Pupils dilated. Hardness of hearing. Hunger without desire to eat. Blackness of outer parts. Blueness of the whole skin or cyanosis. Blue-black swelling here and there over the body. Hot sweat. Bed feels hot. Drowsiness; deep and heavy sleep with stertorous respiration; with open eyes. Stools of hard round, black balls., Bluish appearance of the face. Face very red, bloated, distorted. Painlessness, complains of nothing, asks for nothing. Ailments accompanied by sopor.



(1) Coma. Drowsiness.

(2) Chilliness.

(3) Dryness, in mouth, throat, eyes, etc.

(4) Thirstlessness. (rarely thirst)

(5) Skin cold, dry, not disposed to sweat. Blue spots on skin.

(6) Thinks she has two heads.

(7) Objects look larger, distant.

(8) Red sweat: red like blood.

(9) Nosebleed, blood dark.

(10) Tongue adheres to roof of mouth.

(11) Saliva like cotton.

(12) Abdomen enormously distended.

(13) Stool soft yet is unable to expel it. Faintness during or after after stool or fetid diarrhoea; stool bloody.

(14) Fatigue on slight exertion.

(15) Great soreness of all parts on which one lies.

Mind: Profound coma.

Lying silent, immovable.


Difficult comprehension.

Slowness of ideas.

Dwells with inclination to lie down.

Dreamy state, with drowsiness and falling of eyelids.

Delirium and stupidity.

Great sleepiness with giddiness, as if drunk, so that she does not know where she is, and walks with the eyes shut.

Absent minded and insensible, as if intoxicated.

Insensibility and giddy vanishing of thought.

Slow movement of ideas, he dwells long on his answer before giving it and often he answers not at all.

Frantic drunkenness.

Dullness of senses, thoughtlessness, with slowly returning consciousness.

Delirium with violent vertigo, strange gestures, improper talk, with loud tone and voice and total sleeplessness.

Thinks she has two heads.

Stupor and insensibility.

Unconquerable sleep.

Gives answers wholly irrelevant to the question put to him.

Short time seems very long to her.

Awakens and knows not where he is.

Laughter, with stupid expression.

Laughter, everything seems ludicrous, talks loudly to herself.

Changeable mood.

Sleepy with all complaints. (Op. Ant-t.).

Stupid state (Ph-ac. Op.).

Soporous condition, as if intoxicated (Op) with loss of motion and sensation.

Coma of typhoid.

“When aroused she remembers nothing, looks dazed; looks about and wants to know who the people are around him and what they are doing. It is a state in which patients answers questions slowly after a long interval, and then look confused again. They give an answer that has no relation to the question asked, or answer correctly.”.

“It is also useful in typhoid, but where there is great weakness, sliding down in bed, and nervous trembling, Phos.ac. is a better remedy. Nux.Mos. does not relate so completely to the general image of a typhoid as does phos-ac.”.

Confusion, coma, unconsciousness, inability to think; indifference to everything.

Head: Vertigo as if drunk.


Head feels full and as if expanding.

Brain feels loose.

Temples sensitive to touch.

Head drops forward while sitting.

Eyes: Sensation of dryness in eyes.

Contracted pupils.

Illusions of vision; objects appear too distant; look larger.

Dilated pupils and immovable, or contracted with sensation of fullness in eyes. Distressed look.

Lids heavy, stiff.

Drooping of eyelids.

Ears: Bussing. Very deaf, as if stopped up.

Over sensitive.

Nose: Oversensitive to smell.

Nosebleed of dark, black blood.

Face: Pale; blue margins around eyes.

Suffering expression.

Lips and jaw compressed.

Face red, swollen.

Foolish expression.

Lips chapped; dry.

Mouth: Great dryness in throat and mouth without thirst.

Dryness of mouth, tongue and throat, dryness so great tongue sticks to the roof of mouth, yet without thirst.

Cotton-like saliva; decreased saliva.

Offensive smell from mouth.

Tongue; dry, white; dry as if leather-covered.

Whitish, yellowish, doted with red papillae.

Tongue paralyzed.

Stomach: Fullness of stomach and loss of appetite.


Rolling: Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.

Distended abdomen.

Stool; Putrid, colliquative diarrhoea.

Putrid bloody diarrhoea.

Urine: Scanty, high coloured and clear.

Pulse: Small. Weak, Intermits, the interval long. Pulse accelerated.

Limbs: General restlessness in the muscles, with vertigo.

Anxiety in body with disposition to trembling.

Pain in the neck, bones, and generally as if after taking cold in copious perspiration, with pressing to the forehead.

Loins and legs as if bruised and weak; after slightest exertion weakness with inclination to lie down.

Sweat red or bloody.

Bluish spots on the skin.

Heaviness of head.

Pain in forehead and occiput; great soreness of all the parts upon which one lies (Bapt. Pyrog.); tendency to bed sores.

Fatigue, must lie down after the least exertion.

Heaviness and coldness of legs.

