Similar in many respects to Rhus. Simple paralysis of lower extremities or a beginning paralysis aggr. damp weather or caused by lying on damp ground. These effects from damp cold are to be distinguished from effects of dry cold as in Aconite. Rhus is better adapted to chronic cases. The paralysis of single parts with aggr. at night and during rest, better by motion, further characterize. Rhododendron may simulate from catching cold.


Stiffness in limbs. Dragging gait. Paralysis of rheumatic origin or brought on by getting wet or from exposure to any form of dampness. The patients is chilly. aggr. uncovering. Restlessness is noticeable.


Similar in many respects to Rhus. Simple paralysis of lower extremities or a beginning paralysis aggr. damp weather or caused by lying on damp ground. These effects from damp cold are to be distinguished from effects of dry cold as in Aconite. Rhus is better adapted to chronic cases. The paralysis of single parts with aggr. at night and during rest, better by motion, further characterize. Rhododendron may simulate from catching cold.


Paralysis of lower extremities from cold, especially recent cases with pain in paralyzed part. Hysterical paralysis. There may be paralysis of one side with numbness of the other. The Cocculus paralysis is one-sided from small of back downward (bladder, rectum, legs). Spinal weakness aggr. lumbar region, aggr. walking. One-sided paraplegias. Clumsy gait, knees weak (Bry. Chin, Gel., Lach., Nat., m., Sepia, Staph) Anxiety in cold air. Motion aggr.; motion of boat, car, carriage agg. Aggr. eating, during menses. Sensitive to cold. Headache occiput to spine, aggr. lying on back of head.

Cocculus affects the cerebro-spinal axis, occiput, lumbar muscles and sensorium. Great lassitude of whole body. Requires exertion to stand firmly. Cannot bear contradiction. Every trifle angers. Speaks harshly (Anac.). Compare Nux vom. and Ignatia in Paralytic symptoms.


Paralysis from cold. Paralysis after anger or grief. Great sensitiveness between vertebrae, better lying on something hard. (Sulph. and Physos. aggr.) Morning aggr., vision clouded. Restlessness and debility. Numbness and tingling in extremities, especially fingers and toes. Shortening of muscles. Hamstrings seem short. Painful contractions. Better open air and sweating. Aggr. periodically, 9-11 a.m.; with the sun; after menses; alternate days; heat of sun; summer; dampness; violent emotion or sympathy.


Complete motor paralysis, functional rather than organic, especially affecting brain, cord, motor nerves m.m. Gels, affects right side frequently. Aggr. emotions, dreams, surprise, shock. Aching, tired, heavy, weak, sore. Tremor or twitches of single muscles. Incoordination. Symptoms with vertigo or drowsiness. Confused, dazed, answers slowly. Dread of falling. Thirstless. Weak knees Chin, Cocc., Lach., Nat. m.,, Sep., Sulph). Aggr. Descending. Tottering gait, cant direct legs. Chilly ache with languor (Sil.) mingled or alternating with heat.


Bruised soreness. Left side. Aching, squeezed or throbbing pain. Aggr. becoming chilled when hot. Better continued motion.


Sore aching muscles with marked prostration. Bed too hard. Sense of duality. Besotted stupid. Aversion to mental exertion, indisposed or lacking power to think. Indifference, stupor, falls asleep when spoken to, or in midst of answer. Parts rested or feel sore and bruised. Compare with Arn. Ars., Bry., Gels., in early stages of fever with malaise, flushed face, drowsiness and muscular soreness.


Increasing weakness, with restlessness. Tremor nightly; aching, spasm. Descending paralysis. Vertigo; stupor. Occipital pain dragging down back. Weak legs. Nape of neck tired, aggr. mental exertion. Spine aching, burning along it, sensitive Lumbar weakness aggr. standing. Cant keep feet and legs still. Stumbling (Nat.c.).


Passive congestion and weakness. Pulse: full, soft, flowing (Gels., Syph., Verat.v.). Bruised soreness. Cerebral irritation. Jerking limbs, drowsiness, chill with desire to scratch.


Sore bruised, prostrate yet restless. Bed seems hard (ARn.). Duality (Bapt.). Headache violent, throbbing, Pulse and temperature variation.


Sudden violent onset. Dryness. Redness; pain throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting. Jerks, spasms; jerks during sleep. Twitchings. Excitement. Restless delirium. Back feels broken (Lyc., Nat.m., phos.). Hot heal with cold limbs.


Paralysis of lower extremities with counteractive sensation and heaviness in limbs. Sudden loss of power of limbs in a.m. Spinal irritation from sexual excesses. Cerebro-spinal axis, nerves, digestive and respiratory organs affected; aggravated reflexes. Twistings, jerks, spasms. Angry, impatient, cant stand pain (cham.). Lumbar ache as if breaking (Lyc., Nat.m.). Must raise up to turn over (Bry.). Tense cramps in calves. (Jatropha has violent cramps that draw calves flat). (Jatropha also has loud gurgle, stool sounding like water from a bunghole, with profuse gushing; with icy coldness in lower limbs). Nux is easily chilled; cant uncover. Aggr. by motion. Aggr. slight cause- anger, noise, light touch pressure of clothes; mental fatigue, odor exertion or vexation.


Sore, lame, bruised feeling all through body, as if beaten. Tremors; cant bear pain. Everything lain on is too hard. Looks for a soft place. The parts rested on fell sore and bruised (Bapt., Pyrog.). Must constantly move to obtain relief from pain (Rhus). Unconscious when spoken to or falls asleep in midst of a sentence (Bapt.). Paralysis usually left-sided.


