This prescription, after Bry., in cases of pneumotyphoid (affection of both lungs) with constipation, on the fourth day, meets with resolution and subsidence of fever with sweating – without any disturbance of pulse or economy, in a single night, on the ninth day, to hasten a perfect cure, most surprising to note.

Anacardium Orientale-Dyspepsia with occasional rumbling in intestines and feeling of insufficient stool, loss of taste and appetite, occasional distension of abdomen with gas and insomnia brought on from prolonged suffering from malarial fever or youthful follies after well selected medicine fail.

Baryta Carb.-Asthmatic cough from tickling near the bifurcation of trachea, rattling in the chest, wheezing, pressure, inflammation of throat with swelling of glands of the affected parts and tip of elongated uvula bent angularly to the right.

Belladonna-Restoration of strong labor-pains after total subsidence of them, pointing to asphyxia of the child in the womb, after discharge of liquor amnii provided the pain was violent and occasional previously.

Chelidonium Majus-Establishes in patients with fistula-in-ano with thick yellow pus, slightly fetid, profuse ichorous discharge nearing watery one, not met with, though longed for, throughout the long period of suffering. The prescription finds way for constipation.

Gelsemium- Serves to cause delivery within a few minutes after Bell. sets the passage to right except establishing the pain to one continuous one and want of flexibility of the os uteri with the symptom that the patient falls asleep after each paroxysm of pain.

Ipecacuanha-Constant hiccough (after an interval of a few minutes) and sinking of the pulse with blood-dysentery caused by fluid of indigenous plants is cured like magic spell as soon as it comes in contact with the mucous membrane of the throat, to the perfect astonishment of attending spectators to total relief of the patient.

Leptandra Virginica-Cases of dysentery, obstinate, not responding even to injections and pronounced as incurable and hopeless by our old-school friends, stool appearing like thin ink-black fluid (altered blood), passed involuntarily, and fish-like smell. This must be preceded by Sulphur. Record of number of stool counts innumerable.

Lycopodium-Nocturnal fever, not regular but appearing at any moment with chilliness, pain in loins felt till the morning hours with lameness, want of appetite, loss of taste, and lardaceous….

and clumsy feeling of tongue, thirstlessness in all the seasons of the year, want of ability to sweat, sure to be covered even in the hottest nights of Indian summer, in women going to menopause, and a constant palpitation, a pulsating feeling of the heart, even if the disease be of years standing and undisturbed by natural diet (rice) and daily bath.

Nux Vomica-Spasm of the stomach caused by taking food after fasting. Amelioration ensues after vomiting of a quantity of ingesta and not after stool.

Case I.-A woman of about forty-eight years lay on her right side with legs drawn and body bent forward, teeth clenched, perfect inability to talk or to make any sound whatsoever. A dose of Nux vom. followed by vomiting relieved.

Case II.-A woman of about seventy-six winters had much restlessness with extreme pain throughout the abdomen, the pain located in the navel region and radiating to all directions, fasted previous day, had bleeding piles, a human pickle from bleeding of piles, pain caused by a piece of rich food, felt as forcible clutching pain, as if tearing the intestines, passed a stool to no relief. Perfect relief after vomiting after a dose of Nux vom.

Sulphur-This prescription, after Bry., in cases of pneumotyphoid (affection of both lungs) with constipation, on the fourth day, meets with resolution and subsidence of fever with sweating – without any disturbance of pulse or economy, in a single night, on the ninth day, to hasten a perfect cure, most surprising to note.

K. Chatterjee