In like manner, hundreds of years ago, was uncovered an unusual stone. It was not observed with sufficient care to discover its worth and was laid aside, to be found generations later by a brilliant young German. It had unusual attraction for him. It had taken hundreds of years to develop the seeing eye for threat stone. He polished a surface of it and was fascinated.

Near James Bay in Ontario, a lumberjack lifted a stone to block a wagon wheel. It was unusually heavy. Examined, it was found weighted with gold. Out of that came the Hollinger, second in gold production only to the great Johannesburg mine.

In like manner, hundreds of years ago, was uncovered an unusual stone. It was not observed with sufficient care to discover its worth and was laid aside, to be found generations later by a brilliant young German. It had unusual attraction for him. It had taken hundreds of years to develop the seeing eye for threat stone. He polished a surface of it and was fascinated. The more he polished, the brighter it became. He polished it by day and meditated on it by night. Finally it came to occupy his whole life. He polished other facets. His entire time was given to its beautification. And in the end he left it, a jewel of jewels of jewels. It come down to us, the monument of his lifes work. Others have worked upon it, but this jewel will ever he his. More generations and thousands of workmen will be required to complete it. Some of the worker are here today.

The original facet, as you have already guessed, is similia similibus curantur.

The second, Hahnemanns own, is potentization, basic in homoeopathy.

The third, Hahnemanns classification of disease.

The infection, psora, is present in all disease. In many diseases it is the sole disturbing agent. Acute, self-limited diseases exist only on a psoric base. Sequelae of acute diseases are the action of aroused psora. Likewise, syphilis and sycosis develop only where the infection psora is already present.

The chronic infections, psora, syphilis, and sycosis, never disappear from the host except by the aid of a potentized remedy.

In another class Hahnemann places trauma of mind or body. These tend toward recovery, aided by removal of acting causes; the latter also by surgery.

The fourth, from my viewpoint, is the admonition to withhold the hand.

a. In giving the first dose before the symptoms have been fully taken and match to the symptoms of a remedy.

b. From interference with the action of a remedy by repetition or change until its work is completed.

c. From giving a high potency of a deep acting remedy where a vital organ is seriously damaged.

d. In giving a remedy for an intercurrent disturbance of lesser degree.

e. From treating pathology. Treat the patient.

f. If an old symptom reappears, withhold. It often disappears through continued action of the remedy.

g. From treating eruptions and discharges appearing while under the influence of the remedy.

h. Withhold while symptoms are changing. Wait until they become set in form.

i. Do not interrupt the patients story.

j. Withhold the hand if there appears a sense of well-being in the patient. This signifies the elasticity of returning life.


4.The single dose.

5.Recognize the chronic infection back of all disturbances, acute and chronic.

6.Cure from within out, above down and in the reverse order of the appearance of symptoms.

7.Be prepared with an antidote to excessive or damaging action of a remedy. 8.The importance of corrective hygiene, diet, environment and absorption and absorption of deleterious substance.

9 Use nosodes high.

10.The last appearing symptom a guide to the next remedy.

11.The strange, rare, and peculiar symptom, well marked in patient and remedy.

12.Cooperation of the patient.

13.Ask no questions for which yes or no can be answered.

14.Have various forms and use it first, last and all the time.

15.Original symptoms returning and no response from repetition be assured of benefit from a higher potency.

16.Original symptoms returning, no change of remedy until the highest potencies have been used.

17.If symptoms return resembling another remedy, the first choice was a mistake.

18.Law is absolute in cause of disease and in cure by potentized remedies.

19.Select three to give leading, controlling symptoms to determine the remedy.

20.The crude drug and potentized remedy are opposite in action.

21.Series and degrees.

22.Repetition of series.

23.The cruder approaches the opposite and antidotes the high.

24.Two doses in the same potency are usually enough.

25.A remedy indicated and curative at one period of life may be contraindicated and destructive at another.

26.The 30th is low enough and strong enough to begin.

27.Drug symptoms incurable by Hahnemann with his low potencies can be subdued today by out very high.

28.Severe consequences of continued grief and vexation.

