Natrum Sulphuricum

Natrum Sulphuricum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Natrum Sulphuricum is used…

      Sodium Sulphate, Sal Mirabile. Soda vitriolata. Glauber’s Salt. Na2 SO4. Trituration. Solution.


*Asthma. *Biliousness. Brain, injuries of. Condylomata. Debility, of drunkards. *Diabetes. Dyspepsia, of drunkards. Enuresis. Epilepsy, traumatic. Epistaxis (menstrual). Fistulous abscesses. *Gonorrhoea. Headache. Hydraemia. Influenza. Leucaemia. Liver, enlarged. Malaria. Migraine. Nephritic scarlatina. Ophthalmia. Panaritium. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Photophobia. Phthisis. *Sciatica. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Spleen, affections of. Sycosis. Warts.


*Natrum sulph. is a much honoured drug. It was discovered by Glauber in 1658 and named by him *Sal. Mirabile. It has been named *after him *Sal Glauberi. It is the chief ingredient in many mineral spas, notably those of Carlsbad. It was proved by Schreter, Hartlaub, Trinks, and others. It was studied by Grauvogl, who found in it the typical remedy for his “hydrogenoid constitution,” and it forms one of the tissue remedies of Schussler. From whichever side it has been studied the indications arrived at are practically agreed upon by all, through the homoeopathist has the widest field. Grauvogl described as the hydrogenoid constitution the state in which there is extreme sensitiveness to damp wetting, bathing, watery foods, and residence near fresh water, especially standing water. Periodicity is also another feature of this state. This constitution he considered as providing the soil for gonorrhoeal infection. It corresponds to Hahnemann’s sycosis. *Nat.sul. was Grauvogl’s leading anti-hydrogenoid. It will be seen by the following quotation that Schussler by another route reaches the same conclusion: “The action of the *Sodium sulphate is contrary to that of the *Sodium chloride. Both, indeed, have the faculty of attracting water, but the end is a contrary one, *Nat-mur. attracts the water destined to be put to use in the organism, but *Nat.sul. attracts the water formed during the retrogressive metamorphosis of the cells, and secures its elimination from the organism. *Nat.mur. cause the splitting up of the cells necessary for their multiplication, *Nat.sul. Withdraws water from the superannuated leucocytes, and thus causes their destruction. The latter salt is, therefore, a remedy for leucaemia. *Nat.sul. Is a stimulant of the epithelial cells and of the nerves, a will appear in what follows. In consequence of the activity excited by *Nat.sul. in the epithelial cells in the urinary canals. Superfluous water with the products of the tissue changes, dissolved or suspended therein, flows into the kidneys, in order to leave the organism in the form of urine through the ureters and the bladder. While *Nat.sul. stimulates the epithelial cells of he biliary ducts, the pancreatic ducts and of the intestine, it causes the secretion of the excretions of these organs. *Nat.sul. is also intended to stimulate the functions of the nerves of the biliary apparatus, of the pancreas, and of the intestines. If the *sensory nerves of the bladder are *not stimulated by *Nat.sul., the impulse to void urine does not come to man’s consciousness, thence there follows involuntary micturition (wetting the bed). If the motor nerves of the detrusor are not stimulated, there results retention of urine. In consequence of an irregular action of *Nat.sul. on the epithelial cells and the nerves of the biliary apparatus, there arises either a diminution or an increases of the secretion and flatulent colic. If in consequence of a disturbance in the motion of the molecules of *Nat.sul. the elimination of the superfluous water from the intercellular spaces takes place too slowly, there arises hydraemia, and functional disturbances in the apparatus for the secretion of bile causes the following diseases: Chills and fever, bilious fever, influenza, diabetes, bilious vomiting, bilious diarrhoea, oedema, oedematous erysipelas, on the skin, vesicles containing yellowish water, moist herpes, herpes circinatus, sycotic excrescences, catarrhs with yellowish green or green secretions. The state of health of persons suffering from hydraemia is always worse in humid weather, near the water, and in damp, moist underground dwellings, it is improved by contrary conditions.” *Nat.sul. is Schussler’s specific for epidemic influenza. Homoeopathy welcomes the keynotes provided by these two great observers, and incorporates them with the data furnished by her own provings and clinical observations, with which they entirely agree. Grauvogl and Schussler used *Nat.sul. in the lower triturations, but homoeopaths need not confine themselves to any. When the correspondence is exact the highest attenuations will act better than the lower, when the likeness is more general the lower will give the best results. The provings bring out the cardinal symptoms of the sycotic constitution: early morning, aggravation (the syphilitic is worse from sunset to sunrise), the periodicity and intermittent character or the symptoms, the predominant chilliness and sensitiveness to damp, clearly relates *Nat.sul. to *Thuja, the vaccinal nosodes and other sycotic remedies. But these uses of *Nat.sul. while guiding the homoeopath (and if he is ignorant of them he will miss making many cures), do not limit or hamper him. *Nat.sul. has a clear individuality independent of these relations. *Nat.sul, has many strongly-marked symptoms of the mind and head. It has headache with drowsiness, basal headache, as if the bones at the base of the brain were crushed, pressure on both sides or on right side of occiput. Mental troubles arising from injury to the head. Like other Natrums, it has mental symptoms worse from music. Low spirits even to suicidal impulse. Irritability, worse morning. Such conditions arise in conditions of nervous exhaustion brought on by debilitating diseases. There is