Pains better from warmth.

Sleep: Irresistibly drowsy.

Sleepy as if intoxicated; coma, lies silent, immovable; eyes constantly closed (Op. stertorous).

Generalities: Oversensitive to light; of hearing; of smell; to touch.

Complaints cause drowsiness and sleepiness.

Vanishing of thought while talking.

Blue spots on skin (Arn).

Complaints from suppressed eruptions.

Skin cold, dry; not disposed to sweat.

Sensitive to cold damp air.

Bleeding from inner parts.

Dryness of inner parts.

Restless, must move about.

Chilly, pale face,.

Full feeling in upper part of chest, preventing a deep breath.

Haemorrhage of typhus; dark blood.

Fetid flatus.

Faintness during or after stools.

Chilliness and thirstlessness.

Aggravation: Cold, wet windy weather. Weather changes; cold food, water and cold washing. Carriage driving. Lying on painful side. Motion. Jar. Touch. Pressure. Rest (backache). Lying down (Head); on side lain on. Evening and night (Dry mouth). Night (Diarrhoea). Open air. Milk (Diarrhoea).

Amelioration: In dry, warm weather; warm room; wrapping up warmly. Warmth. Pressure. Rest (Headache).

Compare: Bell. Hyosc. Lyc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Phos-ac. Puls. Rhus- t. Stramo.

Dose: 30th, 200th, 1000th.



(1) Profound cerebral congestion resulting in paralysis of brain. Totally unconscious and oblivious to all around. No response to light, touch, noise.

(2) Dropping of the lower jaw.

(3) Stertorous breathing; slow and sighing.

(4) Body bathed in hot sweat (Stramo).

(5) Face dark, brownish red or blue.

(Helleb face is pale cold, with cold sweat).

(6) Pulse full, slow (Helleb: small, weak almost imperceptible).

(7) Progressive stupor. It is only in the beginning of Opium state that the patient can be aroused from sleep. The stupor goes on until no amount of shaking can bring the patient to consciousness. Stupor and coma, complete stupor.

(8) Painlessness with ailments, complains of nothing, asks for nothing.

(9) Open mouth and eyes and rigidity of muscles. This may alternate with delirium. Hallucinations of sight, fear of small and hideous animals and attempts to escape.

(10) Involuntary stools. Retention of urine.

(11) Sleepiness, with acute hearing, clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep patient awake.

(12) Bed feels hot and she cannot lie on it.

(13) Must be uncovered.

(14) Heat aggravates, cold ameliorates, intolerance of heat.

(15) Stupid comatose sleep with rattling, stertorous breathing.

(16) Face red and bloated, eyes blood-shot and half open.

Mind: Unconscious, eyes glassy, half-closed, face pale, deep coma.

Drunkenness, with stupor, eyes burning and dry.

Imagines parts of body very large.

Thinks she is not at home.

Delirious Talking, eyes wide open, face red, puffed up.

Dullness of senses and at intervals sopor, with snoring.

Sees animals.

A frightened expression of face.

Great sensibility to sound, light, and faintest odors.

Dull stupid, as is drunk.

The stupor is complete; he cannot be roused or only with great difficulty; lies speechless, with open eyes and stiff limbs.

Delirium, mild or furibund, with loud talking, laughing or singing; attempts to escape; face dark red besotted; sighing.

Complete stupor from which the patient cannot be roused or only with the greatest difficulty, and then falls back into unconsciousness or gradually increasing wild delirium followed by gradually increasing coma.

Lies speechless with eyes half-open and limbs stiff. Mild delirium or loud talking.

Stupefaction and dullness.

Stupid indifference; imbecility.

Stupefaction of senses.

Illusions and frightful fancies.


Loquacious delirium, with open eyes and red face; furious delirium.

Stupor, must lie down; snoring sleep and half open eyes.

Complete loss of consciousness and sensation with relaxation of the muscles.

Patient wants nothing.

Unable to understand or appreciate his sufferings.

Thinks he is not at home.

Delirious talking, with wide open eyes.

Stupid indifference to pain and pleasure.

Insensible pupils.

Extreme drowsiness and coma, which stertorous breathing.

Insensibility to external impressions.

Drunkenness with stupor as from smoke in brain.

Dull stupid, as if drunk.

Fear or impending death.

Easily frightened.

“Typhoid, stupor, can scarcely be aroused; speechless; eyes half- open; mild delirium or loud talking, fury, singing, desire to escape; the darker-red the face, the more it is indicated.”.

“Talks only when arouses.”.

“Loquacity is rare.”.

“A condition of stupor in which the patient will say nothing and do nothing.

“The opium patient, when not too stupid, rouses up as if startled, rouses up with the appearance of awful fear or anxiety.”.

Wants to go home.

Complaints of nothing, wants nothing.

Picking of bed clothes during sleep (Bell. Hyos. while awake).

Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it (Bed feels hard Arn. Bry. Pyrog.).

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