29.Fear an overwhelming cause of sickness.

30.Check back through relieved and cured cases to discover the why.

31.Relation of remedies:.

Inimicals-opposed in action.

Antidotes-neutralizing the effect.

Complementary-supplying a lack.

Sequence-certain remedies often following the action of other in order.

32.Totality of symptoms.

33.Degree of intensity totality.

34.The remedy embracing the totality covers the part.

35.For prophylaxis is required a less degree of similitude than for curing.

36.Complete case records easily accessible now and for future permanent record.

37.Get the strong, strange, and peculiar symptoms. Then see to it that no marked generals oppose or contradict.

38.Cancer is an ultimate, an expression of a general under- lying disturbance, which proceeds the cancer.

39.The value of symptoms of previous illness with imperfect recovery.


41.Vitality low, give the remedy low and do not repeat.

42.Example of chronic disease latent for years: Luetic mother with no symptoms; her child full of symptoms and four plus.

43.If a remedy has produced no effect, its inimical may be used with safety.

44.Strong reaction to a potentized remedy usually shows serious diseased condition.

45.In a chronic case with a paucity of symptoms, give S.L. and wait. Get additional symptoms from the family or intimates.

46.A leader plus strong general is our best guide to the remedy.

47.It is quite allowable and ho harm is done by frequent repetition at at two hour intervals to start action.

48.Interference may be deadly after action has started and is well into its cycle.

All is motion its cycle.

In perfect arrangements there is harmony, physical, mental, and spiritual.

Disturbance of this perfect arrangement produces discord, physical, mental, and spiritual. These three forces, present in all of us, are inextricably mixed. Each seems striving for mastery.

Our range of vision is but a small segment of vision; our hearing only a small part of vibration in sound.

Physical science today deals in thousands of light years. Sound travels today by radio, round the earth in a split second. A while ago we knew that sound travels the snails pace of 1090 feet a second. Today we measure the radiation of ordinary physical substances. Crude drugs differ in radioactivity but all are on a certain limited plane. Out beyond this are the colloids of much higher radiation in their plane.

Far beyond either of these is the plane of our potentized remedies. Who can deny Hahnemanns pronouncement that they are spiritual? May not the spiritual be the physical in finer substance and higher vibration?.

The world travels slowly, surely toward harmony.

Harmony is one of the great words in language.

The ultimate of harmony-“In tune with the Infinite.”.



DR.GRIMMER:The poetic beauty of this paper is only excelled by its philosophy and the truth, conciseness and epigrammatic form of the principles of homoeopathy laid down. it would be an admirable thing for our students and for all of us to have this in printed form. It is condensed about as well as I have ever heard any our work condensed.

DR.JULIA M.GREEN:Besides congratulating Dr.Moore heartily, I should like to congratulating his teacher, Dr.Dixon.

DR.PANOS:Surely, of Dr.Dixon can show such results, he must be congratulated.

I had the opportunity of talking to an ardent Homoeopath, and I told him if I didnt know him except through the students that he had the opportunity to be preceptor, to, two of whom I know, I surely would not classify him as a homoeopath, because he did a mighty poor job. Although he is a most ardent homoeopath, his two students are complete failures. Dr.Dixon must be proud of Dr.Moore.

DR.MOORE:The moon has only the reflected light of the sun.

DR.PANOS:I dont agree with you there. There is why I brought out that the value of the preceptor in the students is not always reflected. If that were so, those two cases would not have been so. That may be so of the moon, but with human being I think it is different.

DR.DIXON:Of course I am proud of my student. I wish I had a lot of them, but there has to be something in the student, too, you know. It has been a pleasure to coach Dr.Moore, and he has had access to my library, under my guidance; and that brings me back to a subject that has been touched in this meeting, and is in every meeting, I think, that probably the feature of our type of homoeopathy depends on the old idea of the preceptor.

I am satisfied deep in my own heart that the reason I myself became interested in our type of homoeopathy was because that spark was in the old preceptor that I was just fortunate enough to have contact with.

Thomas K. Moore
Thomas K. Moore, MD, Akron, OH