The examination of the radiographs taken of the left knee and femur, lateral view only, of Frederick II g shows considerable atrophy and decalcification of the bones comprising the knee joint. There is a large thickened area on the middle third of the femur. There is no doubt that this condition is tuberculosis of the knee joint with the extension of the process to the femur.

In my six years of Homoeopathic prescribing I had many cases with very gratifying and some with brilliant results. I believe that I have tested the remedies in every kind of physical ailments and disturbances, and have obtained results in every instance where good indication for remedies existed. I am in a position to know the difference between the results of homoeopathic prescribing and that of the allopathic prescribing, because I practiced allopathy for eleven years before I took up homoeopathy. Formerly I observed chronic skin conditions, asthmatic conditions, neurasthenic, psycasthenic, as well as chronic pathological conditions such as tuberculosis, lues, nephritis, malignant growths, ulcers, etc., and concluded that none of these conditions has a fair chance in the hands of the allopaths.

The physiological stimulation by means of crude medication, physio-, or mechano-therapy, gives here and there relief and at times even approaches a stimulation of a cure. But I cannot any longer feel that they are of any curative value. Very often the allopathic efforts both local and internal which, from apparent indication seem to relieve the pain or cure the local lesion, result in fact, in a suppression of the disease. As a result of the suppression most serious “disturbances occur, such as nephritis, cancer, or ulcer of the stomach. I have frequently seen psoriasis complicated by ulcer of the stomach due to allopathic local application.

It seems that a real cure is not possible without homoeopathy. Particularly gratifying are the results in pediatric practice. As illustrative of this I will report two cases of joint tuberculosis.

Case No. 1: Male, age fifteen. The patient came under my observation in July, 1923. Family history is negative. Previous history; had scarlet fever at the age of seven, and influenza at the age of nine.

Present complaint: About June, 1921, the patient noticed a swelling of his left knee, with cutting pains. The swelling was hot to touch but white in appearance. After three months black discoloration appeared on the skin over swelling. At times he complained of sticking pains about the left knees. It was worse on motion, and better from heat. He was usually thirsty, liked salty food, meat and sours. Felt hungry at 11 A.M., occasionally had temporal pulsating headache. At times he liked, and at other times disliked milk. The patient was at a sanitarium and later at a hospital. The tubercular joint was irrigated and curetted at times both at the hospital and at the sanitarium. He was under allopathic care from June, 1921 to July, 1923, at which latter date I adopted homoeopathic treatment.

Under the allopathic treatment he was constantly getting worse. He was reduced to 104 pounds and the prognosis even as to life was very bad. Under the Homoeopathic treatment he took a change for the better and improved constantly. His weight gradually increased to 160 pounds, his general health and his local tubercular joint constantly improved. When I started treatment the joint was extremely swollen and there was no motion present. There was a greenish pussy discharge, and there were two fistulous openings, draining the pus. Today the openings have closed, the swelling has disappeared, complete motion of the knee joint has been resorted and the patient is working.

Medicines given were: In July, 1923 – Silica, 60x, one dose; September, 1923, Fluoric Acid 12x, one dose; October, 1923, Calcarea Carb. 60x, one dose; January, 1924 – Sulphur 60x, one dose; May, 1924, Tuberculinum (Koch) 1M, one dose; January 1925 – Tuberculinum (Bov.) 50M, one dose.

The greatest amount of improvement during the treatment was obtained when tuberculinum 50M was given.

I am herewith quoting verbatim the X-ray diagnosis given at the hospital, a copy of which was mailed to me in March, 1923.

“The examination of the radiographs taken of the left knee and femur, lateral view only, of Frederick II g shows considerable atrophy and decalcification of the bones comprising the knee joint. There is a large thickened area on the middle third of the femur. There is no doubt that this condition is tuberculosis of the knee joint with the extension of the process to the femur.

Diagnosis : Tuberculosis of the knee joint and femur”.

Nathan Schwartz