pages of the Recorder with so much repetitious, ear-marked kindergarten material cannot afford to have an annual index of remedies?

I have mentioned this before with no response forthwith. Is this writer the only who wants to refer to these sources? Do not other members care to use such references? If so, why not make a move in that direction? WATERBURY, CONN.


DR. DIXON: Just while he has left last remark with us, I want to say we have a champion indexer the whole world as one of our members here, Dr. Moore. I think it would be a vast help to s fellows who do study our remedies to have that index published, and if Dr. Moore would do as good a job on that as he has done on the Homoeopathician, it would be equal to a repertory for us.

DR. MOORE: Dr. Hayes, we will get to that after while. Since we have finished that Homoeopathician, that homoeopathic magazine, we have done on something that will be enlarged along the data that we have heard here, when they come out in print. the keynotes of which I have known are 1200 and of which I have given at different times to the society. If I could have a index such as I have made for that, it would take quite a while.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.