There is no equality of men before suffering, is individual, inacessible, incommunicable. My individual struggle was not to live, but to retain the desire to live. I recalled, so often, the story-French, I believe of the dying man,who had made the great refusal. With all my desire to be honest with myself, I dared not think put the implications of what was involved.

In my experience streptococcus infection is a veritable nightmare to the laity. To my dismay, homoeopathy is not recognized, by the self-termed scientific world, as even a force to be considered in combating this malady. If we ever report a cure, by homoeopathy, that is not followed by some cardiac, renal or constitutional weakness (in other words, of our patient is really cured by homoeopathy), there was, of necessity, an error in diagnosis. if our patient die, the “old maids, gossiping society”-termed the physicians lounging room in the hospital-is very busy denouncing, in no mild terms, the treatment or lack of treatment, and spreading the scandalous libel far and near.

It is not my thought to enter into a discussion of the etiology, pathology or symptomatology of this force, inimical to health. I simply ask your indulgence while I cite, briefly, four cases illustrative of my contention. Then may I ask for a free and frank discussion of the subject matter and see if we, as an association, as swell as individuals, cannot devise some ways or means whereby justice may be meted out and truth given a fair recognition.

In the spring of 1930, Miss J., aged 40, a most loyal Hahnemannian, had a clear and very severe case of streptococcus infection. Furuncles, pustules and abscesses developed in various portions of the body. Her left limb was swollen and hard to her hip and so discolored that, for several days, it was not over- drawn to see the beginning of a line of demarcation.

Allow me to quote her own mental picture of the case.

You have asked me to tell of my reaction-to streptococcus infection. You know the clinical details, each and everyone.

There is no equality of men before suffering, is individual, inacessible, incommunicable. My individual struggle was not to live, but to retain the desire to live. I recalled, so often, the story-French, I believe of the dying man,who had made the great refusal. With all my desire to be honest with myself, I dared not think put the implications of what was involved. Daily I fanned and deliberately and stoically nurtured the waning desire to live, almost as if a mistaken word might snuff of all that desire.

For eternal witness, however, I like to recall that none of this desperate confusion unnerved my mind or made unsteady my hand. I worked at my desk steadily for hours at a time, each day. This meant steeling myself against the look of arm and breast and leg (black and hard from hip to knee). Just inert matter, horrible and repulsive to my aesthetic eye. And, all against a strange, detached numbness of body, not one atom of physical pain.

I know of no words to describe the devastating weakness and the hunger for some stimulant or sweet to whip up my lagging efforts to work (both of these had been denied me).

This is only a thumb-nail sketch of my experience. I have no desire to recall it more vividly. I realize that the lips of most of my fellow sufferers are closed before they can record the lessening clutch of the hours. I lived, and have come back to health and the homoeopathic fold of my grandparents, realizing that there can be no antithesis to truth. I lived because there was nothing in the procedure of my care and recovery to combat old Mother Nature. During this episode, I learned to detect a rare intimacy between this austere lady and one of her wisest sons.

Lachesis and Pyrogen restored her to perfect health, but, as there are mo lesions or pathology remaining, the scientific world holds that there was some mistake in diagnosis.

In striking contrast to this case, may I report another case, treated scientifically, and for whom “everything known to science was done.”.

Mr.S., 52 years of age, a meat cutter, injured his finger in March, 1934. A surgeon was called, who ordered him removed to the hospital. Diagnosis of streptococcus infection was confirmed by laboratory findings. The finger and hand began to swell. Free incisions were made to stop the upward progress. Serums and blood transfusions were used, but onward went the infection. The third day amputation above the elbow was performed. More serum and transfusions, but in thirty-six hours thereafter death claimed the victim.

In 1928, Mr.R., a patient of mine, was told by a specialist, who had an office in the same, building, that he had a spur on the septum of his right nostril which should be removed. The operation was “successfully performed” without the knowledge of his family of myself. Thirty-six hours afterwards the specialist became alarmed as the patient had a temperature of 104. I was called in and prescribe Lachesis. The following day his temperature was 100, but the specialist insisted upon spraying his nasal passage. Temperature went up. I spoke my mind about suppression, which was only a temporary avail. Clear hot water was used. Lachesis was repeated and general improvement and lowered temperature followed.

The family were sure that I did not fully realize the seriousness of the case and demanded consultation of two specialists. Very unwisely I consented, and continued as the man at the helm with both hands tied. More astringent sprays were used, with positive evidence of suppression following. Even then my remedies (Sulphur chiefly) plowed through the debris like majors. Recovery was too slow for the anxious family, and more specialists were summoned. Again history repeated itself. My remedies would gain a little a copious discharge was re- established, but this the specialist insisted upon checking, a and so we went on for five weeks. Even against the greatest odds, Arsenicum alb. mitigated the pangs of death. I was called upon to sign a death turn-streptococcus infection of the blood stream. Here again, ultra science achieved a victory. “Everything known to science was done.” Homoeopathy in the eyes of a homoeopathic family failed.

May I cite one more case in contrast to the last one. Miss G., 20 years of age, was forced by her friends to “know” that her tonsils must be removed. This she insisted upon in spite of all arguments against such a procedure. The operation was performed in the spring of 1932. She became thoroughly infected. The specialist was greatly troubled and alarmed, but I owe him a great debt of gratitude, as he kept his hands entirely of the management of the case, and alarmed, but I owe him a great debt of gratitude, as he kept his hands entirely off the management of the case, and daily admonished the family to stand firmly and loyally buy me, which they did,in spite of the most drastic criticism, It was a hard, hard struggle but homoeopathic triumphed. With the aid of such remedies as Aconite, Bryonia, Lachesis and Pyrogen, in three months Miss G. was herself again,, with no heart lesion or any other pathology, save a slight anemia.

Here is the sequel! In February, 1934, twenty months after her sickness, Miss G. made application for life insurance,. In her personal history she made mention of streptococcus infection and rheumatic fever.

The medical examiner telephoned to both the specialist and the writer to corroborate the correctness of the diagnosis. She was given a most rigid and strenuous examination and was passed by the examiner as AI. The insurance company rejected her, saying that, whereas she unquestionably had streptococcus infection, and thus far they were unable, buy any tests,to discover any heart lesion, there must be a latent lesion present so they were obliged to reject her; but if she would present herself for examination again in six months (this they later extended to a year), and if at that time, no lesion was manifest they would reconsider her application.

Four cases-fifty per cent mortality; one hundred percent recovery under homoeopathic care; one hundred per cent mortality under scientific care. Language lingers, when I attempt to find words adequately expressive of my heart feelings. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.


DR.HEIMBACH: That brings to my mind very vividly two cases of streptococcus infection. One was brought about by friction from the heel of the shoe on the heel. The first time I saw him he already had this infection about half the way up the calf of the leg, which I opened. The next day I went back and he had fluctuation higher up, and I finally concluded we had better find the homoeopathic remedy and it was Lachesis. The next day there was a little abscess in the popliteal space, but that was the end of it. He speedily got well.

The other case struck nearer home. My own wife had a very acute peritonitis, and she and I both despaired. She was almost unconscious, lying in bed, and she dropped asleep about every five minutes, and every time she was awake, she said, “Oh, I feel so weak.”.

I grasped idea and went down to the office and got dose of Lachesis. When she waked up in the next five minutes she said, “Doctor, I feel better.” and she recovered. I might add we did have to open an abscess around the left kidney.

DR.PANOS: Dr.Browns most excellent paper in this particular field brings to mind quite a few of the cases that the homoeopathic remedy always works in, if left alone. It triumphs if left alone.

Plumb Brown