This discovery of the physiologists serves to augment and abet the teaching of our system of medicine more than any other that has been demonstrated since the time of Hahnemann, that all parts of the body are affected by conditions and drugs, and that the totality and unity of the whole personality must be considered; this has been solely the province of the homoeopathic physician.

Always conserve the strength of your patient and never repeat a remedy which exhausts him.

Pathological symptoms may lead toward the indicated remedy, but these pathological remedies usually hold a low rank in symptom valuation.

It is a prime rule not to keep repeating your remedy when the intervals between aggravations of the disease are lengthening This is an indication that the patient is improving.

Frequent repetition of the remedy is usually an indication that the prescriber is not certain of his remedy and is uneasy about the choice. Frequent repetition of the remedy may add a drug picture to the disease picture and seriously confuse the case.-C.M. BOGER.

Bellis perennis is frequently indicated in chronic induration of the breast which often are cancerous in nature.- C.M. BOGER.

A boy, seriously ill with measles showing marked cerebral irritation, had the following symptoms: Violent, biting, scratching, yelling delirium; had to be held by a strong adult for four hours; face red; temperature 106; pupils widely dilated; jumping at every motion or jar. Belladonna 200, one dose, and in ten minutes the father no longer had to hold him, he became quiet. He was put into a warm bath and fell asleep, the temperature dropping to 103. He roused when put to bed and slept five hours. Bell. 200, on waking this time. Marked improvement. Every day for some days he had some excitability at 3 p.m. All members of this family have this family have this same type of cerebral irritation with measles.-H.A. ROBERTS.

A young man cut his foot and it was supposed that a piece of glass remained as he was lame. Nothing could be found on examination. Many attempts were made to remove the silver without success. Six weeks later three doses of Silica 200 extruded a silver of glass three-eights of an inch long. It took the remedy just about 24 hours to work this miracle. The observer feels that this individual was some what deficient in Silica.- W.M.D. From the Mid-West Homoeopathic News Journal, June 1931.

Medorrhinum worked wonderfully in three or four severe cases of constipation when everything else had failed.-A. PULFORD.

In proving Cadmium metallicum an old inflammation of the left nasal septum with much bleeding, during two years, cleared up in two weeks and has not returned.-B.C. WOODBURY.

Warts. Calcarea ostrearum removed numerous warts bunched together on the back of the hands of a little girl. Every time she scratched her hand a row of flat warts soon appeared on the line of the scratch. There were so many they looked like an eruption. A few doses of the remedy in the 200th and they disappeared like snow in the sunshine.

A few doses of Solanum dulcamara (Woody nightshade) 30th cured large, fleshy, smooth warts covering the back of a farmers hands. Location was the only definite guiding symptom.

A dressmaker had a painful wart on the face of the terminal phalanx of the right thumb. This was irritated by the thread of her needle. Ranunculus bulbosus cured it. Later there was a slight recurrence. A second dose of the remedy removed it permanently.-J. MCLACHLAN. From the Homoeopathic World, February 1931.

If a case seems to be Pulsatilla but the mental state is peevish and irritable rather than mild try Cyclamen. It will often work wonders.

Magnesia phosphorica is one of our best dysmenorrhoea remedies when the pains are neuralgic in type and the variety of the pain is almost limitless, sharp, cutting, piercing, stabbing, shooting, knife-like, stitching, lightning-like in coming and going intermittent, and especially cramping. Relief from hot applications. Pain ceases as flow begins.-C.D. FISHER.

Veratrum album causes convulsions which come on secondary to exhausting diseases. In Strychnia the convulsions are primary, and are worse from the slightest touch.

Curare is useful in cases with paralysis of respiration. The poison destroys or diminishes reflex action which results in the paralysis.-W.A.DEWEY.


Another milestone is passed and the Recorder is at the beginning of its fourth year. During the past three and a half years, under the able editorship of Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard, it has increased in size, now numbering eighty pages in each issue; it has improved the format and general set up, with the kind co-operation of our printer; it has instituted several new features, and, all things considered, has shown a great advance in the literary content. Its objects is to spread the art of Hahnemannian therapeutics.

It therefore leaves to the medical schools, to the numerous medical text-books, and to the other journals the purely medical side with all its ramifications. These are important, very important, but we are concentrating on Hahnemannian homoeopathy only.

