Besides these constitutional remedies should be employed, such as Sulphur if the patient has sulphur symptoms. One of the building up medicines, such as Calcarea carbonica or Calcarea phosphorica will be needed if the patient is of the Calcarea type. Ferrum phosphoricum is excellent, not only as a tonic and bloodmaking medicine, but also for reducing inflammation and congestion of the head and the eyes, etc.

PINK-EYE is an acute inflammation of the eye, very painful and extremely contagious. It is common amongst children, but not confined to the younger generation only, as adults suffer from it also.

During the last few months Influenza has been raging up and down the country. Each epidemic brings with it its complications and the latest one is what is called German measles.

In case of Measles one always for the eyes, and great care has be taken to protect them. The patient must be carefully watched for signs of inflammation. Although German Measles usually takes a mild form, and is not considered serious, it does affect the eyes. This year there has been an epidemic of Pink–in some cases as a complication of German Measles. Many cases, however, have been brought to our notice which cannot be traced to either Influenza or German Measles.

Conjunctivitis (Pink-Eye) is an acute inflammation of the lining of the eyelids and the outside of the eyeball.

The patient experiences extreme discomfort and pain. Dislike of light is a marked symptom and there is a certain amount of acrid discharge, causing the eyes to feel sore and to stick together in the mornings. There is a great deal headache and the eyes are left in a very debilitated condition.

The usual course of Pink-Eye runs from three to four weeks, but we have found that the condition responds to our treatment and clears up within a week.

It is essential to bring down the inflammation immediately and to keep the eye free from discharge, otherwise grave complications may occur. The disease may become chronic or corneal ulcers, etc., may form.

The general health should be carefully looked into and suitable homoeopathic remedies prescribed.

The following case is an example of neglected Pink-Eye.

A well-know Band Leader came to us in great agony suffering from acute Conjunctivitis (Pink-Eye). He was completely unable to see, and had to be assisted into our consulting room a closed car with blinds down. His lids were swollen and completely closed; there was also profuse and painful watering. Even the light which could penetrate through his closed lids hurt him intensely.

This musician had had frequent attacks of this trouble, each attack being more violent than the last and of longer duration. He was in a state of mental anguish also, for he had been told that he would have to give up his work if these attacks persisted. He had a very important engagement with his band in three days time which he was on the point of cancelling, but we advised him to wait.

Owing to the seriousness of the case it was necessary to keep the patient under constant observation and treatment. Steaming and packs were alternately applied to his eyes constantly throughout the day. After four hours the inflammation subsided considerably, enabling the eyes to be irrigated (washed out). constant treatment had to be continued for there days, and during this time he patients diet was restricted to fruit and carrot juice.

At the end of this time patients eyes were perfectly normal and he was able to fulfil his band engagement.

We took great care to see that the eyes were strengthened and that this patient was taught to use his eyes correctly, without effort or strain. There has been no recurrence of his trouble and no discomfort of any kind, although he continues to use his eyes constantly.

There was also the case of a little girl, nine years of age, who came to us with acute inflammation of one eye. The conjunctiva was so swollen that it was protruding from the lids. The child was in great pain and very frightened; the mother, needless to say, was also in great distress. The inflammation had not affected the other eye to any extent, but it was slightly swollen.

In this case the mother was shown how to steam the childs eyes, to enable her to carry out the treatment at home. In twelve hours the inflammation had subsided and in twenty-four hours both eyes were normal.

In cases of conjunctivitis the eye should not be covered up for any length of time, and never during the night otherwise the discharge cannot get away freely. As we said before, this discharge is acrid and injurious to the eyes.

Many similar cases of this disease have been cured with equal success and rapidity.

Of course there are very valuable homoeopathic remedies which should be used in cases of Pink-Eye and eye inflammation. Belladonna in the 3x potency is excellent for inflammation. Melilotus 1x and 3x is excellent for congestion. Hamamelis mother tincture and in 3x pilules will deal with the congestion of the veins in the eye and strengthen the vein walls.

Besides these constitutional remedies should be employed, such as Sulphur if the patient has sulphur symptoms. One of the building up medicines, such as Calcarea carbonica or Calcarea phosphorica will be needed if the patient is of the Calcarea type. Ferrum phosphoricum is excellent, not only as a tonic and bloodmaking medicine, but also for reducing inflammation and congestion of the head and the eyes, etc.
