
James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Syphilinum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Whenever the symptoms that are representative of the patient himself have been suppressed in any case of syphilis, and nothing remains but weakness and a few results of the storm that has long ago or recently passed, this nosode will cause reaction and restore order and sometimes do much curing, and the symptoms that must always be present, that represent the disordered state of the economy will appear to guide to a restoration of health.

When a syphilitic patient has suffered from a course of typhoid he may be very slow in convalescing, but a single dose of Syphilinum high will cause him to eat and feel stronger and gain rapidly.

How does the old school treatment of syphilis differ from barbarism? one might well ask. The strong drugging by Mercurius and iodides so debilitate that all who pass through are invalids and weak; even then they are not cured of syphilis – if they were cured we could not cause to come back the symptoms that have been removed.

Syphilinum often does bring back the ulcers in the throat and the eruptions. When there are violent neuralgias of the head, in sides of head and over the eyes, great soreness in bones of legs and head, and the multitude of symptoms of nerve syphilis all nondescript, then it is that the patient will be made free from suffering, and given sleep, strength and appetite.

But the ulcers and eruptions will come back in some cases, and it is all the better if they do. It is by no means limited to patients who have had syphilis. It can be used like any remedy against the symptoms of the provings, or such as are similar to symptoms common to the disease or against the symptoms like the numerous verified clinical symptoms.

Many symptoms are worse at night in bed, many come on in the evening and last till morning. From sundown to sunrise marks the time of many violent pains and sufferings. Some are better from heat, and some are better from cold air and cold applications, There is great prostration in the morning on waking. It has cured many cases of epilepsy. Epileptic convulsions after -menses. Sleeplessness, sometimes only one-half of the night, again the whole night. The blood feels hot flowing through the arteries during the night.

Wandering pains here and there all over the body. Pain in the periosteum, nerves and joints. Pains sometimes increase gradually and decrease gradually. Sharp pains here and there. Complaints worse in the cold weather of winter and heat of summer. Extreme emaciation. Abscesses. Paralysis of limbs. Caries of bone. Curvature of spine. Gummata. Dwarfish children. Curvature of bones. Enlarged glands. Offensive odor of the body. Soreness to touch in many parts, especially bones. It has often been observed that in syphilized invalids remedies act but a few days and must be changed.

This always calls for the nosode, when there is only great weakness and few symptoms it will act well.

When there is ulceration of legs, throat, mouth or other parts with no repair. Fistulous openings, exostoses, fissures, tubercles and warts have been cured promptly. When it has been used against the primary manifestations of the disease and in the earlier phenomena it has generally resulted in failure. It is seldom the best remedy for syphilis per se, but for marked and suppressed syphilis it seems to restore a sort of order and bring better reaction.

The author has many times observed that gummata in throat and anus will take on destructive ulceration in old broken down cases after Sulphur has been given, and that Syphilinum will restrain it and establish repair.

Sulphur often produces prolonged aggravation when there are many tissue changes in advanced cases of syphilis. Such changes are most likely gummata. The effort of Sulphur is to remove the results of disease, which the patient cannot stand. It often causes suspicion of latent syphilis when such aggravations are very severe after Sulphur high. Sulphur low will not be followed by such results. After such prolonged aggravations Syphilinum should be considered. Latent syphilis often exists where it is least expected. This nosode should be used only in high potencies.

Mind: Forgetful. Weak minded. Laughing and weeping without cause.

He cannot remember faces, names, dates, events, books or places. He cannot calculate. Despair of recovery. Melancholia. Fears he is going insane. Imbecility. Indifferent to his friends, and feels no delight in anything.

Dreads the night and dreads the morning, as the weakness and soreness are worse on waking. He always says he is not himself and he cannot feel like himself. A middle-aged man who had suffered many years from latent syphilis abandoned his business and remained at home lamenting and sad. His wife supported the family by keeping boarders.

After receiving a few doses of Syphilinum he took on new energy and became industrious and prosperous. Much vertigo. Aphasia. In some of these cases of brain syphilis. Sulphur and Causticum have caused prolonged suffering and weakness. Syphilinum will act favorably.

