In addition to this, another factor helps out: In the often occurring shortening of the leg, we are reminded of: Ambra, Colocynthis, Mezereum, Oleander, Phosphorus and Sepia, and where the leg has lengthened our choice is among: Colocynthis, Kreosotum, Rhus, and Sulphur, provided the other accompanying symptoms do not form a contraindication. At any rate it is self-evident that the symptom totality is the deciding factor.

WITH COMMENTS BY DR. VON BOENNINGHAUSEN Translated by S.W.S. Continued from the May, 1943, issue.

BOOK VI, Continued.

APHORISM 42. In jaundice liver sclerosis is bad.

COMMENT: It is well known that a hardened liver, often associated with jaundice, especially a scirrhous liver is dangerous, and difficult to cure. Here we have again the condition that we possess not a paucity, but an abundance of possibly indicated remedies, which makes the proper choice difficult.

The following remedies have been used successfully: Arnica, Arsenicum, Aurum, Belladonna, Bromium, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Cannabis, Carbo vegetabilis and animalis, China, Conium, Ferrum met., Graphites, Iodum, Kali carb., Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Magnesia carb., Magnesia mur., Mezereum, Mercurius, Nux, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur and Taraxacum. To these must probably be added: Agnus castus, Ammonium, Chamomilla, Clematis, Fluoric acid, Phosphorus and Plumbum.

It is easily understood that with this large number of widely differing remedies, also the sickness (with the prominent symptoms of liver hardening and jaundice) must differ in anamnestic and attending symptoms as to time, conditions, etc. And yet, the exact similarity between these and the remedy symptoms point to the correct similimum, stripped of actually unimportant, indifferent matters.

We cannot close this account without calling attention to the abuse of iodum preparations for external applications in all these conditions. The worst about it is, that iodum is of such intensive and obstinate action, that it is extremely difficult to find an antidote with which to overcome the damage done. Aside from Hepar and Arsenicum we have seen the best results from Iodum in the highest potency repeated in smallest doses dissolved in water, shaking the bottle forcibly each time a dose is taken, which increases the dynamization. Experience teaches that continuing the same remedy in the same potency is not well tolerated.

APHORISM 43. If persons with enlarged spleen are attacked by prolonged dysentery, dropsy or lientery supervenes with fatal result.

COMMENT: Every chronic diarrhoea means a chronically diseased intestinal tract and in such dangerous conditions we must first think of Anacardium, Asafoetida, Bryonia, China, Dulcamara, Ignatia, Pulsatilla, Rhus or Sulphuric acid.

APHORISM 44. Those who after strangury are attacked by ileus, die in seven days, unless fever supervenes and there is an abundant flow of urine.

COMMENT: An attack of ileus is generally fatal unless the causative, crampy intestinal condition can be overcome. Arsenicum, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Cocculus, Colocynthis, Lycopodium, Nitri acidum, Nux, Platina, Rhus, Silica, Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum and Zincum have been of great aid in this fortunately not frequently occurring disease, when properly, i.e., homoeopathically selected.

The kind reader, we hope, will pardon us when in this connection we speak of ourselves.–It was in the latter part of March 1833 when we had an attack of ileus,This was probably an attack of appendicitis, which was unknown in the days of Von Boenninghausen.–S.W.S. situated in the right lower abdomen, lasting two weeks. Four homoeopathic colleagues (among them Dr. Aegidi, physician in ordinary to Princess Friedrich of Dusseldorf) hastened to help me. Only during the fourteenth terrible night were we fortunate in finding the right remedy, which had never before been used in this ailment: Thuja.

It was selected because of the unusual symptom: only the uncovered parts of the body perspired very much, while the covered parts were dry. A single globule of Thuja 30 relieved the pain in five minutes; in ten minutes a copious stool occurred, followed by a refreshing sleep from which we awakened the next morning as if new born. In a few days we reported this to our beloved Hahnemann, and from his letter of six pages I quote these words (as if divinely inspired): “Shall I now give you an advice for the proper restoration of intestinal action, then I call your attention to Conium and Lycopodium in addition to daily strolls.

Splendid that you give full credit to our so useful Thuja through your example.” And how wonderfully this advice corresponded with our already followed prescription before we received that letter; for, two days after we sent Hahnemann our report, changed symptoms made it necessary to take Conium, and later Lycopodium, which removed every vestige of our trouble.

