The patient is very lame and puts a great deal of weight on the stick, he was so exerting a continuous strain on the elbow. He also complained of considerable pain ion the muscles of both thighs. The pains kept him awake at night. They were worse before rain, and better moving about. Two doctors had told him that nothing could be done for the bursa unless he would agree to an operation

HERE are two cases which illustrate the power of homoeopathy to heal the sick when the orthodox practitioner has given up the case as incurable. These patients were not dangerously ill. They were, however, typical of the large class of people who go through life suffering much pain and inconvenience for lack of homoeopathic treatment.

The first patient is a strong healthy young man about twenty three years of age. Twelve years ago he was kicked on the head when playing football. As a result of this accident he became liable to violent headaches. His head was so sensitive that he was unable to wear a hat. Any sudden jar or a slight blow on the head would bring on an attack at once.

He was told that he would in all probability suffer in this way for the rest of his life. He was given Arnica 30 morning and night with instructions to stop the medicine as soon as a really marked improvement took place or any aggravation. At the end of a weeks treatment his headache had gone. His head was no longer sensitive to every jar, and a severe blow on the head had no effect whatever. ” A few drops of nothing” to quote his description of the medicine, had cured a chronic ailment which had made his life miserable for years. That was six months ago and there has been no return of his incubus.

The second patient is an elderly man who developed a large and very inconvenient bursa on his right elbow. The patient is very lame and puts a great deal of weight on the stick, he was so exerting a continuous strain on the elbow. He also complained of considerable pain ion the muscles of both thighs. The pains kept him awake at night. They were worse before rain, and better moving about. Two doctors had told him that nothing could be done for the bursa unless he would agree to an operation. They suggested that he should do nothing so long as the bursa did not suppurate. He was taking aspirin for his thigh pains.

The patient was given Rhododendron 6 for his pains, and in about ten days the pains departed. So far they have not returned.

The bursa was treated with Benzoic acid ointment which was rubbed in every night. Benzoic acid 3x was given night and morning. Progress was slow, but after many weeks the bursa vanished.

R M Sidgwick