A woman had been subject for many years to copious menstruation and metrorrhagia of all degrees and at all seasons. She was of the stout, florid type which has low arterial tension. Trillium and Pulsatilla had done most good, but temporarily only. a late marriage was contracted. The condition became so bad that she was confined to bed much of the time.

Having presented a study of Ambergris two years ago (published in THE HOMOEOPATHIC RECORDER, Vol. XXXVII, page 246), it may be interesting to recount some of the effects obtained by the use of this excellent remedy. The results in each case, unless otherwise noted, were prompt and effective; that they were produced by the remedy was evidenced by the order of disappearance or modification of the symptoms-a sufficient hint to the initiated-others, please investigate.

A high school girl who had taken her Latin and mathematics too seriously was “all to pieces,” so her mother said. She disliked the studies she formerly had liked; felt as if she could not make an effort, as if in a dream; she was also physically indolent, appeared and felt weak. Nervous, fidgety, aggravated by noises. Late getting asleep. Anorexia, except for supper; thirst. General aggravation morning and evening. Amelioration in the open air.

Ambra 1m. enabled her to continue he studies without further interruption.


A woman who had aborted, was referred to me by a naturopath after two weeks of flowing. The hemorrhage was dark, clotted, gushing.

Pain all over, especially in the abdomen, back and lower extremities, necessitating frequent changes of position.

Thirst; sweetish taste; nausea.

Chills, fever, rapid pulse.

Pyrogen 6m. first day improved, but on the fourth day after another remedy was imperatively needed.

The remedy syndrome then presented was:

Burning in the epigastrium.

Intermittent metrorrhagia.

Weakness; trembling on rising, with dizziness and pressure in the occiput.

Lips and tongue bluish.

Troublesome dreams, e.g., of running like an auto all round, up high and down.

The hemorrhages alternating with white discharge-white as milk.

Ambra 40m., one dose, produced immediate and final effect.


Middle-aged man, who had had in previous years, heavy dosage of quinine. The quinine had been repeated through many years, whenever the “aches” appeared.

The urgent demand at present was for the relief of a severe pain in the vertex, which compelled him to cease work. These attacks would continue for days or even weeks at a time. He was subject to arteriosclerosis, of course.

Coldness at night, needing excessive clothing. Forgetful, nervous, trembling. All excitement sensed in the heart, easily excited and hypersensitive.

Palpitation from every excitement.

Ambra 1m. proved effective. Then Ferrum-and he felt so well that he did not return for another remedy for the next sixteen months.


Young lady, who always kept herself clothed with a multiplicity of symptoms. When “flu” time came she had to be held in bed as she was so actively delirious. One dose of Cuprum and one visit were all that was necessary that time. Previously, Pulsatilla and Sulphur had produced fundamental improvement. This time her symptom complex was essentially as follows:

Dreaming “all night,” seeing things after waking, windows full of people, strange lights, starts at the visions because of fright.

Forgetful, despondent, worried about herself.

Hurry; could not concentrate; cannot work fast enough.

Bilious attacks.

Pressure in chest and head in the morning.


Ambra 2m. acted well; more than a year elapsed before another prescription was applied for.


Old lady with chronic nephritis.

Oedema of face and legs; scanty urine; late getting asleep or waking early.

Much troubled with dizziness, aggravated by standing or by gazing at any certain object.

Psorinum, was her radical remedy, but Ambra is the great remedy for senile dizziness. The 1m. gave her great relief, even removing the oedema for a time.


J.C., age seventy-two. Much troubled for several years with nausea, which was aggravated by motion and by thinking of it.

Chronic dry cough, from tickling in the throat.

Sleepless till I A.M.

Headache over eyes.

Thirst some days, averse to drink other days.

Feels well some days and other days as if “doped”.

His symptoms and sensations were always irregular.

Ambra 1m. Felt so well he did not return till five months later.

Remedy repeated. Gained color and weight and felt fine.


Lady with ear disease. Specialists said the tympanum was hardening and contracting.

Mentally she was well-poised, but unstable nervously, i.e., easily exhausted from any slight, unusual burden.

Tinnitus aggravated by hearing people talk; sounds seem far off.

Intense dizziness, sometimes thrown to the floor; dizziness in waves, had to continue lying three or four days.

