Now it is perfectly possible that the scar was going to clear up anyway and that the remedy had nothing to do with it, but improvement began soon after beginning treatment and both the patient and myself felt that it was the result of the action of the remedy.

Miss C., 25 years old had an ulcer of the cornea which left a very noticeable scar about an 1/8 of an inch long. At the time that she came to me, the scar had been there for a couple of years and though she had been under treatment by several specialists there had been no change in it.

I gave her Kali carbonicum IM. and repeated it once. The scar entirely disappeared in two months.

This case occurred twenty years ago and the record has been lost so I am not able to state why I selected Kali carb., but I am confident that it was on constitutional symptoms without regard to the eye.

Now it is perfectly possible that the scar was going to clear up anyway and that the remedy had nothing to do with it, but improvement began soon after beginning treatment and both the patient and myself felt that it was the result of the action of the remedy.

I do not think that we are wise to promise results in a case like this and I never do. The remedy can only put the system back into normal running order. Then it is up to nature to remove end products, and sometimes he does and sometimes she doesnt. RICHMOND, VA.

harry B. Baker