This is the art of applying one of the great laws of nature in alleviating suffering and removing pathology in the body of man. He who is capable of applying this art need not question the result Hahnemann and his stalwart followers, through their experimentation, and knowing well what they were looking for, did not bring forth sterile results but the most valuable and eternal therapeutic measure for ailing humanity.


Homoeopathy : This is the art of applying one of the great laws of nature in alleviating suffering and removing pathology in the body of man. He who is capable of applying this art need not question the result Hahnemann and his stalwart followers, through their experimentation, and knowing well what they were looking for, did not bring forth sterile results but the most valuable and eternal therapeutic measure for ailing humanity.

It always takes courage to go against the tide of general belief, as Hahnemann did, even though he knew he was riding with the greatest mentor of all time, “Truth” Pythagoras saw the masts of a ship before he could discern the hull on the horizon, and he knew the earth was round, though he and Aristotle were the only ones to so believe at that time. Precious jewels, like truth, have to be separated from the dross. It look tons of pitchblende to recover a few milligrams of precious radium by the Curies, and look at the power potential of this substance.

In an article on modern scientific discoveries. ONeil has this to say, “the present era in the chemical and physical sciences may be considered the region of the Mighty Mites, the period in which we have discovered the controlling powers of trace elements, invisibly small amounts of indispensable materials that make possible the production of large amounts of economically important materials and even the maintenance of life itself.” Man is skeptical of the minutia; he wants to be able touch, see, and feel. Only mass appeals to him, but modern research proves the infinitesimal to be the all important.


We must have new blood in our societies, a transfusion, if you please, of recent graduates, who will need a mentor to steer them, for a time, in the art of Homoeopathy. A list of our under graduates who are particularly interested in Homoeopathy should be furnished to the members of this society by the head of Homoeopathic therapeutics in our colleges. Some of us had the good fortune to be the under the watchfulness of a good preceptor, a valuable aid in making our first contact with the art of Homoeopathy. It is true, the acquiring of a working knowledge of Homoeopathy is time consuming ; but what is not, if the result is to be worth while?

I am not one to believe that our societies are to be abandoned for lack of interest or number present at our meetings. Because we are a minority group of the healing art, we should not become discouraged, for more often that not minorities have found the jewels of mans existence on this old planet, and pointed the way to the rest. Man is imbued with the herding instinct: he is more likely to be attracted by a crowd than a subject of great worth.

We all know how difficult it is to arouse members of the medical profession from their dense of life saving; we find excuses as readily as the office boy who loves baseball: if he has no grandmother to bury he invents one. Oh, yes, you may say, these are nice words, and perhaps a little philosophic, but they do not get us on the road we should travel. Without action, yes, that would be true, but you are all aware that the engineers staked out the great Alaskan highway before it could be carried through, and I am trying to give you my opinion of what should be done to further the spread of a therapy par- excellence.

Arthur Weller