Affects motor apparatus, nerves and muscles. Burning, splitting or crushing headache. Complains in warm weather after cold days; after taking cold or getting hot in summer; from chilliness after overheating; exposure to draft or cold wind. Aggr. motion; better rest, physical or mental. Thirst. Child dislikes to be carried or raised.


Insensibility and partial or complete paralysis. May come on after fright or bad news. All complaints with great sopor; painless; wants nothing. Heavy, stupid.


Aggravated cold air, wet, north wind, sexual excesses. Better violent motion, warmth, cold drinks. Dont over-look paralysis dependent on menstrual difficulties. Lumbar paralysis (Cocc., Kali c.) wants it pressed (Dulc., Kali c., Nat.m., Rhus). Weak knees.


No remedy more profoundly affects the nervous system. (Cf. all venoms and spider poisons.) Trembling from extreme weakness (Gels.) but with faintness (unlike Gels.). Great mental and physical prostration, aggr. by sleep. May go on to left-sided paralysis, frequently from cerebral exhaustion.


Numbness and sensation of stiffness of many parts, mostly associated with coldness, fright, grief or anger. Dull stinging pains press inwardly.


Restlessness; heat; despair. Numbness, tingling (Cann.i. and Staph. have tingling). Aggr. exposure to cold dry wind (rhus, Caust., Sulph.). Doesnt want to be touched.


Unilateral paralysis with twitching. Dreads darkness.


Paralysis from spinal irritation, one side. Aggr. slight excitement, worry, mental fatigue. Pain aggr. Cold. Better sleep, eating, gentle motion (Puls, Ferr.). Prickly hands and feet, numbness of fingertips. Sad, worn look. Nervous, weak, easily fagged by pain, etc.


Cerebral spinal nerves. Violent pains like deep sticking splinters. Faltering in speech and gait. Craves sugar which aggr. Flatulence. Weak spine, trembling limbs. Weakness, rigidity or twisting in calves. Aggr. emotions, anxiety or suspense. Better cool air, hard pressure and motion.


Paralytic heaviness (Gels). Extreme weakness; flops; cant even talk. Neuralgia, cramps, spasms, hysteria. Anxious, nervous, sad. Aggr. before menses. Weak, discouraged.


Brain and nerves, congested nerve center. Spasms, tremor, jerks, cramps or active mania.


Bruised aching. Restlessness, painful weariness and heaviness. Affects fibrous tissues. Flexor tendons, sprains. Thighs feel broken. Weak, bruised feeling in small of back, hips or lower limbs, in a.m. Stumbles easily (Con.Nat.c., Plat.). Lumbago, aggr. cold air, wind, damp, wet; aggr. lying or sitting; better on back, or warmth and motion.


Cramps in hands, legs, feet. Fingers spread (Lac.c., Lyc.); bent backward or clenched; look water-soaked. Externally icy cold but burning hot internally. Objects to being covered, especially the abdomen. Numbness with insufferable tingling, crawling or twitching, gnawing or cramping, with stiffness in single parts starting in face or back (Nux), limbs, fingertips. Better by forcible extension. Aggr. warmth; during menses. Better cold, bathing or uncovering. Drawing, tearing in limbs, with tingling numbness. Convulsive twitching, aggr. at night.


Weakness (characteristic of the potash salts), Increasing uncertainty of control, finally stumbling. Paralysis of single parts. Contracted tendons, especially palms (Nat.m.) and hamstrings. Cramps of calves, feet or toes. Paralysis from cold wind or draft. Patient improved for a time, then at a standstill (Psor, Sulph.) Faint feeling or sinking strength with trembling (Gels.) going on to gradually appearing paralysis. Mood: melancholy, sadness, hopelessness, sees the dark side; or anxious irritable, hysterical. Remember in chronic rheumatism and paralysis, pains apt to be drawing and tearing. Aggr. open air; better bed. Note especially CONTRACTION OF FLEXORS.


Produces softening or atrophy with attendant symptoms, such as prostration, trembling, numbness and complete paralysis. Both in acute and chronic forms of disease. Over-sensitiveness of all senses with fidgeting, aggr. external impressions, light, odor, noise, touch; and later when organic changes have occurred loss of motion, sensation and sensitiveness. Anxious, restlessness from irritation of brain and nervous system;organic changes to apathy, sluggishness, indifference. Paralysis from fatty degeneration of nerve cells. Progressive spinal paralysis. From drain of sexual excesses (Nux, Nat.m.). Functional paralysis from fatigue.


Localized paralysis. Paralysis with atrophy. Wrist drop. Paralysis of extensors, aggr, motion. More of upper extremities from sclerosis or fatty degeneration. Paralysis with contractions. Tremor followed by paralysis. Hyperaesthesia of well side. REtracted abdomen. Pains in limbs, aggr. night, better rubbing. Twitching with paralysis.


Similar to Plumbum in many paralytic conditions, but more cramping. Periodically and in groups. Cramps of extremities, with great weariness of limbs.


Paralysis of lower extremities, especially of spinal origin, Legs so heavy patient can scarcely drag. Weariness even when sitting.


Atrophy of long muscles. Hips give way. Limbs feel paralyzed.


Nerves and muscles affected. Irregular action, going on to progressive debility. Trembling. Old look associated with paralysis. Vertigo on lying or turning over.


Exaggerated reflex. Kneely sensitive to noise, pain, or cold; chilly. Aggr. by cold changes; air-draft; dampness. After checked perspiration. Sensitive to nervous excitement,light, noise, jarring spine.

Ray W. Spalding