The above books should be sufficient to show the beginner what homeopathy is. Next he ought to assure himself that homeopathy is recognized in all kinds of way and directions as producing cures of diseases. The Catalogue of the two hundred or more books on the subjects will be gladly supplied.


DURING thirteen years charge of the Homoeopathic Publishing Company I have witnessed a great increase of public interest in the science and practice of Homoeopathy. It is a regular part of the business to reply to requests for information as to the method of studying Homoeopathy.

With a view to supplying this information in an easy form and to save a good deal of laborious (but very welcome) work in the department I venture here to lay out a list of books which may fairly be taken as representative textbooks in order to become familiar with the science.

It is first wise to assure in oneself a great enthusiasm for the subject. Most of those enquiring here have obtained their first acquaintance with homoeopathy from the journal “HEAL THYSELF”, some from the reading of Mrs. Ellis Barkers series of proofs of the value of Homoeopathy as shown in his various books, and, of course, many others from hearing from other people of the cures effected by homoeopathic physicians and lay practitioners.

The books which have had most convincing effects upon public opinion seem to be :-.

Dr. Burnetts fifty Reasons for being a Homoeopath, hen we have just issued in a new edition at 1s. 3d., postage 3d. Dr. Burnett was one of the founders of Homoeopathy in Great Britain and as eloquent a writer as he was renowned as a physician. He died in 1901; after habitually employing and recommending the numerous nosodes like Bacillinum; which brought Koch (much later) international renown !.

Dr. John Clarkes Homoeopathy Explained is another clever little book on the science, surveying generally what it is and how the originator, Hahnemann, practised it (2s. 6d., postage 4d.).

Another recommended volume on the explanatory basis is:-.

Dr. Gilbert Charettes What is Homoeopathy? This is composed of a series of articles published by Charette in the leading allopathic medical journal of France.

The result of them was that over 1,000 medical men came over to Homoeopathy. The price of this book is 3s. 6d., postage ed.

The above books should be sufficient to show the beginner what homoeopathy is. Next he ought to assure himself that homoeopathy is recognized in all kinds of way and directions as producing cures of diseases.

In this connection Mr. Ellis Barkers works are of outstanding value.

New Lives for Old, how to cure the incurable, published at 7s. 6d., postage 6d.

Miracles of Healing and how they are done, also 7s. 6d., postage 6d.

And the very clever Truth about Homoeopathy which appeared in Truth and is a pamphlet sold at 6d., postage 1d.

Comes now the actual business of applying homoeopathy to actual conditions of ill-health.

There is no volume to compare, for low price and completeness of subject, with Dr. Voorhoeves Homoeopathy in Practice, 12s. 6d., postage 9d. It is a large, very well produced book of 440 pages and though some of the illustrations are Dutch-looking (as was the author !) and of foreign type, the materia medica, the remedies and the characteristics of fifty of the chief of them, as well as their application in disease, are fully explained. It is a book that ought to be in every homoeopathic library. We published it, after buying the copyright from Holland for a large sum, only a few years back. Any prejudice against its foreign origin is unmerited as if had Dr. John Clarkes strong recommendation and it was prefaced by Dr. Miller Neatby.

Dr. Ruddocks Vade Mecum of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, 10s. 6d., postage 9d. This book is so well known as to be a household world. It was newly revised by Dr. John Clarke a few years back and the sale has been really phenomenal. Dr. Ruddock was the actual founder of homoeopathy and of its journal in Great Britain.

There is a little volume we interpolate here as it stands in its right place between the knowledge and practice of homoeopathy: A Small Guide to the Principles of Homoeopathic prescribing, price 1s. 3d., postage ed. It is very useful, new this year and very popular.

Next Dr. Clarkes prescriber, a dictionary of the new therapeutics, price 8s. 6d., postage 3d. Many years ago the late Dr. Clarke w rote this book especially for the Homoeopathic publishing Company and recently I had had the pleasure of paying him for revising it, in its eighth edition. A more useful book never appeared.

We are now in a position to understand what homoeopathy is, how the principle of Similia Similibus Curentur is applied, what are the principal diseases caused by the metals, drugs and herbs, and how to cure them by means of them. If we are to go more keenly into the matter and to cover all the ground the following approaches would be indicated: To concentrate on the key symptoms, say by means of-.

Dr. Johnsons Therapeutic Key, a little pocket book which is very popular, but contains 400 closely printed pages of most useful spotlights on how to tell quickly the characteristic symptom. Price 11s. 6sd., postage 4d.

Dr. Allens Keynotes and Characteristics with Symptoms of some of the leading remedies of the Materia Medica. Price 14s., postage 6d.

Dr. Nashs Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics. Price 18s. 6d., postage 6d.

Drs. Neatby and Stonhams Manual of Homoeo-Therapeutics. Price 12s. 6d., postage 9d.

Dr. Bogers Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica. Price 21s., postage 6d.

Any further study of homoeopathy would naturally take the form of reference books and volumes on special diseases. In this way nearly 5,000 of Dr. Clarkes Dictionary of Materia Medica (three volumes) have found their way out; and his Repertory similarly. Dr. Boerickes Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, though for the pocket, has over 1,000 pages and costs 45s., postage 6d.

The special diseases are covered by volumes such as :-

Dr. Ruddocks Ladys Manual, twelfth edition, 6s., postage 6d. and his Common Diseases of Women, eighth edition (both revised and partly re-written by Dr. Miller Neatby), 5s., postage 3d., and other volumes.

The Catalogue of the two hundred or more books on the subjects will be gladly supplied.

I apologize here for the apparent advertisement-value of the above, which is inevitable. The prices are given and the recommendations genuinely made for the benefit of beginners who wish to know about homoeopathy. Nothing must be allowed to depreciate the foundation upon which the science of homoeopathy stands- the medical man and the honest chemists who genuinely uphold the science; the one in their training to deal with disease (and to write these books about it), the other in the ability to prepare, triturate, and supply the delicate proportions in the homoeopathic pharmacopoeia.

Intelligent laymen can obtain a clear knowledge of the science of homoeopathy and extend the cures which can be done with homoeopathy.

Homeopathy Books & Journals
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