APHORISM 45. If ulcers last for a year or longer, it must be that the bones come away, and the scars are deep.

COMMENT: It is evident that this aphorism is clouded in too general a form, and that the condition mentioned is usually found only in such ulcers which started in the periosteum, or latter attacked it and the bone substance itself. Such ulcers, especially of long standing and maltreated by external means like plasters, salves, etc., are often difficult of cure except by internal remedies, for which purpose we have: Asafoetida, Mercurius, Phosphoric acid and Silica, chosen according to sensations and conditions. Pus in these cases is always foetid. This bone disease usually happens in scrofulous patients or after abuse of quicksilver, and such cases frequently do not come under homoeopathic care till after surgical means have made the situation worse, and destruction is extensive. But nothing prevents a thorough cure like abuse of iodum, plumbum and zinc, which are rarely indicated and always have baneful effect, yet are extensively used by allopaths.

APHORISM 46. Those who become hump-backed before puberty from asthma or cough die from it.

COMMENT: If one does not lay stress on the mentioned causative factors of hump-back, then many instances in aged patients with this deformity seem to contradict this aphorism. If the Kyphosis is the result of asthma or cough as here urged, then the seed of the sickness which threatens life was previously in the chest, and the kyphosis only one symptom of it, not even an essential one, although it is testimony of the degree of such sickness. Hence, in all such cases not even the orthopaedic means can give much result unless they are able to conquer the original chest trouble.

To this end, as upon overcoming all other coexisting symptoms which are always of the nature of chronic diseases, homoeopathy is valuable in the treatment of the deformity, and can boast of thousands of cases where the desired result was obtained, especially where the patient was still young and growing. To this purpose we have a large number of remedies which correspond to the totality of the patients symptoms and to his individuality.

We mention only: Aconitum, Antimonium crudum, Asafoetida, Aurum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Cicuta virosa, Clematis, Colocynthis, Dulcamara, Hepar, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Mezereum, Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Ruta, Sabina, Sepia, Silica, Staphisagria, Sulphur and Thuja, which, however, does not end the useful list. Of course, one cannot just grab one of them, and after a few days disappointed expectation immediately grab another.

No, as stated so many times, only a remedy which is homoeopathically indicated in all directions can produce results; but when carefully chosen, and given in suitably high potency and small dose, and given the necessary time to unfold its action, then frequently results are produced which surpass all expectation. We were fortunate four years ago in curing a kyphosis with respiratory difficulty in a girl of eight, of weak constitution, very pale face, etc., by giving a single dose of Silica 200. The result was so total, that the formerly miserable child is now normal and healthy without any further medication. Of course, such really surprising results are infrequent, the total recovery often difficult, and in adults usually impossible.

APHORISM 49. Gouty affections (podagra), after inflammation subsides, terminate within forty days.

COMMENT: Physicians in our time have rarely opportunity to observe such cases because in their true form are seldom met. A few such cases which we treated have taught us that under homoeopathic care they are cured much easier and quicker than under allopathic medication, as recorded in many of our older medical treatises. Our patients were freed from their pains by: Arnica and Sabina, one by Causticum; Sulphur prevented recurrences as proved by two cases after four and six years.

But, as stated, this sickness is so seldom seen, that much experience cannot be gathered, and we have not had opportunity to use the other remedies indicated in this trouble, which mainly are: Aconitum, Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Asafoetida, Bryonia, Carbo veg., Conium, Graphites, Guaiacum, Ledum, Nux, Phosphoric acid, Sepia, Silica, Taraxacum, Thuja and Veratrum. What Hippocrates states regarding the forty days siege of podagra, which in the previous century was so dreaded, most likely refers to cases left to themselves, which were neither shortened by proper medication, nor prolonged by improper treatment.

C. V Boenninghausen
Dr. Boenninghausen was born to one of the oldest noble families of Westphalia, Germany. His full name was Clemens Maria Franz Baron Von Boenninghausen. He was Baron by inheritance, a lawyer by profession, and an agriculturist by natural inclination. After his successful treatment with homeopathy, Boenninghausen took deep interest in studying homoeopathy and devoted his remaining years to the cause of homeopathy. Most of his systematic works concerning homoeopathy were published between 1828 and 1846. Boenninghausen died at the ripe age of 79 in 1864.