IN SICKNESS and IN HEALTH-BREAD IS ALWAYS THE FIRST FOOD. Soon as solid nourishment can be taken, bread-and-butter is at once prescribed-BREAD to restore exhausted energy, to renew vitality. Easily digested, giving all its goodness to the system- Bread remains the best re-energizing food.

THE newspapers have printed large and expensive advertisements in praise of bread, worded as follows:-.

IN SICKNESS and IN HEALTH-BREAD IS ALWAYS THE FIRST FOOD. Soon as solid nourishment can be taken, bread-and-butter is at once prescribed-BREAD to restore exhausted energy, to renew vitality. Easily digested, giving all its goodness to the system- Bread remains the best re-energizing food.

For energy and vitality eat plenty of BREAD.

“Bread is likely to remain the staff of life for many generations to come.” Dr. R.A. McCance, M.A., M.D., Ph.D., M.R.C.P., Kings College Hospital, London, in The Medical Press, November, 1934.

This advertisement is illustrated by the picture of a very sick girl who is given by a smiling nurse a tray of white bread and butter, while a spectacled doctor is benevolently and approvingly looking on.

Very likely, this advertisement is paid for by the organized millers or bakers, or both, and it is an outrage which is to be resented. The organizations of the millers and bakers know quite well that white bread is not the staff of life, but one of the gravest causes of ill-health, of constipation, auto-intoxication, decay of teeth, etc. A cageful of rats, or other laboratory animals, fed on white bread and water, will die miserably in a very short time from the most horrible diseases. They will develop gastric and duodenal ulcers, appendicitis, colitis, become paralysed or insane. A cageful of similar animals fed on wholemeal bread and water will flourish and increase.

It is infamous on the part of the wealthy organizations to mislead the public by these advertisements. White bread is not only deficiency food, being robbed of the most important germ of the grain and the bran, but it has been made injurious by the millers, who bleach the flour with dangerous chemicals, and by the bakers, who blow up the bread with chemical “improvers”, enabling them to sell water at the price of bread.

I hope that none of the readers of this journal will be misled by the mendacious propaganda of the millers and bakers, who are becoming alarmed by the steady falling of in the sale of bread. The people realize that white bread, as produced at present, is worthless, and in ever-increasing numbers refuse to eat it. Wholemeal bread and whole-meal products, such as Shredded Wheat, Allinsons Wholemeal Bread, etc., are, of course, in a totally different category.

McCance R A