The first prescription is made with the entire image of the sickness formed. People usually send for the doctor after there can be no doubt of the sickness to be treated; the doctor watches the improvement of the patient and the corresponding disappearance of the symptoms under the first prescription and when the case comes to a standstill, he is uneasy, and with increasing fidgetiness he awaits the coming indications for the next dose of medicine.

Bacillinum is the maceration of a portion of the lung of an individual who died of pulmonary tuberculosis, containing the bacilli, ptomaines and tubercles in all stages. See Dr.J.Compton Burnetts New Cure for Consumption.

Changeable mood.

Indolence, aggravated in the morning.


Sadness; forsaken feeling (Kali phos.).

Fear, unexplainable; of solitude; aggravated after sleep, in morning and during day.

Begins a task and before it is finished takes up another (Kali carb., Kali phos., Medorrhinum; under Kali iod. he does not want to begin).

Sentimental mood; melancholic interpretations of passed events and scenes.

Lascivious fancies; dwells upon them after awakening in a.m. General prostration.

Vertigo, aggravated in the a.m. and on walking, with dimness of vision.

Heaviness in occiput, aggravated in the a.m. and after sleep.

Occipito-cervical pain, aggravated in the morning on awakening, (Kali phos., Medorrhinum.)

Twitching of eyelids; intense photophobia.

Green discharges from nose; crusts; aggravated in the morning.

Hissing noise in left ear, with feeling of obstruction, and reduction of hearing.

Flushing of face and ears; face and ears him.

Taste of blood (ancestral symptom, parent having had pulmonary tuberculosis, with this as a prominent and distressing symptom); better, slimy taste, aggravated in the a.m. (Natrum sulph.)

Green discoloration of tongue.

Aversion to water (Medorrhinum); to foods; to fats.

Appetite excessive.

Emptiness in stomach; sour eructations.

Desire for eggs.

Stools forcible; brown in color.


Constriction and lump sensation in oesophagus, with difficulty in swallowing.

Awakens at night with a severe attack of constriction in larynx and gasping for breath.

Dryness of throat.

Sensitiveness to touch of lower third to sternum.

Soreness in trachea and larger bronchi.

Expectoration streaked with blood.

Huskiness of voice; tendency to laryngeal tuberculosis.

Anguish in chest, driving to distraction, ameliorated walking in open air (Kali phos., Medorrhinum, Silicea), aggravated in the morning and in closed room.

Asthma, aggravated on exertion and ascending; wheezing.

Desire to breathe deeply; oppression and heaviness on chest (Sulphur); pulse slow and weak; aggravated in the morning, from anxiety and fear, and ameliorated from exercise and walking in the open air.

Palpitation, aggravated by ascending.

Cough dry, hacking, rattling, hard, aggravated, after midnight and talking, with scanty expectoration, followed by sleepiness.

Expectoration white.

Chilliness of upper part of back and shoulders, aggravated in the afternoon.

Awkwardness; stumbling when walking.

Tendency to incoordination of lower limbs.

Restlessness of lower limbs.

Perspiration of forehead, axilla, and palms, aggravated by anxiety and slight exertion.

Pain in upper part of right foot, aggravated on walking, improved after being aggravated first few months under remedy; fallen arches improved.

Unrefreshing sleep; frightful dreams, which awaken about 4 a.m., followed by wakefulness; sleeplessness.

Dreams of death, with desire to escape; dreams of intent to violence. There is a vicious miasmatic state the remedy brings into sub-conscious expression.

Sensation of heat, general, aggravated in the morning.

Internal and external trembling.

Intense, burning sensation, rawness in posterior urethra; frequent desire to urinate increased with passing of a few drops, and felt like acid. The symptom group followed one dose of the 1M.B & T preparation, given at 9 p.m., and which appeared in a gradual degree of intensity from 12 to 1 a.m, then subsiding rapidly.

Finger warts in both axilla, aggravated on left side.

Eruption of red moles on face and back of neck (many) under 1M.B & T.

Sensation of being disjointed; joints seem weak (this is a sycotic symptom also, under Medorrhinum and Thuja, Bogers Repertory).

Inflammation of veru montanum suppressed by local applications of nitrate of silver.

Empyema covered two-thirds of right lung, which disappeared after

Lycopodium was apparently indicated and failed.

In general this remedy is aggravated in a closed room, in cold, wet weather, after sleep and from anxiety.

The amelioration occurs form motion, open air, and after eating.

The usefulness in the tubercular diathesis has been established. It is my purpose to extend the field by directing the attention to larger possibilities in the remedy.

The virulence of the tubercular activity and the prostration of cellular function have hidden the other miasmatic factors involved. The study and use of Bacillinum presents a picture of tuberculo-sycosis. It accounts for appearance of red moles and finger warts; the sensation of disjointure, which is found under such outstanding sycotic remedies as Medorrhinum and Thuja; the urinary symptoms following the single dose of the 1M.; the reproduction of the suppression of the veru montanum inflammation produced by the local application of nitrate of silver years before.

No doubt the substance has gone through some change with the process of potentization, but we can conclude that the products of human disease cannot be circumscribed within the narrow circle of the particular active miasm at the time in the person from whom taken. The range of Tuberculinum is not limited to tubercular activity or Medorrhinum to sycotic, etc. Each nosode, as its proving or clinical experience is enlarged, demonstrates that the individual from whom it was taken had impressed the substance not only with the disease development of which he was a part, latent or active, but also included the shock complications from suppressions.

The value of the nosodes of human disease products lies in the fact that each one in a different relationship possesses the sum total background of racial miasmatic developments. In this connection I offer a suggestion in the social study of the much discussed psychology of “mob action”, often syphilitic in its brutality and unreasonableness, sycotic in action and persistency, and psoric in the welding of many persons from various social strata toward a unified purpose. The explosive element represents the release of suppressed miasmatic accumulation, producing an effect entirely against the routine of long established custom.

Our modern studies in the analysis of human relationship is the back door to a recognition in the influence of fundamental constitutional disease states in the reaction of a social unity to environmental influences.

Multitudinous forms of suppression shock occur in the daily experience of life. The public demand for quick relief from pain, the economic urge for high pressure production and general social activity, has brought about a relentless effort to refine and increase the efficacy of these measures. Nevertheless, Nature is continually endeavoring to maintain a balance by adjustment.

Disease suppression shock is potentized passing from one generation to another and therapy becomes more complex in structure. This leads us to the “twilight zone” between curability and palliation, the period in which the apparently indicated remedy fails to hold the case, when repeated suppressions have covered single or group symptoms of importance, when we cannot place our finger definitely upon malignant pathology in the making the experience the presence of it being in waiting for an opportune time to manifest in cell degeneration.

In this rapidly expanding field we find the need for the nosodes. They occupy a peculiar position, possessing great possibilities to meet definite disease problems which the older men did not need or failed to meet.

Under these conditions we are consulted by the chronic patient, psychically disorganized, the day of chaotic treatment is past, the makeshift of suppression is superseded by the travelling back over the symptom road of disease and wrong treatment, and the reproduction, if possible, of the earlier disease picture.

The potential scope of these remedies corresponds to the need. They may be short-acting and open the way for another curative remedy. On the other hand if permitted to work unmolested, after proper selection, they are long and deep- acting; in a remarkable degree bringing order to the economy and establishing a process of revitalization which ushers in an enlarging period of usefulness to the patient. When carefully selected according to our proven method pleasant surprises come to physician and beneficiary.


The first prescription is made with the entire image of the sickness formed. People usually send for the doctor after there can be no doubt of the sickness to be treated; the doctor watches the improvement of the patient and the corresponding disappearance of the symptoms under the first prescription and when the case comes to a standstill, he is uneasy, and with increasing fidgetiness he awaits the coming indications for the next dose of medicine. Often he does not wait, and hence the reports of lingering sickness in out medical journals. This fidgetiness which comes from lack of knowledge unfits the physician as an observer and judge of symptoms; hence we see the doctor usually failing to cure his own children. He cannot wait and reason clearly over the returning symptoms. The first prescription may have been correct, but the second prescription is dangerous to make in a hurry.- KENT.

J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer