
Homeopathy treatment for Rheumatism from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Rheumatism…

Abrotanum [Abrot]

Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhoea, cannot move head, arms or legs; much PAIN AND STITCHES IN MUSCLES, BUT NO SWELLING; metastasis of rheumatism from knee to heart, with sharp pains in cardiac region, dry, troublesome cough and high fever; inability to move arms, legs only with difficulty, dull pain in fingers; very lame and sore all over; right to left.

Aconite [Acon]

Beginning of acute articular rheumatism, brought on by exposure to dry cold air; synochal fever and restlessness: bitter complaints and loud outcries, tossing about in agony; great

thirst; dry hot skin; scanty red urine; stitching pains in chest, hindering breathing; joint hot, red or pale, swollen, does not want to be touched or covered; muscular rheumatism of lower extremities or calf of leg, a dead heavy aching, (<) from motion, from letting limb hang down, except when it supports the weight of the body, when if feels better.

Actea-spicata [Act-sp]

Very severe agonizing pain in METACARPAL AND METATARSAL JOINTS, WRISTS, FINGERS, ANKLES AND TOES, of a tearing, drawing character, (<) from least motion or touch, at night. Great stiffness of joints after rest; swelling of joints after fatigue; pains as from a paralytic weakness of hands; great swelling between the joints; periosteal pains. Patient goes out feeling comfortably, but as he walks, the joints ache and swell.

Agaricus-musc [Agar]

Cases which recur every year, especially in WET WEATHER; SYMPTOMS APPEARING DIAGONALLY, as a pain in right arm and left leg, or vice versa; less pain at night, always worse when it begins to move about; pain in lumbar region and sacrum, a sort of crick in back, especially during exercise and while sitting, back not sensitive to touch; tearing in limbs, (<) in the morning, during rest or sitting, (>) moving; formication in upper and lower limbs, as if gone to sleep.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

Tearing, stitching pains from ulceration in heels, (<) at night in bed, (>) by rubbing; rheumatic pain, first in right, then in left at shoulder-joint; stitches in right scapula, when inspiring; pain in left hip, as if tendons were too short, must limp in walking; hamstrings painful when walking, as if too short.

Ammonium-phos [Am-p]

ARTHRITIS NODOSA, joints of fingers, hands and back swollen and bent; loss of appetite, emaciation, sleeplessness; nervous irritability; evening fever.

Anacardium [Anac]

RHEUMATIC PERICARDITIS; sharp stitches through cardiac region, which are double, first stitch quickly followed by another and then a long interval; stiff neck, (<) from beginning to move; stiffness in small of back, cramplike pains in muscles.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Acute and chronic rheumatism or gout; pains drawing, shooting, tensive; shortening of the muscles and tendons with bending of limbs and tenderness and soreness of soles of feet, (<) by warm air and heat of sun; gastric symptoms, nausea, vomiting, white tongue, great thirst at night.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Bruised sensation in limbs, just before rising; rheumatic pains about hips, thighs and calves; rheumatic pains first in right hand, then through both legs from above downward, especially in knees; no relief by sweat; (<) in damp weather; unwilling to be touched from mental irritability.

Apis-mell [Apis]

ACUTE INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM, mostly articular; affected parts feeling very stiff and exceedingly sore to any pressure, often with sensation of numbness; sensation as if the swollen joints were stretched tightly, of a pale-red color; some fluctuation about joint; burning, stinging pains, (<) from any motion, even that of hands, increases pain of lower limbs; stiffness in back and lame feeling in scapulae; darting, sticking pains in upper and lower limbs, with a paralyzed feeling; burning pain in lower limbs, from thighs to ankles, could not move the feet; rheumatic lameness of limbs; before retiring at night a hard shivering fit; headache and sleeplessness; skin warm; profuse sweat relieves.

Apocynum-andr [Apoc-a]

Rheumatism and gout; pain especially in right shoulder and knee; pains in the joint of the big toe; bilious vomiting, with or without diarrhoea; pain and stiffness in back of head and neck; dull heavy pain in chest, while breathing; rheumatic headaches; worse after sleep or continued quiet; joints feel stiff, especially on moving in the morning.

