Formerly nearly every modification in the heart sounds, known as murmurs, and every irregularity of rhythm or increased rapidity, was regarded as evidence of some or more or less serious disorder of the heart. Scores of patients presenting these signs were condemned to lives of semi-invalidism there has been almost a revolution in the conception of these variations.

THE laity can obtain a very good idea of what is happening all the time in the world of allopathic medicine by scanning the Daily Press, which reports very thoroughly the rapid and great changes of orthodox medicine, whilst it does not trouble to mention the unwavering success of Homoeopathy.

To illustrate the bizarre changes in allopathic practice, turn to the Daily Telegraph for July 23rd, 1935, and learn about the absurdity of the present position. “HEART DISEASE FEARS PASSING.” “VITAL CHANGES IN MEDICAL VIEWS.” “INVALIDS WHO WERE REALLY HEALTHY!” These are the big headings in the Press.

Now this is “really” too bad, when one considers the hundreds of thousands of pounds sterling the sick have been paying out for allopathic diagnoses, which are now proved as having been absolutely wrong. These diagnoses must have prostrated the patients and their families from sheer and unnecessary worry and anxiety. An allopathic congress had been in session, and we are told: ”

Formerly nearly every modification in the heart sounds, known as murmurs, and every irregularity of rhythm or increased rapidity, was regarded as evidence of some or more or less serious disorder of the heart. Scores of patients presenting these signs were condemned to lives of semi-invalidism there has been almost a revolution in the conception of these variations. It has now been established that many so-called heart murmurs have little or nothing to do with the heart itself, and are not indications, as was previously supposed, of some defect in the heart valves.”.

Early this century I heard a homoeopathic address in London. Earl Cawdor was in the chair. He gave public testimony, that he had been condemned years by allopathic heart specialists, as an utter invalid, and that he must retire from all active life.

Lord Cawdor went on to say, that the now late Dr. Byers Moir, an internationally known homoeopathic doctor, with his homoeopathy, had made his heart to function properly, and had kept him in harness for years subsequent to his allopathic sentence of complete invalidism. The sole medicine given him, he said, was Crataegus oxyacantha, which remedy is to be found in all our complete works, but is not found in the allopathic pharmacopoeia.

This is but an instance of homoeopathic heart treatment. Crataegus is a direct heart muscle tonic. We have known of its value for the better part of a century, though quite evidently scouted or ignored by allopathy, to someones everlasting shame.

The routine allopathic practice in all rheumatic cases is to pus the dosage of salicylic acid to smother the pain, but this drug has a secondary and very disastrous action on the heart. Knowing this, the allopaths very often prescribe it to be taken on a full stomach, and even actually the patient is ordered” to take it lying down after a full meal”. One can read in their acknowledgment of its feared heart action. It also tends to ruin the stomach.

For further illustration of homoeopathic treatment I would describe a case of long lasting colitis, with consequent profound anaemia, all too common in these days of super-refined, and embalmed foods, which I hope will convey the lesson intended.

The case was cured by me in about two weeks, with a simple medicine, Pulsatilla, given in the 3x strength. This remedy was chosen on exact Pulsatilla drug-symptoms presented by the patient; it was selected on the positive medical knowledge learned in our provings which means by experiments on volunteer human provers, using their own bodies for the tests, instead of on animals.

This colitis-anaemic case had been in allopathic hands for a number of years. The lady had been in expensive clinics where every secretion and excretion had been tested many times and she had suffered daily bowel irrigations; many teeth and her tonsils were condemned to come out, but these operations had been refused point blank.

She had then been ordered, and taken, to various European spas, one after the other and, these failing, she had been sent to high altitudes and then down to the sea level. All this had cost much money without the slightest relief, notwithstanding the use of various terribly strong drugs.

This patients symptoms all demanded Pulsatilla. Besides the never-ending colitis I found that the stools were every changing in character.

She was fair of type, delicate of constitution, her moods changed hourly, at one moment gay and lighthearted, then depressed, tearful, and very sad; rich or greasy foods caused immediate and intense stomach distress, with reaction on the bowels; she was a chilly individual, but not a shivery one; though so chilly she could not bear a close or warm room; prefering the open air, even if cold, as this made her feel better temporarily; headaches and eye pains frequent; loss of taste and smell, more pronounced at some times than others; she was always “thirstless”, never caring to drink, and many other minor symptoms and sensations, all of which I found under Pulsatilla.

The only prescription was Pulsatilla 3x to be taken every four hours, and then twice daily. Coffee, condiments, acids and wines were forbidden.

I also forbade her taking any food cooked in aluminium, and as this was very hard to control when travelling, she could amplify her meals by using a spirit lamp in her room. “HEAL THYSELF” has explained the dangers of aluminium cooking vessels, which are very real.

This colitis-anaemic case continues cured, after two weeks treatment, and one prescription of less than two drams of pills medicated with a 3x of Pulsatilla (I in 1,000).

Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle
BIO: Dr. Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle 1861 – 1955 was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. He served as editor of the International Homeopathic Medical Directory and Travelling Secretary to the International Homeopathic Society.