
J.H.Allen discussed how suppression of secondary lesions by surgery pushes the disease into sycosis. here he presented few cases in favour of this statement….

Modern surgery is another great source of suppression of this disease, and the consequent prevalence of secondary and tertiary lesions. Indeed, the increase of Sycosis during the past twenty years has enriched the specialist and the surgeon of abdominal, pelvic, aural and throat diseases. A great proportion of this class of surgically or mechanically treated diseases, now so common, is dependent upon Sycosis; causing those specialists to derive a large income from the suffering public, without really knowing what they are treating. Why should this be so? The majority of these men would not deal in this way with Syphilis- no; they are extremely careful, and cautions how they approach or operate upon syphilitic lesions, no matter how serious their character or the seeming necessity of operation. Why? Because they have learned the lesson well, their past experiences and the past records of such procedures, have proved to them, over and over again that the results are disastrous; that the disease returns or retaliates against them, in some other part of the organism; besides, they have found out that the so-called anti- syphilitic or constitutional treatment is after and far more satisfactory in the end.

Then why should not the same thing be true of Sycosis? It is any less virulent? Any less specific in its destructive action upon the human organism? We think not. It is in some ways more destructive, more positive, more speedy in bringing to a conclusion, its death processes. Syphilis will often take years to accomplish what Sycosis will begin and bring to a fatal conclusion in a few months, even in a few weeks. The great reason is, that men fail to see the true relationship between the act of suppression, and the new diseases, and new processes that are forthcoming. This is because they are not familiar with the workings of the sycotic miasm; they seem to know scarcely anything about the secondary or tertiary steps, or the symptomatology that develops from a suppression in the primary or secondary stages. This is true of all schools of medicine who have not studied miasmatics. Pneumonia may suddenly develop and take away the life of the patient, yet it appears to be no different to them from the ordinary form of that disease.

Peritonitis makes its appearance in women, after the suppression of a leucorrhoea, or after an operation upon some of the pelvic organs that were effected with Sycosis, and the relation between the secondary inflammatory process, and the suppression of a specific venereal leucorrhoea is not seen; neither could they see why one case of peritonitis is speedily cured and another runs on to pus pockets, extensive adhesions, and perhaps perforation. We must become acquainted with a sycotic lesion, with sycotic pus, sycotic inflammations in general before we can recognize the true processed as they develop from one condition to another, in so positive and so destructive a manner.

We must know the true character of the sycotic poison, and all its processes, especially when it is suppressed and the effects of the virus dammed up in the system, with all the eliminative processes barred and sealed up. the closing up of a sinus, that is freely discharging -purulent matter, such as a fistula or burrowing abscess, will often develop into some severe stasis of the original disease. I have seen Sycosis which had been latent for years stirred up by the repair of a lacerated cervix, lessening the drainage of the uterus. I have seen ovaries or tubes often become involved after a curettment. the uterus becomes enlarged an a chronic hypertrophy follows curetting or the use of sounds or other instruments, being forced into the uterus; abortion child-births, and their after affects, will frequently stir up an old latent sycotic difficulty that is very hard to eradicate.

These cases ought be carefully treated before childbirth, in order to remove, if possible, that specific character of the disease that is so liable to become active at these critical periods in the patients life. Operations on the rectum, removal of hemorrhoids, the suppressions of hemorrhoids by salves and medicated suppositories., rectal injections are all modes of suppression and should not be employed, as many cases of hemorrhoids, proctitis, and other diseased conditions in the rectum are due to be gonorrhoeal stasis. More especially is this true of itching piles, so frequently met with in men and which are sometimes so severe as to almost drive the patient frantic. A slight oozing from the rectum of a fishy odor is no uncommon in hemorrhoids due to sycosis. Rectal pockets and blind pouches are often present, although there is not that tendency to burrowing or formation of fistulas so commonly found in tubercular or syphilitic patients.

Warts and warty growths are common although what is known as Condylomata never dome from Psora or Sycosis alone. A careful investigation of these cases will reveal both miasms Syphilis and Sycosis to be present in the formation of condylamata, verruca, accuminata, pointed papillary growths, coxcomb and warts; this is not true of the common wart (verruca vulgaris) which is frequently met with about the rectum and sexual organs. The removal of any of these sycotic expressions of a verrucous nature (more especially those above mentioned), by local measures, potash, strong acids, by actual cautery, or electrolysis, is a fruitful source of suppression of the disease out of which raise many of our worse forms of malignancies. these warty growths on close study will show that specific nature, that persistence of character, the stubbornness so characteristic of he sycotic element. Their nature is also shown by the response to the action of anti-psoric remedies.

The majority of my readers have no doubt seen the bad effects from suppression of this venereal miasms Sycosis but it is my intention to give a number of clinics, in which I shall endeavor to show, and demonstrate the bad effects of suppression. We will also try to show you the positiveness and persistency of the disease when suppressed, as well as its malignancy and diversity of action; We will show how secret and non-assuming it is, in its beginning, in its inroads upon the internal organs and parts remote and unassociated with the disease in its primary stage. Here is a patient who has had the gonorrhoeal discharge suppressed in the first or second stage, who tells you he has never been well a day since he was cured, as he calls it. Another has had stomach trouble or some form of indigestion yet another suffers from gouty conditions, swelling of the joints;l at every change of weather, he is lame or suffers with stiffness of this muscles; some have heart troubles, valvular diseases, or rheumatic difficulties about the heart, it in the cardiac region; again we have kidney affections, pain in the back and about the loins, or they have ailments that the patients say are indescribable;something is not right, either in the physical spore or perhaps it may be found in the mental. There is somehow, somewhere, as something wrong. It is the old story of Hahnemann’s disturbed and disturbed life force. This abnormal sensation experienced by the patient is but the preparation before the onset, a gathering together of the forces before, the storm breaks out in its fury and in its miasmatic strength. As yet we have no. pathology, but pathology will come later on. The character and manner of its coming will be similar to the clinical cases we will now present to you.

Case I.George H., age 37, sandy complexion, and of a pleasant disposition, contracted Sycosis eight weeks ago. The disease was suppressed within a week or ten days, and was followed by an outbreak of intense nervousness. He says he is so nervous and irritable that there is no living with him. His other symptoms are stiffness and lameness in the muscles of the back, dull headache loss of appetite, sleeplessness, constant restlessness on lying down. The meatus is red and swollen, urine scalds him much, he is afraid something fearful is the matter with him,. Medorrhinum was given in the impotency. Four days later a slight discharge from the urethra appeared, the nervousness was much better, sleeping better, not so irritable; continued the remedy. This patient will continue to improve until a complete cure is made. Mental symptoms first to improve, discharge returned before physical symptoms became any better.

Case 2. William B., age 40, dark hair and eyes, weight 140, of an even temperament,. slow in his movements;gonorrhoea three months ago, suppressed with injections; since then temporal headaches every morning. He feels < in the morning and better as the day advances; constipation, dry scanty stools, better by heat, ankle sand feet greatly swollen nd painful. Diagnosis-gouty rheumatism, m. Nux vomica 50m, two doses. Second visit one week later. Improvement; constipation better; not so chilly; feels better in every way except the rheumatism; continued the remedy. Third visit next day; rheumatism worse; feet and ankles very painful; thinks he had better go to some mineral baths; parts not so painful when he kept quiet, but very sensitive to touch and to pressure when standing upon them. Medorrhinum c.m. cured him in two months.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908