Head: Syphilitic invalids are often sufferers from violent neuralgic headaches.

Violent pains in sides of head, forehead or temples. Pain from temple to temple, from ear to ear, one eye to occiput; supraorbital pains. Pain sometimes ameliorated by warmth. Bursting pains; fullness of head.

Maddening pains all night, causing sleeplessness. Headache and delirium. Neuralgia of head beginning at 4 P- M., growing gradually worse until midnight and then gradually better, ceasing at daylight. Great soreness of the pericranium. Many pains are confined to a direct line and are called linear headaches. Violent crushing pains in occiput. Stupefying headaches in the forehead or occiput. Cutting pains in occiput.

Headache through the temples, hence vertically, like an inverted letter T. Headaches involving the whole top of the head as if head would be crushed in. Violent pain in whole head with red face, enlarged veins of face, restlessness and sleepless nights. Aggravated nights. Tubercles all. over the scalp. Exostoses in the cranium, very sore and painful. The hair is falling out.

Eyes: Paralysis of the eye muscles is common.

Strabismus. Diplopia. Amaurosis. Atrophy of the optic nerve. The retina is pale, gray and spotted. Myopia. Iritis. Ptosis. Paralysis of the superior oblique. Chronic recurrent phlyctenular inflammation of the cornea.

Conjunctivities with ulceration. Ulceration of the cornea. Interstitial keratitis. Spots on the cornea. Left eye covered with fungus-like growth, pain intense; aggravated at night. Acute ophthalmia neonatorum when one of the parents has had syphilis. Copious purulent discharge from eyes. Lids enormously swollen. Eyes cannot be opened because of swelling. Iritis with intense pain at night, and photophobia. Pain in eye from sundown to sunrise. Scalding tears.

Ears and nose: Sharp pains in ear.

Purulent watery discharge from ear. Caries of mastoid. Paralysis of auditory nerve. Calcareous deposit on tympanum.

This remedy has cured many cases of offensive green or yellow discharge from nose in children with specific history. Dryness of nose; obstructed at night. Frequent attacks of coryza. Always taking cold in nose. Syphilitic ozaena. Bones of nose destroyed by caries and nose depressed. The whole nose destroyed by ulceration. Epistaxis from ulcers. Hard plugs in nose.

Face: Neuralgia of face.

Paralysis of one side of face. Tubercles and copper-colored eruption on face. It has palliated cancerous ulceration of face. Scabby eruption on face. It has cured rupia on the cheek. Papules and pustules.

The lips are fissured and ulcerated. Ulcers on chin, lips, and wing of nose. Wing and side of nose eaten away by an ulcer. It has cured many cases of lupus of face.

The teeth are deformed, distorted, spotted; decay early; cup shaped in children. Violent pain in teeth, Crawling in the roots of the teeth, like a worm.

Mouth and tongue ulcerated. Breath foetid. Tongue soft, spongy, easily indented in persons who have long taken Mercury. Paralysis of tongue, one-sided. Tongue red, excoriated, cracked and sore. Patches on tongue. Denuded patches. Red spots. Copious viscid saliva in mouth. Ulceration of soft palate. Caries of hard palate. Soft palate entirely destroyed. Bleeding from ulcers.

Throat studded with ulcers. Inflammation of throat and tonsils. Soft palate swollen and nodular. Post nasal catarrh and ulceration. Posterior nares plugged with crusts. The appetite is perverted. Longing for strong drink. Thirst.

Aversion to food, to meat. No desire to eat. All food disagrees. Flatulence. Heartburn; nausea; vomiting. Ulceration of stomach.

Rectum and genitals: The rectum is the-seat of many symptoms and conditions.

Ulceration, fissures, piles; nodules, gummata, copious bleeding; cutting, burning pains. Condylomata. Constipation. Paralysis of rectum; prolapsus of anus. Relaxed protruding rectum.

This nosode has cured nodular formations in testes, spermatic cord and scrotum. It has cured herpetic eruptions on prepuce and scrotum. Induration of testes and spermatic cord.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.