Sulphur 4x in chronic cough and dry cough day and night, preventing sleeping; or dry cough nights; during the day the expectoration is yellow, green, stinking; or thick mucus; bloody pus; stitches in chest during cough, on right side; sensation of crampy compression in chest, or inclination to vomit.

(From P. Zeitschrift fur Homoopathie, Vol. 69. No. II.).

The Catarrhal Cough.


Aconitum 4x is an old stand-by if the cough is caused by taking cold, with stitches in chest; dry heat, palpitation of heart followed by perspiration.

Bryonia 3x in dry cough which comes from “deep down in chest”, tickling in throat causing even retching. Stitching pains in chest and head.

Belladonna 4x in dry cough from tickling; with head congestion; throat is dry and inflamed; especially valuable in the spasmodic coughs of children, in pertussis and during dentition.

Chamomilla 3x in dry nocturnal cough from tickling in pit of throat, even during sleep, and worse from talking.

Rhus toxicodendron 4x in dry, short night coughs from tickling in chest causing anxiety and shortness of breath, worse before midnight.

Mercurius solubilis 4x resembles Rhus; cough is very severe and shakes patient, especially nights; or tickling cough before sleeping.

Hyoscyamus 4x dry cough nights disturbs sleep; lying down aggravates, sitting up ameliorates. Tickling in trachea; attacks of spasmodic cough.

Ignatia 4x in dry, nervous coughs with sensation of fine dust in throat pit; worse evenings and from coughing itself.

Nux vomica 4x dry cough caused by rough, acrid sensation in throat and tickling in palate, especially if continuous, worse nights, better towards morning.

Phosphorus 4x to 6x in chronic cough with much pain in lungs and thick, purulent, bloody expectoration.

The Loose Catarrhal Cough.

Arsenicum 4x in moist cough with scanty expectoration after every drink; nocturnal hemoptysis with burning heat of entire body; difficult breathing, extreme exhaustion; dry cough every evening, weakening; oppression on chest when climbing stairs and in cold air with nocturnal palpitation and fear.

Dulcamara 2x to 4x in moist or loose cough with abundant expectoration, often caused by taking cold or from moist air; cough and hoarseness with much mucus in trachea; bellowing, shaking cough, worse from or initiated by deep breathing and from warmth and lying down, better from motion.

Pulsatilla 4x is splendid when expectoration begins to loosen, where there are masses of mucus; appetite suffers from the overabundant mucous expectoration. (Pertussis.).

Further indicated remedies are :

Drosera 2x is valuable in troubling night cough in adults, especially if nausea accompanies; also indicated in moist or dry cough and hoarseness, pain in chest.

Ipecacuanha 4x is especially indicated in children, even infants if they appear to be asphyxiated from coughing. Pertussis, or cough so spasmodic, that child can hardly breathe, gets red and blue in face and stiffens.

Sulphur 4x in chronic cough and dry cough day and night, preventing sleeping; or dry cough nights; during the day the expectoration is yellow, green, stinking; or thick mucus; bloody pus; stitches in chest during cough, on right side; sensation of crampy compression in chest, or inclination to vomit.

Veratrum 4x in deep, hollow cough as coming from abdomen with cutting abdominal pains, salivation, cyanotic face, involuntary urination; severe pain in side of chest with difficult breathing.

Cina 3x dry cough, scanty expectoration, in children who start up suddenly as if losing their senses, followed by anxious gasping for air; wimpering; pale face; or hoarse little coughs especially in children toward evening.

Cuprum 4x frequent spasms with many unusual motions and twistings.

Carbo vegetabilis 30x in spasmodic cough accompanied several times daily by retching and vomiting of white, gray or yellow expectoration.

Silicea 6x to 12x is the main remedy in hollow cough with much slimy expectoration and clear limps or yellow pus; oppression on chest, short breath; emaciation.

Arnica 6x to 30x in cough with expectoration of mucus and lumps of coagulated blood; shortness of breath; bruised feeling of ribs and abdomen. Nocturnal cough of children early, or during sleep.

Ferrum phosphoricum 6x if urine escapes with every cough.

Hepar sulphur 3x in dry, hoarse, or hollow cough with inclination to vomit.

Sepia 12x to 30x in severe nocturnal tickling cough and inclination to vomit.

Kali carbonicum 12x to 30x has stitches in sides of chest, intermittent pulse; inclination to diarrhoea.

Antimonium tartaricum 4x is suitable in loose, rattling cough with difficult breathing due to abundance of mucus in bronchi. (Pneumonia and Pleurisy.).

P. Zeitschrift