also “Cheerfulness, after loose stools.” *Nat.sul has nose-bleed before and during menses (not vicarious like Bry). Toothache is worse by warm things, intolerable by hot things, and better by holding cold water in the mouth. In scrofulous ophthalmia, granular lids, &c., *Nat. *sul. has a great curative sphere. ***H. C. Allen says that with the possible exception of *Graphites, no remedy has “such terrible sensitiveness to light.” *Nat. *sul. has a decided relations to fingers and toes. A case of panaritium is reported (*N. A. J. H., xiii. 265) in a young woman, 21. Sticking Ulcerative pain under nail of right index finger, and in phalanges of various fingers. Pulsation in tip of little fingers. Better out of doors. *Nat.sul. 30 in water, a teaspoonful every two hours. Pain ceased rapidly, well in two days. (Six months before patient had one on another finger which gave great pain, and went on to suppuration).***S.M. Pease (*Medorrhinum *Adv., xxv. 28) cured a very chronic case of intermittent fever with *Nat.sul, to which he was led by this symptom: “When he took off his boots at night the ball of the right great toe invariably itched.” Its counterpart may be found in the Schema. Asthma is very frequently a sycotic manifestation, *Nat.sul. corresponds to the breathing and skin symptoms after and met with in asthma. Asthma of malarial districts. Humid asthma of children, with every fresh cold an attack of asthma. Attacks of asthma frequently occur in the early morning hours. Leonard (*H. W., xxxiii. 465) has cured with Nat- sul. 200X a very violent asthma which was always induced by any unusual exertion. Bellairs (*H. W., xxx. 407) cured with *Nat.sul. 3x a chronic case in a man, 35, who has “looseness of the bowels at each attacks.” There were no evidence of the sycotic constitution in this case. ***W. J. Guernsey (*H. P. vii. 129) has recorded a similar case: Mrs. S., 36. Violent attack of asthma, greenish, purulent sputa, a *loose evacuation immediately after rising the last two days. *Nat.sul. 500 was given in water, every two hours. Was enabled to lie down the same night, and all symptoms rapidly cleared up. Another case by the same observer is this: Mrs. C. 42. Subject to attacks for years. Expectoration greenish and remarkably copious. *Nat. sul. in water very three hours. Improvement began after a few doses, expectoration became paler and less abundant. Felt better than for years previously. A case of megrim cured by Baltzer with *Nat.sul., 30 is reported in *Archiv. *J. Hom, ii. 317 (*H. W., xxix. 408). One peculiar feature of it was that there was *salvation with the headache. Miss P., 19, had headache every fortnight for years. Shooting pain in right temple begins in morning after rising, increases till evening, and only ceases about 1 a.m., when she gets to sleep. Better By cold compresses, in open air, in dark room, by vomiting. Worse by noise, light, eating (does not eat anything on days when the pain is on, or it would be worse ), stooping, during menstruation. During headache mouth always full of water, causing her to spit constantly. *Pulsatilla and *Phosphorus relieved temporarily, but the megrim returned with vomiting and flushes of heat. After headache much thirst and craving for acids. Before headache, irritability. *Nat.sul. cured. Traumatic epilepsy resulting from injury to the head has been cured with *Nat.sul. (*H. W., xxxv. 258). The dreams of *Nat.sul. are remarkable. Heermann of Paris cured a young lady, a patient of mine, whose sleep was disturbed by dreams of *fighting. Mahlon Preston (*Medorrhinum *Adv., xviii. 533) has cured many cases of threatened consumption having “pains flying from the chest beginning with a dry cough.” Gregg (to whom Preston refers) gives the symptoms: “All-gone, empty feeling in chest, a sense of weakness in chest, must hold chest with both hands when coughing for support to relieve the weakness” (*Repertory, p. 322). Gregg refers “must hold chest because of pain and soreness, feels as if it would fly to pieces,” to *Bryonia and *Phosphorus *Nat.sul, has both. *Peculiar sensations of *Nat.Sul. are: As if forehead would burst. A if a screw being driven in. As if top of head would split. As if brain was loose and fell to left temple. As if brain crushed in a vice, or something gnawing there. As if bells ringing in ears. As if tympanum was pressed out. As if something forcing its way out of ears. Weight on chest. Lump or ball in throat. Burning: on top of head, right eye, edges of lids, gums, palate, anus, abdomen, soles to knees. Creeping in scalp to vertex. Crawling in eyes. Symptoms are worse by touch (liver, abdomen, scalp, pimples). worse Pressure of tight clothing. Pressure (of hand) better pressure in head, and soreness of chest. Scratching causes burning, Rest worse most ailments (can hardly find a position where pain in hip is tolerable, and the better changing does not last long). Turning or twisting body very painful. Obliged to lie on back. Lying down better pressure in head. Lying on side better violent colic. Lying on left side worse (engorged liver). Motion, exercise walking better. Fatiguing arm causes pain in head. Exertion. causes asthma. While walking, menses flow freely. Swallowing, talking, rising from seat worse. Many symptoms worse in morning, better after breakfast, and in open air., Colic 2 a.m. or 2 to 5 a.m. Asthma 4 to 5 a.m. After midnight: twitching of hands and feet during sleep. Ailments which arise or are worse from damp weather, or dwelling damp houses, damp soil, weather changing to damp, getting wet. Every Spring, eruption on chest. Open air worse liver, left hypochondrium, piercing pain in groins with urging to urinate. Open air better pain, panaritium. Worse warm room. Better cold air and cold water (toothache). Cold food or drink worse diarrhoea. During storm, flatulent colic worse. Better Dry weather, sitting up (cough), changing position. Retaining urine causes pain in back.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica