It was most homoeopathic, forcible, logical, and held his audience, paving the way for those things which were to follow. His address will be retained in the memories of all his listeners as of the greatest value to the progress of true homoeopathy. His honorary oration presented- we are pleased to say-before a very intellectual and appreciative audience, was an inspiration to us all and held us spellbound.

The International Homoeopathic League was held in the beautiful city of Geneva, from August 2nd to August 5th. Some 74 doctors were present, representing eleven countries, namely: Belgium, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States of America. Some 57 guests and some doctors of the old school attended the meeting.

“La Residence” was selected as the hotel for the delegates. They were welcomed there by Dr. and Mrs. Pierre Schmidt, Dr.Duprat, and Dr. and Mrs. Jaccard of Geneva. The delegates found this hotel must delightful. It is situated not far from “the Athenee”, where the meetings were held.

“The Athenee:, where the Society of Arts hold their sessions, added a luster and a charm to the meeting. The rostrum and the bust of Hahnemann placed in front were decorated daily with choice flowers by Mrs. Pierre Schmidt.

The first proceeding was the introduction of the delegates by the President, Dr.Pierre Schmidt: Belgium, Dr.Van den Berghe; Brazil, Dr. Nelson de Vasconcellos; England, Dr. Granville Hey; France, Dr.Le Tellier; Holland, Dr. Voorhoeve; Italy, Dr.Bonino; Poland, Dr. Buczynski; Spain, Dr.Hernandez; Switzerland, Dr.Duprat.

Members of the League who have all these years been accustomed to see Dr. and Mrs. Dandolo Mattoli regretted their absence, as they had done faithful work during those passing years.

Dr. Mattoli was President of the League at Rome last year. Proceedings of the last meeting in Rome were read by our able and faithful Secretary, Dr.,Fergie Woods, of London, who has given thirteen years of arduous and excellent work to the organization. He deserves all the credit for his fine and efficient work so quietly accomplished.

The meetings were finely conducted by Dr.Pierre Schmidt, who, we all know, has the ability of organization. A word placed here and there with a smile saved and made smooth many a discussion.

The program, well executed and wrought out, gave pleasure to the delegates and guests from these many countries. Dr.Pierre Schmidts opening address was so full of love and kindness that it made each member from the many countries feel at once at home, and prepared the way to honor Hahnemann, as Hahnemann should be honored. NO words of mine can, in any way, measure the impressions I received from Dr.Pierre Schmidts address. His thoughts and words were truly lovely, so free from malice, prejudice and preconceived ideas, so open, so full of warmth and kindliness, that he seemed inspired with the spirit of the masters who have gone to their reward.

Hark! I can almost hear them speak as, with the smile, he welcomes the delegates, asking them to gather and exchange thoughts with open winds that we may be like good seeds bringing forth rich harvest to the world through Hahnemanns laws and principles. The spirit of the Congress seemed like sweet music penetrating all hearts and minds, kindling a spirit of love and a desire to know more of the principles and laws of Hahnemann.

With a smile, kind words. poise, tact and judgment Dr. Schmidt made us feel like initiates waiting for the higher degrees in Hahnemanns writings and words. He told a story of Dr.Kent coming into the light, thus resolving to give a trial to the higher dilutions by giving Podophyllum to a very sick baby. He pleaded with those sitting in his presence to be like Dr.Kent, who, with other master minds that we have known and loved and lost for a time, followed Samuel Hahnemann.

One of the topics, that he related, was how Hahnemann 80 years old-spoke to five hundred doctors in Paris. The President pleaded with everyone there to become better acquainted with Hahnemanns life and his books.

We can never forget all they did for us and homoeopathy. “To fulfil with dignity his mission, the homoeopath must be fully convinced that there is no act in life which demands more conscience than the treatment of the life of the man put into danger through malady.”.

He ended saying: “If you meet with failure and unsuccess, always remember that: When we are dealing with a science which is concerned with the saving of life, it is a crime to neglect its study”.

Then reports were given by the vice-presidential delegates on homoeopathic activity in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, India, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States and Yucatan.

The reserved session for Congressionnists which was consecrated especially to the League, was opened by Dr. Burford (England) on the EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC LEAGUE, ITS HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION. All who know Dr.Burford know his are ability, eloquence, and love for all things truly homoeopathic. To those who may not have the pleasure of knowing him, let me state, that it was a graphic and able address such as we is so capable of rendering. To hear the senior of such an assembly giving practical and useful suggestions for the advancement of homoeopathy was a delight.

Dr.Roy Upham (America) was unable to be present. A disappointment to all those who know him best, but his excellent thoughts and proposals were warmly presented by Dr. Burford.

Dr.Tuinzing (Holland) showed different membership cards, presented designs and valuable criticisms about the League.

The scientific session was opened by Dr.Duprat, of Geneva, on: WHAT IS THE VALUE OF THE CRITICS AND THEIR CONDEMNATION FORMULATED AGAINST HOMOEOPATHY? Dr. Duprat gave his best power and ability to keep Genevas press informed ad delivered and interesting paper. He has a very quick and logical mind and is an able polemic writer.

Owing to the absence of Dr.Belbeze, of Nevers, much to our disappointment, his paper, NOTION OF MIASMA, could not be read.


Dr. Allendy, of Paris: MORBID SUBSTITUTIONS AND HOMOEOPATHY was the title of his paper. He had the reputation of much ability, clearness of thought whole conclusions are philosophical to a degree pleasing to the thinking audience., He exposed most courageously a question which is despised and neglected by the allopaths, because of their failure to define it. A very learned discussion followed and where practical indications in metastasis were given, which permitted him to insist on the doctrinal importance of this question in the interpretation of the action of drugs.

Dr. Neatbys (London) paper was on TROPICAL DISEASES. He stands quite alone on this subject in our school and is known in all countries as a scholar and worker in assisting and upholding the work of medical missionaries. He had done excellent work in the League giving it his full support.

Dr.Aebly, of Zurich, gave his paper on: THE HAHNEMANNS LAW OF SIMILAR, ITS HISTORY AND CONFIRMATION THROUGH THE MODERN EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE, which was full of interest and inspiration, scholarly and helpful. He claims that he found the application of the homoeopathic law amongst the writings of the Greeks. He made an outline about the actions and reactions of the remedies, comparing the Arndt-Schulz law, the curves of Kotschau and the law of Hahnemann, thus demonstrating the superiority of the latter.


Dr. John Weir, of London, delivered the oration at the opening assembly of the League in the following subject: CONFIRMATION OF HAHNEMANNS DOCTRINE IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES.

Dr. John Weir delivered before the audience, in a vivid manner, the doctrines of Samuel Hahnemann and how these laws and served him well during the passing years. He spoke of three men who have been in inspiration and a help to him: Hahnemann, Kent, Gibson Miller, of Glasgow, his dear friend, whom he so dearly loved, and of the splendid work and inspiration of Dr. Margaret Tyler. He hoped that all those who attended the Congress would ever strive to place homoeopathy where it belongs.

It was most homoeopathic, forcible, logical, and held his audience, paving the way for those things which were to follow. His address will be retained in the memories of all his listeners as of the greatest value to the progress of true homoeopathy. His honorary oration presented- we are pleased to say-before a very intellectual and appreciative audience, was an inspiration to us all and held us spellbound.

Dr.Borliachon (Nice): WHAT SHOULD WE THINK ABOUT HOMOEOPATHY? He gave us a general survey of homoeopathy useful especially for propaganda and revealed to us that Gounod, the composer, and the celebrated writer, Victor Hugo, were treated by homoeopathy.

Dr. Rabe (Berlin) Brought the message that it would be impossible next year to have the meeting in Berlin, on account of internal troubles. The German physicians feel that they could not bear the expense at the present time but hoped at some future time that the League might be entertained and the Congress held there.

Alonzo Eugene Austin