Fortunately we are able to buy this bran at the corn chandlers and sometimes at the old stone mills where millers are of the old-fashioned sensible style, and believe in milling the pure whole gain. Bran can be used in many ways. In porridge, bran biscuits, bran cakes and can also be put into puddings.

THE ordinary man and woman would say “Animals are fed on it arent they?” And quite true, animals are fed on this excellent food, full of rich vitamins and indispensable mineral elements such as iron, lime and phosphorus, the very things needed to make men and women healthy and free from the awful diseases which are in the world to-day.

But we are deprived of this health giving food by the over- artificiality of the age we live in. We have bodies with a wonderful set of organs and each organ has a special function of its own.

The body as a whole needs nutrition to keep these organs moving rightly, but if the food we consume is of the devalued sort then those organs are not going to do their work well. Hence the awful diseases we have in the world to-day.

And none is more prevalent than constipation.


Now one of the foods that have been artificially treated is the grain of wheat. God, when He created mankind, in His goodness also gave us good food for us to eat. One of the best was the grain of wheat. The grains of wheat take longer to grow than any other cereal and are important.

Bran is the outside skin of the grain of wheat and contains the rich vitamins so good for us. What is left after the bran has been taken away is the chalky substance we call flour. Such is the flour to-day which has to n nutrition value, which clogs our very organs so that they are taxed to the uttermost and then in time are unable to function.

Fortunately we are able to buy this bran at the corn chandlers and sometimes at the old stone mills where millers are of the old-fashioned sensible style, and believe in milling the pure whole gain.

Bran can be used in many ways.

In porridge, bran biscuits, bran cakes and can also be put into puddings.

Of course wheat is only one of the foods so spoiled of its true value. There are hundreds of others, so making us an ailing nation.

Edith Dain