Nervous: trifling incidents irritate; fidgety; aggravated by people talking.

Anorexia in the morning ( a frequent clinical observation). Faint stomach in the forenoon. Always better and stronger during pregnancies.

Ambra 1m. followed by good improvement of three weeks duration; then a similar set of symptoms. Sick headache; dizziness; had to hold to objects while walking, turning or moving.

Straining to vomit, but ineffectually.

Sleepless; hearing never ceasing, twitching, easily awakened.

Is relieved by quiet and without company; desiring change and fresh air; light aggravated.

Good one day, poor the next.

Too hot or too cold.

Ambra 40m., one dose. Improved finely for a year and a half. Phosphorus followed with good effect.


Stationary engineer, age fifty-seven.

Attacks of angina; substernal pain like a lump pressing, extending down arms; prostration during the attacks.

Sensation as if food had stuck in the epigastrium.

Is aggravated by remaining quiet, but relieved by lying in bed.

Systolic pressure 130, first sound short, high pitched and rough at inception. Pulse soft and moderately accelerated.

Ambra 1m. one dose and 2m. one dose, two weeks later, was given with great relief. Lycopodium 10m. and Digitalis 1m., one dose of each, was followed by a years comfort and efficiency. Six months ago another prescription of Lycopodium was given. Ambra was the remedy for the angina. No attacks have occurred since.


Ambra palliated a case of inveterate high tension, with frequent attacks of convulsive quivering.

Weakness aggravated by the least physical exertion; confined to bed most of the time; the lower extremities almost give way when up.

Worse before breakfast.

Right arm always aching as if tired.

Rush of blood to head when looking upward.

Quivering spells; sensation of internal convulsion, aggravated by lying on either side.

These spells cause much anxiety.

After these spells a copious flow of urine.

Head “whirling, but not dizzy”.

Ambra 1m. gave much relief and systolic pressure was reduced twenty-five points. The 40m., given a month later, helped in a similar way and during the past year the old lady has continued to improve with other remedies.

X. A.S., age sixty years, had been overheated a few days previous. Constant fullness and pressure in head. Dizziness. Confused sensation. Systolic pressure, 200.

Ambra 1m. one dose. Six weeks later reported quick relief. Systolic pressure dropped to 170. But he complained of a constant full sensation, that could not be located. Bovista 300th now acted well.


Mrs. S. had spells of indescribable distress in the abdomen, after retiring in the evening. Copious belching, followed by chill: crawling sensation in the occiput, always followed the spells.

She had other nervous spells; hands shaking, dizziness, as if she had been long in a boat.

Desire to yell; to hit someone; felt as if going crazy.

Nerve tension; feeling entire body rigid then relaxed (lyc.).

Foggy vision.

Ambra 1m. and 40m. appeared to do well for three months, then this remedy was supplanted by Lycopodium.


Woman with old congestion of liver.

Dizzy every little while with swimming sensation, reeling and nausea; compelled to lie down frequently.

Weak sensation and fluttering in stomach.

Ambra 1m. and 40m., at intervals, palliated for six months.


Mrs. N., age thirty five, had a sick headache weekly which became less intense as the following attacks appeared. Had had suppurative otitis when a child.

Dizzy spells; many slight ones and others more severe, apparently of epileptic character; sensed mostly in the occiput, worse when lying, worse opening the eyelids; accompanied by a smothering sensation and pressure on the chest as from an external weight, with general perspiration, aggravated by the presence of other people.

Slow pulse.

Followed by drowsiness and weakness.

Trembling spells, aggravated by a little excitement or without apparent cause. Face flushed and hot during spells. Memory impaired; easily confused. Exhausted in the morning.

Ambra 1m. improved so much that I saw her no more after a few weeks.


After an old lady with arthritis of the deformans type had responded to Mag. phos. for two years, the remedy appeared to have been exhausted.

She complained of single aches in various places as in the teeth, a foot or the vertex.

Dizzy spells while walking. When dizzy has a longing for sleep.

Sensitive to both and heat (formerly only to cold).

Ambra 40m. caused her to feel se well that she did not report again until nine months later, when the cm. produced a similar good effect.


Mrs. H., patient not known to me personally. Said to be a nervous subject.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.