A new literary editor is taking the helm. The captain at the wheel can only win the race if there is close, quick and willing response by every member of the crew. A good ship, an able captain, a co-operative crew, and the race is won! A good ship, an able captain, lack of co-operation from the crew, and the race is lost! The Recorder is the ship, we are the captain, you, our readers, are the crew.

The Recorder has sailed well among the journals of the world. That it may continue on its good course we need your co-operation. Let each and every reader consider these questions: In what way would you have the Recorder changed, what additions, what omissions, what type of papers ? Will you send us questions for the Carriwitchet department? Will you answer the questions in this department? Will you send up pointers from your clinical experience? In fact, will you please have suggestions, and will you write to the literary editor at 14 Marion Street, Brookline, Mass. Write soon and write often for we need your co- operation.-E.B. LYLE.

Probably the most fundamental urge in the universe is perpetuation-the desire to preserve the existence of the individual and of the species. Without questions this is the vital impulse underlying all the problems we face today, to preserve and perpetuate our own lives and those for whom we, as physicians, are more or less responsible.

Granting the vital basis of the desire for preservation and perpetuation of the species, a recent abstract in the Journal of Organotherapy give rise to much searching thought. This deals with the problem of sterilization of the female, and speaks of the work that has been done experimentally in the temporary sterilization of animals by the use of ovarian or placental substances prepared from pregnant animals. These were first used by transplantation or injection methods, and later the same results of temporary sterility were achieved by the same preparations through oral methods.

The thought naturally arising in the minds of homoeopathic physicians is this: If such a basic, fundamental and necessary function as that controlling the production of young may be governed by oral administration of certain substances, and if this is scientifically proven by series of experiments, so that it is accepted by general medicine, why should the modern physician impose upon his patients the use of sera, that are produced from a different order of species, as a matter of course to fortify the body against diseases which are not fundamentally and basically a part of their nature, but rather the expressions of a weakened vital force which is unable, at the time of stress, to fortify itself?.

If it is recognized that the material substance, prepared and administered on the food plane, is able to so affect the vital processes that it inhibits natural reactions, why is it not possible to achieve general acknowledgment of the power of the potentized remedy, applied on the basis of the law of similars and on a far higher plane, to gently and promptly affect the vital force to the point where it sets the body in order and the beneficent and constructive effect is manifest in the peace and comfort that comes to the mind and body of the patient?.

It is the preservative urge of the human being to have a normally functioning mind and body, and it would seem to the logician far easier to effect this by natural methods than to subvert the natural laws of perpetuation, except by the exhibition of violence. In other words, similia similibus curantur, being based on a natural law, cannot fail to be effective, and it would seem patent to any thinker that this should be so, rather than that Nature should be subverted.-H.A.R.

As time goes on and scientists continue their work of investigation, one thing after another comes up that demonstrates in other channels than therapeutics the universality of Hahnemanns teaching, that the human economy is one inseparable, in divisible unity, and that it is only by taking the whole body into consideration that we come to a correct presentation of life itself. Almost simultaneously and very recently two research bodies came to very similar conclusions regarding the unity of the body.

Dr. Lay Martin, at the American College of Physicians, demonstrated that the stomach, when damage had occurred in the body from cancerous growths, took over to a large extent the work of the kidneys and where it did not immediately eliminate, rendered harmless the dangerous substances. The gastric juice was found to contain uric acid, urea and amino acids.

Allan D. Sutherland
Dr. Sutherland graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and was editor of the Homeopathic Recorder and the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
Allan D. Sutherland was born in Northfield, Vermont in 1897, delivered by the local homeopathic physician. The son of a Canadian Episcopalian minister, his father had arrived there to lead the local parish five years earlier and met his mother, who was the daughter of the president of the University of Norwich. Four years after Allan’s birth, ministerial work lead the family first to North Carolina and then to Connecticut a few years afterward.
Starting in 1920, Sutherland began his premedical studies and a year later, he began his medical education at Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia.
Sutherland graduated in 1925 and went on to intern at both Children’s Homeopathic Hospital and St. Luke’s Homeopathic Hospital. He then was appointed the chief resident at Children’s. With the conclusion of his residency and 2 years of clinical experience under his belt, Sutherland opened his own practice in Philadelphia while retaining a position at Children’s in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.
In 1928, Sutherland decided to set up practice in Brattleboro.