RESCUED FROM DEATHS JAWS. The writer had been the familys physician (in the homoeopathic line) for the last eight years, and his nerves were on edge throughout this period as his relations with the family and his reputation in their circle were at stake. Homoeopathy saved the situation for everybody concerned.

March 1951 – Ravi, aged 10 years, slim and tall, of delicate constitution and keen intellect, fair complexion and fine eyelashes, came down with a severe attack of typhoid. In spite of the administration of well selected remedies, Ferrum phos., Gels., Bry., Bapt., etc., etc. the fever continued its rise like a typical typhoid. During the first two weeks, the patient had a good appetite and was allowed rice, boiled potatoes, vegetables, oranges, jelly and milk, contrary to he conservative methods which allowed only liquid diet, and the boy was able to keep up a good general condition and vitality.

About the beginning of the third week, toxic symptoms appeared. There was much drowsiness, and high fever (with little remission) persisted throughout day and night in spite of the application of the ice-cap to he head. Congestion appeared in the right lung. At this stage, the grandfather of the boy, who had more faith in allopathy, asked the writer very courteously if he would have any objection in holding consultation with his family physician in the allopathic line. The writer could not say “No,” in spite of knowing the hostile attitude of allopaths towards Homoeopathy in this country. After he had examined the patient, the talk started as follows :

He : There is congestion in the right lung.

The Writer : I am fully aware of it and the needful is being done. He : What do you think of Chloromycetin for this case? The writer : I have already explained my viewpoint to the father of the boy and would repeat the same in reply to your question. In some cases Chloromycetin is reported to have a decidedly beneficial effect; some cases behave as if no Chloromycetin is being given. Relapses are not uncommon in cases receiving this drugs. In one case I myself saw very unhappy results.

In the case of a girl of about 8 years, Chloromycetin brought down the temperature within 4 or 5 days of starting its administration, but severe and persistent vomiting started which I was asked to check. I was able to stop the vomiting (with Ars. Alb. 30.), but she kept on sinking an despite my best efforts the girl could not be saved. I personally believe in treating my Typhoid patients by the homoeopathic method which has never failed me.

The father and grandfather of my patient decided that they would not have their child experimented upon with Chloromycetin and would continue with the homoeopathic treatment. So the writer kept on with Phosphorus 30. which he had started in view of the lung congestion and general condition of the patient. The lung condition improved but the temperature showed to tendency to abate and the unconsciousness deepened further. The boy developed ulcers in the throat and mouth and swallowed fluids with great difficulty, and so glucose had to be pushed intravenously twice a day.

The urine also diminished in quantity and the boy appeared to be in considerable agony while passing it. He was moaning quite often,. Bapt. 30. appeared to ease the throat condition a bit and improved the swallowing, but the urine trouble continued the same and was only temporarily eased a bit by Gelsemium 30. Apis 30. too did not help; on the country it developed restlessness and missing of heart-beats which was tided over with Ars. Alb. 30.

Now the unconsciousness was still deeper, the pupils did not react to light, the boy screamed and rolled the head from side to side; the forehead was wrinkled; there were automatic movements of the right arm and the right leg while the left side was paralyzed; the reflexes were absent. This was the end of the fourth week.

Helleborus was started 22nd April 51-Helleborus 30., 3 doses, 4 hourly; 23rd April-Helleb. 220., 1 dose; 25th April- helleb., 200., 1 dose; 27th April-Helleb. 200., 1 dose; 1st May- Helleb. 1M, 1 dose; 6th May-Helleb. 1M, 1 dose; 9th May-Hyosc. 3o., two doses; 10th May-Hyosc. 200., 1 dose. and with it started the improvement also. The patient was quieter and passed urine quite freely. Heart and lungs behaved more satisfactorily and the temperature started coming down.

About the middle of the fifth week, the temperature was normal or sub-normal throughout the day and night and considerable consciousness had been restored, though the boy could not speak and still rolled about in the bed at times on account of restlessness. Helleborus 1000. was given at this stage, and it was on or about the 45th day of the disease that the boy spoke the first few words. Two or three days later, he said he saw unknown persons around him and sometimes saw hideous faces grinning at him. Hyosc. 30., two doses, was given on one day followed by a dose of h 200th the next day. After a gap of three days the boy was altogether free from the hallucinations and was mentally quite normal.

Kali Phos 6x and Calc Phos 6x, three grains each, mixed together, were now administered three times a day as a tonic aid and the boy started convalescing rapidly. All complications (paralysis, etc.) had cleared up and within about a month the boy was in possession of all his physical and mental faculties, and had come to a practically normal diet, the only restrictions imposed upon him being that exertion should be very gradually increased and that fried, rich and heavy foods should be avoided.

The writer forgot to mention that a few days after the first consultation, the allopaths family physician made a vigorous attempt to induce the patients people to start Penicillin for the lung congestion (which was in fact more imaginary than real) and my consent was sought to allow it for 24 or 48 hours. He vehemently asserted that the temperature was keeping up high on account of the lung condition and would start coming down with Penicillin injections.

The writer asserted that Homoeopathy offered remedies more potent than Penicillin. In any case he must first make out a case in favour of Penicillin by having a blood count done but unluckily for him the total W.B.C. was only 2300 per and he himself was obliged to admit that it was not a fit case for Penicillin. But now he alarmed them by saying that the total W.B.C. was dangerously low and Polydin or Omnadin injections must be started. At a later stage also when the meningism and unconsciousness were raging high, he made a strong attempt to induce the family in favour of Chloromycetin.

Each time the writers attitude was quite strong and he made it absolutely clear that he could not conscientiously be a party to mixed allopathic and homoeopathic treatment, either simultaneously or alternately, and the patients people had every right to choose whichever treatment they thought best in the interests of the patient. They were plainly told that the patients condition was undoubtedly grave but, if he was destined to live, Homoeopathy was the only hope.

The writer had been the familys physician (in the homoeopathic line) for the last eight years, and his nerves were on edge throughout this period as his relations with the family and his reputation in their circle were at stake. Homoeopathy saved the situation for everybody concerned.


R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India