
Kali nitricum has produced conditions simulating sinus trouble on the right side of the face, with sense of pressure and hypersensitiveness to touch. The Aranea diadema patient has a sensation as if the hands and forearms were intensely swollen and heavy, and he will rise from his bed and get a light to see what happened to them.


IDENTIFICATION: Metastasis: The changing of one set of symptoms into another.

ESSENTIAL: The changing of one set of symptoms into another Cross, irritable, anxious, depressed. Blue rings around dull eyes. Face cold, dry, pale, wrinkled, Stomach cold as if swimming in cold water. As if bowels were sinking down. Worse: Cold air, suppressed secretions, and night. Epistaxis; bloody urine; trembling.

IMPORTANT: Food passes undigested. Pain in lumbar region to along spermatic cords. Hard lumps in abdomen. Hands and feet cold and prickle. Painful contraction of limbs. Gnawing hunger and whining. Ill effects of suppressed conditions, especially in gouty subjects. Feels as if she would like to do something cruel. As of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, with pricking. Sharp pains here and there, but especially in ovaries and joints.

INDIVIDUAL: Gnawing pain in stomach, night Piles bleed as soon as rheumatism is better, Rheumatism from suppressed diarrhoea or piles.

LEADER: Metastasis.


CHILBLAINS: Itching (if muscular twitchings: Agar.; if mentally irritable, Nux.).

CHLOROSIS: Blue rings around dull eyes; abdomen distended; disturbed digestion; pulse weak and small.

COLIC: Haemorrhoidal; ebullitions with general heat and distended veins of forehead and hands; restless; sleepless.


ERUPTIONS: Of face, become suppressed and turn purple.

GASTRALGIA: Appetite lost; great anxiety and depression; slimy taste; stomach as if hanging or swimming in water; all irritants feel cold and dull; pains cut, gnaw, burn with sometimes contraction and stinging; mostly worse night; never entirely free from pain even in intervals between spasms; after suppressed gout.

INDIGESTION: Intense morbid appetite; gnawing, constricting; vomits large quantities of offensive fluid.

INFLUENZA: After, in children, great weakness and prostration, and a sort of hectic fever.

MARASMUS: Especially children and especially lower limbs (Amm. mur. has a body that looks like a pumpkin on sticks); ravenous appetite; comedones; slimy taste; neck to weak to support head; face cold, pale, blue rings around eyes, wrinkled, old looking, hectic fever with chilliness; very weak; often colicky pains; alternating constipation and diarrhoea; stools lienteric; skin flabby and hangs loose.

NEWBORN: Epistaxis; hydrocele; emaciation; blood and moisture oozes from navel.

PILES: When rheumatisms abate or improve; frequent urging; bloody stools; pain in sacrum; protrude; burn on touch and pressure.

PLEURISY: Exudation; when after Aconite or Bryonia a pressing sense remains in affected side which impedes breathing.

RHEUMATISM: Metastatic; from suppressed diarrhoea; pain in arms, wrists, shoulders, and ankles; troublesome cough; pains across chest, severe about heart; very lame and sore all over; high fever; painful, inflammatory, before swelling begins; after sudden checked diarrhoea, cannot move a hand, foot or head suffers much but no swelling.

MISCELLANEOUS: Follows well Acon. and Bry. in pleurisy (see Clinical above); Hep. in boils. (Abrot, is depressed. Hep. Irritable); COMPARE; In chilblains: Agar. (twitching); and Nux (irritable). Diarrhoea is the Abort. patients greatest relief, like Nat. sulph. (which has morning diarrhoea) and Zinc. (which has fidgety feet); Calc. is better constipated. Constipation aggravates the rheumatism in Abort., the mind in Natr. sulph. and in general in Zinc. The principal remedies for acute endocarditis are Abrot. especially if metastatic; Kalm, with a slow pulse and wandering pains about heart; Sep. sympathetic with uterine troubles and Spong. with suffocative spells. The Abrot. trouble wanders around but, unlike Puls. and other remedies, it not only changes places but also changes the character of the symptoms, while Puls. and the others sick to the original form.-A. AND D. PULFORD.


IDENTIFICATION: Convulsions; epileptic; sudden in rapid succession, preceded by nervous tremor.

ESSENTIAL: Sudden and severe giddiness. Vertigo with tendency to fall backward. Brilliant eyes. Tendency to walk about in great distress. Delirium, terror and terrifying hallucinations.

