Man forgets that the same soul exists in him as well as in other creatures of God and that the root cause of sympathy is oneness of soul. If we do not bear this in mind, we would be selfish and unsympathetic and we will try to do harm to others. If our thoughts are bad, naturally outbursts of psora will take place and we will suffer from some sort of disease or the other.

The Human Mind is divided into Upper, Middle and Lower regions. The portion from the top of the head down to the neck is called the Upper mind. The space from the neck to the navel is called the Middle mind and the region from the navel downwards is called the Lower mind. Higher thinking is the function of the Upper mind. Thinking of God, leading unselfish lives and control of desires come within the purview of the Upper mind.

Thoughts of becoming rich, spending money for the purchase of motor cars, costly dresses and high living are the working of the Middle mind. All base desires originate in the Lower mind. The lower mind is akin to hell and is the repository of all hellish thoughts. In order that we may remain healthy, we should remain in the Upper mind for sometime daily, that is to say, we should cease to think of idle thoughts and take the name of God or read the Ramayana and the Mahabharata or the Gita.

Our mind is never at rest. It is always undulating and is never stable. If we can maintain the equilibrium among will, understanding and ego, if we always balance reason and sentiment, if we can control all bad desires, no psora can develop and consequently no diseases can attack us. A pure mind is an asset and an impure mind is a liability. Nature cannot exert any influence over a mind.

Joy or sorrow, heat or cold cannot disturb him in any way. We should therefore purify our mind daily by taking Gods name for hours and hours together. We should lead selfless lives and dedicate the fruits of our action to God in order that we may gain peace of mind. We must believe in the existence of God, shed animality and develop spirituality in the right line for that is the only way to protect our mind and body from the inroads of diseases. This should be our motto. LOCALISATION OF PSORA

(DR. N. BANERJEE, Meerut)

The mysterious way in which psora localises in the different organs of our body and produces diseases is really interesting. Every homoeopath knows that psora comes from evil thinking. All kinds of thinking do not produce psora.

The thought of a saint and the thought of a thief are not the same. the Laws of Thought lay down that a man thinks as he is interested. If the interests are different, thought will be dissimilar. If we lead an orderly life, our thoughts will be in order. But ignorance which is mans greatest enemy offers an obstacle to lead a well – balanced life.

Man forgets that the same soul exists in him as well as in other creatures of God and that the root cause of sympathy is oneness of soul. If we do not bear this in mind, we would be selfish and unsympathetic and we will try to do harm to others. If our thoughts are bad, naturally outbursts of psora will take place and we will suffer from some sort of disease or the other.

The greater the mischievous propensity is, the more difficult the disease will be. Our brain has two sides the constructive and destructive. Men with an evil bent of mind like to develop the destructive side. The explanation that can be offered for this is that such men are in the grip of Maya or illusion.

If we think seriously we shall come to the conclusion that the disease from which a man suffers is a kind of self – imposed punishment. Our ignorance is responsible for this kind of penalty. We daily see that some people suffer from piles, some from cancer, from eye – trouble and so on. Diseases therefore are of our own making. We prepare the ground first and then diseases come.

Let us now explain how the localisation of psora takes place. Our mind may be compared to the diaphragm of a telephone. When we use a telephone, the diaphragm vibrates and it sends out vibrations to the opposite end. There by means of an electrical device, these vibrations are transformed into sound and the voice, is heard. Similarly when we think, our mind vibrates. Some of these vibrations go outside and some remain inside. Those that remain within are absorbed some internal organ. For different kinds of thinking, different organs have been created by God.

For instance, kidneys receive the thought vibrations of hypocrisy and cunningness and renal colic is the result. In like manner, skin and eye diseases are the results of selfishness and ingratitude. Instances can be multiplied. A single bad thought cannot produce a disease.

Repetition is necessary. By thinking again and again the same kind of thought daily, psora goes on accumulating in some particular organ and when the limit is reached, disease will break out. If, therefore, we want to remain healthy, we must antidote bad thought with good thoughts; otherwise the inevitable will happen. This is what has been said in the Raja Yoga.

Psora is responsible not only for diseases but also for death. From the Hindu view point this is correct. When the five Pandavas were making their journey to heaven, their favourite consort Draupadiji fell on the snow and died. When Bhimji asked why Draupadiji had died, Raja Judister said that Draupadiji loved Bhima more than her other husbands.

The differential treatment was the cause of the production of psora and she could not therefore stand cold and died. When Arjuna fell, Raja Judister said that the death of Arjuna was due to this excessive pride. Pride produced psora and psora caused his death. Raja Judister could reach heaven in flesh and blood because he was free from psora and was virtue personified.

The Gita says that diseases are caused by the excess of erotic desire, anger, greed, selfishness, pride and jealousy. Eminent psychologists of modern times also share the same view. I their opinion, psychological disturbances are contributory factors in causing physical ailments. Many diseases such as gastric ulcers, paralysis, high blood pressure, instantaneous deaths, etc. are the outcome of emotional upsets. Truth always agrees.

R N Banerjee