TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION. Wordsworth said: “Nature never betrayed a heart that loved her.” The writer would emphatically declare the same about Homoeopathy which is, after all, nothing but nature discovered and applied in the realm of therapeutics. The way Homoeopathy heals the sick and reclaims them just from the verge of the grave is simply marvellous.

Wordsworth said: “Nature never betrayed a heart that loved her.” The writer would emphatically declare the same about Homoeopathy which is, after all, nothing but nature discovered and applied in the realm of therapeutics. The way Homoeopathy heals the sick and reclaims them just from the verge of the grave is simply marvellous. A few cases will illustrate.


Feb. 1941. Little Goodie aged about 2 years had been suffering from severe dysentery for a little more than a fortnight and had been under allopathic treatment. She had been denied all nutrition except whey, barley water, and glucose. The writer found her cyanosed and gasping for her last breaths. Her little head was restlessly rolling from side to side and she opened her parched mouth for water every few minutes. Her two Allopathic physicians had declared the case to be hopeless and had gladly given their consent to a homoeopath being called in.

A dose of Ars. alb. 30. was dissolved in distilled water and one third part given every fifteen minutes. Within about 15 minutes, the cyanosis started disappearing and the breathing became easier. Two doses were repeated at 2-hourly intervals and after this another two doses at 4-hourly intervals. She was immediately put on feeds of weak Ostermilk and juices of oranges and sweet limes. Steady recovery followed. When the action of Ars. alb. had been exhausted, Calc. carb. was found indicated and was administered for a few days.


Oct. 1942. The same little Goodie at Mussoorie Hills suffered from diarrhoea for about ten days and during it developed a remittent fever which was diagnosed by the allopathic physicians as Typhoid. The treatment of a local homoeopath was started and in spite of it the case steadily went from bad to worse till the little patient developed unconsciousness and convulsive movements of the right side of the body, while the left side was motionless and paralyzed. She did not respond when called on by name; the pupils did not react to light. At this stage the writer was called from Dehra Dun, a distance of about 20 miles, just to satisfy the last wish of the parents. All the family members were sitting around the bed of little Goodie, weeping and sobbing, excepting every breath of the patient to be the last. The local homoeopath had tried almost every medicine he considered indicated, but, luckily enough, Hyoscyamus and Helleborus were not in that list.

The writer dissolved a dose of Hyoscyamus 30. in distilled water and gave one third part every 15 minutes. Three doses were later repeated at 3-hourly intervals. When the writer called the next morning, everybody was gay and happy as Goodie had had no convulsions and was able to recognise her people. The writer had to come back to Dehra Dun and left the case in the charge of the local physician.

The father even today proudly and thankfully relates to his friends how his little child had twice been dragged out of the grave by Homoeopathy.


Oct. 1943. Mrs. T., aged 42 years, had not slept in a recumbent position for about three months and could get short naps only in the sitting posture. As soon as she lay down, she was compelled to sit up on account of suffocation and cough. She was now tired of her life, put her daughter in the school hostel and made up her mind to commit suicide by taking a large dose of opium which had actually been purchased for the purpose. She had been under expert allopathic treatment, her disease having been diagnosed as Asthma. A friend prevailed upon her to try Homoeopathy as a last resort and the writer was called in.

She wept while detailing her ailments, disliked heat, wanted the doors and windows open though the weather was fairly cold, was thirstless and had a dry, hacking cough which was worse when she lay down and was worse during the night as compared with the day. Pulsatilla 30. was fixed upon and administered three times a day. The very first night she was able to lie down several times for short intervals and the next night for several hours at a stretch. Her husband could hardly believe she was sleeping and went to see her several times during the night to make sure that she was not dead. The cough and the respiration became easier and easier day by day. The medicine was discontinued after two days and a dose of the 200th was given after about a week when the progress appeared to come to a standstill.

After about two weeks from starting the treatment, she came to the writers clinic personally to offer her “most grateful thanks” for having given her a new lease of life.


June 1951. Mr. J. R., aged about 50 years, had both his inguinal glands swollen and enlarged and had already taken a dozen tablets of Sulphathiazol and 25 lacs [In India, 1 lac= 100000- R.S.R.] units of Penicillin without the least benefit whatsoever. The surgeon said the glands must be operated upon. Two doses of Merc. Sol. 200. with a weeks interval made the patient perfectly all right. Didnt the homoeopathic remedy give a far better account of itself than the most highly applauded wonder drug Penicillin?.


9th July 1938. Baby Subhash, aged 1 year and 4 months, had been suffering from severe acute Bacillary Dysentery for more than a fortnight and was passing per day about twenty to thirty stools of blood, mucous and faecal matter; there was great tenesmus and the temperature ranged between 99 degree and 101 degree. The extraordinary feature of the illness was that in only a few days after its commencement, he appeared stunned by its violence and went into unconsciousness. Now he could not be aroused and showed no response if pinched or pricked. He stared, eyes wide open, with vacant looks, and rolled the head from side to side, sometimes throwing his arms about.

Sometimes he appeared to feel like vomiting. He swallowed water greedily whenever it was poured into his mouth. Restlessness and cough increased very much at night. For the last two days the head was retracted and the pupils did not react to light. For a few hours he had been gaping his mouth widely and there was breathing difficulty. His condition was worse daily after 4 P.M. and continued so during the night. The treatment had been allopathic all along. The writer was called in, as some friend had spoken of miracles being performed by Homoeopathy even in last stages.

July 9, 1938. Helleborus 30., two doses every 15 minutes and a third dose after 3 hours. The evening report showed that there was less blood in the stools and there was no breathing difficulty. A dose was left, to be given only if the breathing difficulty should reappear during the night.

July 10. The breathing difficulty did recur but was promptly controlled by the administration of the dose. Three doses of Placebo were given for the day and a dose of Helleborus 200. was left with the attendants to be given if the breathing difficulty should reappear.

July 11. The dose of Helleborus 200. had to be given at 4 A.M. The breathing is all right after that and there has been no blood in the stools since yesterday. But there is more rolling of the head and throwing about of arms, and more rolling about of the patient in bed than on other days which is very upsetting to the family people. It had to be explained to them on the authority of Dr. Kent that all this was necessary for the recovery of the child and must not be interfered with. Placebo t.i.d.

July 12. That condition of agony and distress did not last very long and after that the child spent a more or less quiet day except that he perspired and the body became cold several times, and he passed more stools. Placebo t.i.d.

July 13. Better. He once appeared to recognise his mother and sister, and smiled. Placebo t.i.d.

July 14. Had a comparatively bad night but no breathing difficulty. Appeared more stupid. Helleborus 200. 1 dose.

July 15. Spent a better day and night. There is marked improvement in the condition of the stool every time the medicine is repeated. Placebo t.i.d.

July 16. Continued progress in spite of increased restlessness during the night. The boy smiled when a pair of spectacles (of which he used to be very fond) was placed upon his nose. Placebo t.i.d. for two days.

July 18. Improving. Yesterday the temperature was normal most of the time. The writer, who by the way happens to be the patients cousin also, was much delighted when the little one greeted him by slowly bringing his trembling hands together.

The evening report was that the child cried a lot during the day and writhed and twisted as if on account of abdominal pain. Helleborus 200.-1 dose.

July 19. Has regained full consciousness and is better in every way except that he cries a lot, apparently owing to hunger and dentition difficulties. The gums are swollen and an edge of a molar has become visible. Wants something solid to eat and bite at. Placebo t.i.d.

July 21. Passes stools while taking the feeds. Lot of sweats, especially about the head. Feet and hands remain very cold. Calc. carb. 30. t.i.d. for two days.

R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India