IMPORTANT: Spasmodic facial twitching. Constant desire to urinate, urine very strong and of a very deep yellow color. Tremor of heart felt toward back, thumbs can be heard in scapular region. Irregular tumultuous action of heart. Wants nothing to do with anyone. Tongue trembles; thick; protruding; can scarcely talk. Nausea apparently in region of gall-bladder. Stomach feels cold and oppressed. Liver and spleen pain and feel swollen Darting pain in right ovary. Desire to lie with head low. Sudden attacks of stupor and unconsciousness. Pupils dilated unequally. Voice feeble; trembles; hoarse; speech hesitating. Epileptic vertigo or momentary unconsciousness.

CLINICAL: Any disease that includes the above essentials.

CHILDREN: Nervous, sleepless, excited; prolonged spasms of.

CHLOROSIS: Especially young patients.

EPILEPSY: Sudden attacks, come in rapid succession. Before attack; Nervous tremor; screams. During attack: Giddy; jaws fixed; bites tongue; trembles; makes facial grimaces; features distorted; foams at mouth; throws limbs about; bends backward; falls; irregular stertorous breathing; very restless; unconscious, partial or complete. After attack; Weak, great lassitude; stupid; lack of sensibility and loss of memory.

FEVER: Autumnal: Liver and spleen pain and obstinately swollen. Typhoid: Sleepless, brain congested.

HEMICRANIA: Followed by otorrhoea.

SPASMS: Hysterical, bends backward, limbs rigid, motions irregular; of children; prolonged.

MISCELLANEOUS: COMPARE: Urine strong smelling; Ben. ac. (brown, highly urinous), Nit. ac. (smells more like that of a horse than that of any other remedy); in epilepsy; Art. v. which has several attacks coming closely together with long intervals of rest; Cic. which has rigidity with fixed staring eyes; Hyos. which has twitching and jerking, and which is said to be one of the most reliable remedies for epileptic forms of convulsions when no other remedy seems indicated; Stram. whose attacks are brought on by bright lights and shining objects and which are apt to alternate with rage or mental excitement. Poisoning by mushrooms. Horses with worms kick toward the belly. RELATED to: Abort and Art. v. SIMILAR to: Alcohol, Bell., Cham., Hyos., and Stram.; but the secondary effects of Abs. are worse than the abuse of either opium or tobacco. Its most important symptoms are giddiness and epileptic spasms.-A. AND D. PULFORD.

The “homoeopathic aggravation”, or slight intensification of the symptoms which sometimes follows the administration of the curative remedy, is merely the reaction of the organism, previously perhaps inactive or acting improperly because of lowered susceptibility, as it responds to the gently stimulating action of the medicine. As a piece of machinery in which the bearings have become dry or rusty from disuse, creaks and groans when it is again started up into action, so the diseased, congested, sluggish organs of the body sometimes squeak and groan when they begin to respond to the action of the curative remedy. All this, and much more is included in the Hahnemann doctrine of Vitality, under the Newtonian principle of Mutual Action (“Action and reaction are equal and opposite”), restated in medical terms by Hahnemann as Similia Similibus Curantur, and employed by him as the law of therapeutic medication.-STUART CLOSE, M.D.

Dioscorea has wind colic, ameliorated by stretching out; Veratrum album has colic ameliorated by bending double, always accompanied with cold sweat.

Ranking high among the group of remedies having the symptom, nausea from thinking of food, are Arsenicum, Cocculus, Colchicum, Sepia, Thuja.

In the erysipelas of old people, with a tendency to gangrenous conditions, consider Ammonium carb.

It has been pointed out that Ledum is just as appropriate to the remote as to the recent effects of punctured wounds.

Dark specks on the teeth; teeth begin to decay as soon as they appear, Kreosotum.

Gums bleed after extraction of teeth: Kreosotum, Lachesis, Pulsatilla.

Kali mur. has a sensation as if the eyes would be forced out of the head when coughing.

Ignatia is useful in the delayed menstrual periods of girls away at school.

The Staphisagria child with his decayed and blackened teeth has a chronic tendency to colic.

In erysipelas of the joints, where there is sudden recession of the eruption, bear in mind Bryonia.

Think of Ledum in traumatic tetanus where the wound becomes as cold as ice and spasms begin in the wound.

Kali nitricum has produced conditions simulating sinus trouble on the right side of the face, with sense of pressure and hypersensitiveness to touch.

The Aranea diadema patient has a sensation as if the hands and forearms were intensely swollen and heavy, and he will rise from his bed and get a light to see what happened to them.

There is a marked amaurosis (with little dilation of the pupils) in Bothrops tan.; the patient cannot see after sunrise.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.