ECZEMA, yellow acrid moisture oozes from under the crusts; when the surface is denuded of these, new vesicles at once form, and soon burst, forming a crust as before: Staph. ECZEMA, vesicles smaller and flatter that mercurial eczema: copaiv. ECZEMA, with pimples, crusts, and easily bleeding surface: Sulph. ECZEMA, transparent glutinous discharge, forming crusts: Graph. ECZEMA, with purulent secretion: Clem., Graph, Hep., Lappa maj., Lyc., Nat.mur., Nitr. ac., Sulph.

ECZEMA on genitals: Arg.nit., Ars., Calad., Croton tig., Graph., Hep., Lyc., Nat.mur., Petr.,Rhus tox., Sep., Sulph., Thuj.

ECZEMA RUBRUM; small blisters in the axillae suddenly, and emit a discharge which colours the linen a greenish yellow: Nux jug.

ECZEMA, bleeds easily and is covered with thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath: Lyc.

ECZEMA, yellow crusts, and inflamed surroundings after scratching: Merc. sol.

ECZEMA, with thick moist crusts: Rhus tox.

ECZEMA, yellow acrid moisture oozes from under the crusts; when the surface is denuded of these, new vesicles at once form, and soon burst, forming a crust as before: Staph.

ECZEMA, vesicles smaller and flatter that mercurial eczema: copaiv.

ECZEMA, with pimples, crusts, and easily bleeding surface: Sulph.

ECZEMA, transparent glutinous discharge, forming crusts: Graph.

ECZEMA, with purulent secretion: Clem., Graph, Hep., Lappa maj., Lyc., Nat.mur., Nitr. ac., Sulph.

EFFLORESCENCE of vividly red spots on abdomen and legs: Origan,. vulg.

ELEVATIONS, small, hot, red, whose tips become white and scaly, on left arm, elbow and nates: Merc.sol.

ELEVATIONS, small, round, colourless: Op.

ELEVATIONS, red, tuberculoid and inflamed: Rhus. rad.


small, dark-red; on backs of hands, covered with scabs, beneath which are pus: Sulph. ac.

ERUPTIONS, BLACKISH, Ant. c., ARS., Asaf., BELL., BRY., China., Con., Crotal.horr. Electr., LACH.,,, Nitr. ac., RHUS TOX., Sec., Sep., Sil., Spig.,

ERUPTIONS, BROWNISH, Cann.sat.,, Phos.,

ERUPTIONS, close-grained, dense: AGAR., Carbo veg., Copaiv., Sep., Squill., Thuja.

ERUPTIONS, Confluent: Agar., Ant.c., CIC., Copaiv., Hyosc.,, Thus tox., Tart.e., Val.

N C Bose
DR. N. C. Bose, M.D.C.H
Chief Editor, Homeopathic Herald