Arnica [Arn]

LOCAL RHEUMATISM IN WINTER FROM EXPOSURE TO DAMPNESS AND COLD, and by the strain of the muscles from over exertion; affected parts feel sore and bruised, (<) from any motion and fear of being touched, as it may hurt; sharp shooting pains running down from elbow to forearm or shooting through legs and feet, which often

swell and feel sore and bruised; sensation as if resting on something very hard. Pleurodynia, pressing pain in left side below heart day and night (Cimicif., below left mamma); podagra; great irritability of mind.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Protracted cases. Burning, stinging, tearing pains, with pale swelling of joints, pains felt during sleep; great debility to faintness; restlessness and anxiety, especially at night; chilliness alternating with heat, wants the affected limbs constantly moved, (>) by heat, which causes profuse sweating and exhaustion; metastasis to heart; (<) every other day.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Drawing, tearing, stitching pains in periosteum of extremities; twitching of the flexors of arms and legs; constant change of position.

Aurum [Aur]

RHEUMATIC ENDOCARDITIS WITH EXCESSIVE DYSPNOEA, bluish lips, anxious expression of face; pulse rapid, soft and intermittent, action of heart floundering; loud endocardial bruits, profuse perspiration, limbs, puffy and painful; continual gnawing boring pain deep in the joints after the inflammatory symptoms have subsided; boring pain in shoulder; stiffness in thighs and legs; at times very much prostrated.

Belladonna [Bell]

Red, shining swelling of joints of erysipelatous appearance; stitching, burning and throbbing pains, with high fever, hot, dry skin, thirst, congestion to head, with throbbing headache and pulsations of carotids; pains come and go quickly or come suddenly, stay a longer or shorter time, and then suddenly disappear; (<) lying than sitting; stiff neck of rheumatic or catarrhal origin; rheumatic fever with pains in joints flying about from place to place, with profuse sour sweat which gives no relief; jerkings in sleep; stitching burning pains, (<) afternoon and early part of night, by talking or slightest motion.

Bellis-peren [Bell-p]

EFFECTS OF SUDDEN CHILL FROM WET COLD WHEN ONE IS HOT, especially when drinking cold liquids after being over heated.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS; painful nodes in joints, especially in syphilitic or gonorrhoeal patients, with rheumatic diathesis; pains go from right to left side and from below upward; (<) from heat and joints cracking on motion; GOUT OR RHEUMATISM AFFECTING HEART or alternating one with the other; wandering pains, but most constant about heart; irritable bladder, freshly voided urine of strong ammoniacal smell and highly colored.

Berberis [Berb]

SPECIAL AFFINITIES FOR LUMBAR MUSCLES AND KNEES; sticking, digging, tearing PAINS IN RENAL REGION, (<) from deep pressure, extending down the back and into pelvis; bubbling feeling, as if water were coming up through skin; pains in thighs and back, he finds it difficult to rise from a sitting posture and (<) when lying down; lumbago (<) changes of weather, mostly before heavy winds; arthritic and rheumatic troubles with urinary, hepatic, haemorrhoidal or menstrual complaints; fretful, with weariness of life; after walking only a short distance heaviness, lameness and stiffness of the legs.

Bovista [Bov]

Rheumatic paresis and marked muscular atrophy of the affected legs; great weakness of the joints; sensation as if beaten, lame, aching; great weariness in hands and feet; joints feel disabled and wretched; affections of wrist-joints.

Bryonia [Bry]

MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM; muscles sore to touch and sometimes swollen, (<) from slightest motion; ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM, fever not very violent, pains and swelling do not shift at all or very slowly; LOCAL INFLAMMATION VIOLENT, parts very hot, dark or pale- red; pulse full and strong. Stitching tearing pain, patient does not want to move, but is compelled to do so by an overwhelming unrest, notwithstanding the pain, but without chilliness or numbness; swelling not confined to joints, streaking out in different directions; shooting pains, as if the flesh were loose from the bones, (<) evening and before midnight; no appetite, white tongue, great thirst or none; constipation; pleuritic stitches and difficult breathing, fever, sour sweats; frequent micturition, urine turbid and lateritious.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

RHEUMATISM OF HEART, with sensation of constriction around heart and fear that he will not recover; can only breathe with shoulders elevated and lying on back; breath stops sometimes for a few seconds, violent gasping and palpitation; rheumatism of all joints, great pain and swelling, (<) evenings and again mornings on first rising; pains in extremities from above downward; transient tearing pains in joints, changing about, mostly on right side, with weariness and heaviness, (<) in rest or in motion, (>) from continued gentle motion.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.