It is equally valuable to experienced homoeopaths, both professional and lay. Every homoeopathic doctor will be charmed and delighted by the experiences related by the writer, and will profit greatly by studying the methods employed by our contributor. The books is outstanding value, and it should be read, re-read, studied and re-studied, pondered over and annotated by every reader.

The title of this book is intriguing and well chosen. There is something unbelievable and absolutely magical in homoeopathy. To the uninitiated homoeopathy is a joke. It is inconceivable to the average individual, and especially to the scientifically trained individual, that a millionth of a grain or a billionth of a grain of salt, or a decillionth of a grain of quicksilver should have any healing power.

As a matter of fact, the infinitely small doses of homoeopathy possess infinitely great power. No homoeopath can explain it. Even Hahnemann recognized that there was something miraculous and uncanny in the wonderful power of the infinitesimal. Only those who have employed minimum doses realize that there is something magical about them.

There are two kinds of homoeopaths. There are the homoeopaths who use comparatively substantial doses only such as a thousandth of a grain, a millionth of a grain, etc., and there are those who work particularly with high and very high potencies, which means that they use usually or exclusively minimum doses.

The writer of this book, Dr. Shepherd, is a great enthusiast for homoeopathy, and a great doctor. She has to her credit numerous cures and she prefers the use of minimum doses in accordance with the methods of her teacher, Professor Kent. She is a true disciple of Hahnemann.

Most medical books are absolutely unreadable to the generality. Dr. Shepherds book is an outstanding exception. Every reader of this magazine looks out for Dr. Shepherds articles because she has a unique way of describing her cases in the plainest, most popular and most interesting language. The book before us does not read like a medical book, it reads like a novel, and it is a most excellent introduction to homoeopathy which will appeal particularly to those who wish to study the wonderful art of healing evolved by Samuel Hahnemann.

But her book appeals not only to laymen and beginners. It is equally valuable to experienced homoeopaths, both professional and lay. Every homoeopathic doctor will be charmed and delighted by the experiences related by the writer, and will profit greatly by studying the methods employed by our contributor. The books is outstanding value, and it should be read, re-read, studied and re-studied, pondered over and annotated by every reader.

Dr. Shepherd, like many homoeopathic doctors, was trained in the orthodox school and had no intention of becoming a homoeopath. Many orthodox doctors have been converted to homoeopathy, either because they discovered that incurable cases of theirs could be cured by homoeopathy, or because they themselves were ailing or ill, and were saved by homoeopathic treatment when orthodox medicine had failed. The book begins with a very interesting chapter; “My Conversion to Homoeopathy.”

Then come a few introductory chapters such as,”The Laws Governing the Science and The Basis of the Remedies,” “The Action of the Minimum Dose in Acute Epidemics,” “Homoeopathy in Dentistry,” “Homoeopathy in Obstetrics,” “Homoeopathy is the Best Preventive,” then follow a number of chapters of a practical kind which are of absorbing interest, such as “How to Cure Tonsillitis,” “Difficult Children,” “Homoeopathy in Womens Ailments,” “Troubles of the Change of Life,” “Tumours,” “Colitis,” “Some Acute Cases,” “Epilepsy Cured by Lycopodium,” “The Cure of a Rare Skin Disease,” “The Cure of a Backward Child,” “Rheumatism,” “Rheumatoid Arthritis,” “Furunculosis,” “Bronchopneumonia,” “Chronic Bronchitis,” etc.

The book contains a wealth of invaluable information, and is attractively written by a spirited, high-minded woman who is full of enthusiasm good humour and true humanity. It has been selling very well and it is to be hoped that before long it will go into a new edition.

Dorothy Shepherd
Dorothy Shepherd 1885 – 1952 - British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Graduated from Hering College in Chicago. She was a pupil of J.T.Kent. Author of Magic of the Minimum Dose, More Magic of the Minimum Dose, A Physician's Posy, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases.