Seeing a request in The Records for a report of cases successfully treated by medicines, which cases among the orthodox are required to undergo surgery in order to attain the blessed state of Nirvana, I send you the following, Being as mere youngster at the game, less than two years before the mast, I ask you to overlook the lack of finesse, hoping that the results will atone for my poor artistry.

Seeing a request in The Records for a report of cases successfully treated by medicines, which cases among the orthodox are required to undergo surgery in order to attain the blessed state of Nirvana, I send you the following, Being as mere youngster at the game, less than two years before the mast, I ask you to overlook the lack of finesse, hoping that the results will atone for my poor artistry.

The first is frank ferris, a man of 52, who reported to me on December 28, in very poor health. He had been to all other local doctors who unanimously agreed, seconded by the roentgenologist, that only an operation would save his life as he was wasting away excellently. He was obdurate, however, or perhaps fearful; I felt that he was stingy. At any rate. I found the man very thing, fretful, and hypersensitive. The trouble dated back fifteen years. It consisted of gastric distress with a tremendous amount of gas with vomiting on the slightest exertion. The attacks are paroxysmal and are also brought on by excitement, during which there is a craving for pork. There is a very obstinate constipation, pulsating of heart and a queer feeling in right hypochondrium. The vomits is tasteless; there is constant nausea. Very slight jaundice, and muscle.

He was taken barrels of medicine and is very nervous. Morning is generally the worst time of day. He is worse from alcoholic drinks. doesnt recollect ever having had a desire for stool without the use of cathartic thirst at times and has tickling in right scapula. the tonsils are large and full of pus. there is poor tone of the heart muscles all else is negative. In fact, physical examination was misleading, as time, so I decided too on symptoms alone. Recollect, the was known as a good Scotchman, yet he had been spending money for years for medical attention. His last physician had told me how bad a case he was. I gave him opium followed by Aluminum in one week. both low and a constipation diet to the used for six months.

I forgot to tell him to have his tonsils out,. thereby closing twenty five easy dollars; and recommended petrolagar and regularity of going to Stool did not see him again until February 2, 1930. when I found that from his first visit this time he has been well, excellent, foes not use petrolagar or the diet; has gained and recently conducted his own successful political campaign for the provincial assembly. this man was supposed to have had a diseased gall bladder, septic chole cystitis, concomitant liver involvement and what not. I made no diagnosis and do not make an apology for so neglecting to do, for if I had Would very probably have given China, Chelidonium, cheonanthus, Collinsonia, Pulsatilla or some other remedy more closely pathological. Fortunately for the patient I paid more attention to him as a sick man.

The second case is that of a woman, Mrs. Mullins, aged 54,a perfect Pulsatilla type, fair, pudgy but active and not by any means given to fuss, though her husband was more than a trial and helped to make her worse by his solicitude. for some ten years she has had trouble with there stomach in one way or another, and hall doctors had advised during one attack or another, to demonstrate that her gall bladder was several sixes too big for her. In smug complacency she found solace in olive oil. I elicited that her trouble followed on the disappearance of a naso-pharyngeal catarrh which had been cured by atomizers, applications, and gargles. Though it is not scientific I permitted my imagination to picture his catarrh.

Though cured, migrating through sheer contrariness, to the stomach, which would account for a host of gastric symptoms chronically appearing for years, till the march of progress reached the duodenum and gall passage. However that may be, she complained of the. Deadly ache in stomach-pit going to both scapulae and worse at eleven p.m. nausea and vomiting only when eating or drinking vomits bitter and yellow. the vomiting also occurs nightly. There is anorexia, dry mouth with no thirst and a flushed face. Of course fats, etc., do not agree; never did. the bowels have been costive; uses bran. The gas comes up very easily. she has never menstruated and there are no children. The blood pressure is 160- /120.

Pyorrhoea is present. The throat is in excellent condition. physical examination showed nothing but a distinct swelling over gall bladder with tenderness. Pulsatilla 3x was given, with improvement. It was not enough. However, I gave Pulsatilla 500 in two days,. with a terrific reaction, which caused her some delirium, and me, some loss of sleep.

Two days later, Nov. 18, 1929,she showed a thickly coated white tongue, no pain, restlessness, loss of weight, weakness, no sleep, snappy disposition, no thirst and plenty of vomiting, Ant. crud., 12x.

Nov.20, 1929. Better but not well, very impatient, chills and fever in alternation; no thirst or sweat; gas in volumes but no distress with it; abdomen tender all over and a short sharp pain in right hypochondrium, periodic, worse in motion; dry short cough. a consultation was demanded and assented to by me. the consultant gave here an ultimatum, the knife or-well, now guess. they decided to puts up with me a while longer, as I refused to have a hand in any cutting. I itched to give china, which ai did, the 3x.

Nov. 25, 1929. Excellent shape; wondered why they had spent their money so foolishly. I was a darn fine doctor. good appetite and digestion. Feels fine except that the sharp pain is still persisting at times. I gave a miliary drainage to see if that wayward catarrh was there, and lo and behold, I gained a number fill of stringiest, toughest bile one would wish to see. I game Bryonia with satisfaction, though the relief I feel was partially due to the drainages which were given periodically till the flow of he bile was easy and rapid.

On Dec. 5, 1929, she developed haemorrhoids, somethings had had long ago. these bled when she was at stool. No pain. Dry hacking cough; eats but with no relish. this time she got Nux vom. 500. which produced improvement till on Dec. 10, 1929,. Lycopodium caused her tore mark that she had never felt so fit in years,.

I send these two cases to demonstrate that the homoeopathic remedy can and does do much even in the hands of a beginner.

W W Young