Added to these may be physical measures which equalize circulation be derivation, either to the feet or the head, for which purposes we have hydrotherapeutic means. In rheumatic headache we recommend especially the Cornelius Nervepoint massage with its remarkable lasting effect from correct technique and patience on the part of the sufferer.


Acidum benzoicum 3x.: Related to uric acid diathesis and recommended in Menieres vertigo.

Acidum phosphoricum 3x.: Vertigo from mental or general exhaustion, as also for headache from these causes.

Acidum picronitricum 10x.: Headache from nervous exhaustion and sexual excesses.

Argentum nitricum 6x. to 30x.: Pressing, boring pain as if bones of head would explode, and head feels extremely large. Vertigo, and bilious or sour vomiting may be present. Patient feels bad in morning, as also from drinking coffee and other stimulants, from mental exertion and stooping; tightly binding, like any other pressure, and cool air ameliorate. The pain is usually behind left frontal protuberance, and radiates to coronal suture.

Arnica 4x. to 30x.: Aside from headache caused by trauma and concussion of the brain, this remedy acts strongly on the venous circulation, and has been recommended also in Menieres vertigo.

Arsenicum album 10x. to 30x.: It has periodic aggravation and is indicated by its characteristics: nocturnal attacks, great irritability, anxious restlessness, thirst, burning pains, great exhaustion; cold applications to head are usually pleasing. There are angioparalytic conditions with peripheric coldness of extremities. Generally it symptoms are relieved by heat.

Asarum Europeum 4x.: It is distinguished by being hypersensitive to noise, which may lead even to nervous shivers. It has headache with nausea and vomiting, even stomach cramps.

Belladonna 6x. to 30x.: Throbbing hyperaemic headache as angioparalytic migraine–red face, indicated by suddenly appearing and passing waves of pain, as if brain or eyes would burst out of head. Feet are cold, but head hot. All sensory impressions, inclusive of touch and motion, aggravate; total rest and darkness ameliorate. Vertigo, nausea with inclination to vomiting, may be present. It also acts favorably in dysmenorrhoea. The right side is mostly affected.

Bryonia 4x.: Congestive, bursting headache worse from every motion, better from nosebleed.

Calcarea carbonica 10x. to 30x.: Sense of cold or or in head is prominent. The pain is throbbing, hammering or pressing, located in forehead or temples. Lachrymation, photophobia, nausea and inclination to vomit may be present, usually mornings or following physical or mental exertion, or stooping. It seems to have a special relation to the sexual sphere (onanism, coitus interruptus, etc.). The general Calcarea constitution must be considered. It is a remedy which acts deeply on the predisposition and is especially indicated in chronic conditions.

Caulophyllum 4x.: Indicated in rheumatic headache especially if accompanying other rheumatic conditions or uterine symptoms or pregnancy.

China 3x. to 30x.: Anaemic headache from loss of body fluids. Aside from throbbing, wave-like attacks of pain, there may be vertigo and tinnitus aurium. Tendency to flatulence is additional indication for China.

Chininum arsenicosum and sulphuricum 4x.: The first is of value in periodic headache and exhaustion, while the sulphuricum has been praised in Meniere.

Cimicifuga racemosa 4x.: Acts distinctly on the left side and had close affiliation to the female pelvic organs in their physiological functions and pathological disturbances in which he headache is better from appearance of the usually delayed and scanty menstruation. The remedy is also valuable in headache during the climacteric. The pain is bursting at the base of the skull, but also when located at the vertex with sensation of heat or as from a cap. It is also indicated in ciliary neuralgia.

Cocculus 10x. to 30x.: Headache and vertigo, nausea and vomiting worse from motion and change of body position, but especially from riding in cars or from sailing. Hollow sensation in head, or feeling as if head opened and closed, which symptoms are characteristic. Pale face. Pain especially in occiput with inclination to stretch head backward.

Coffea 2x to 30x.: Characteristic is arterial erethism and great hypersensitivity to light and nose, but also to lively conversation. Face is red. Vertigo, nausea and inclination to vomiting may be present. Blood pressure is increased.

Colocynthis 6x. to 30x.: Pains are severe, tearing, drawing or squeezing with screaming; better from heat. Anger may be causative, but especially chronic rheumatism or gout.

Conium maculatum 6x, to 30x.: Vertigo due to anaemia, worse from quick motion of eyes or every change of body position, especially from act of lying down, but also from rising or turning over in bed; even walking over vacant space cases vertigo. It is also prominent in vertigo of old age.

Cyclamen 4x.: Chronic headache and chronic migraine with visual disturbances and despondent mood in anaemic women with profuse menstruation. Patient in vertigo of old age.

Cystitis laburnum (Laburnum) 4x.: Acts strongly on peripheral vasomotility in the sense of constriction, and cases of hypertonia; stitching headache especially on the left side and temple; pale face, vertigo, nausea and vomiting. It also has pain in neck muscles.

Ferrum metallicum 1x. to 10x.: Congestions based on anaemia. Headache better from nosebleed or menstruation; the latter is scanty and delayed, or vicarious.

Gelsemium 6x. to 30x. Valuable in migraine. Pulsating headache from occiput to vertex or eye, often with flitting scotoma, hemianopsia, indistinct vision, blinding, distributed ocular muscle action, precursor or cause (refraction anomaly, disturbed ocular muscle action) of headache. The attack is which the face is red and patient nauseated and vomits is ended by copious urination. Sensation of band around head. The eye symptoms may also be equivalents of migraine.

Glonoinum 6x. to 12x.: Strong congestion to head with sensation of enlargement, or as if a heavy weight were pressing down, or as if skull contents were forced out at forehead. Pulsating throbbing with red face, better in open air, worse from heat and especially from the sun rays. Lacking secretions (menstruation, climacteric) may be causative. Blood pressure is increased.

Granatum 6x.: Recommended in vertigo.

Graphites 10x.: As a constitutional remedy often indispensable.

Helonias dioica 4x.: Congestive head pressure especially on vertex; vertigo especially from stooping; of value also in atonic conditions of uterus and its ligaments.

Ignatia 10x. to 30x.: Has depressed, excited or very changeable moods, especially in women; pain mainly on vertex with sensation as from nail driven into head.

Aggravation from mental emotion and exertion. Attacks with vomiting–stomach headache–may be present, which point to nervous reflexes, but also other organs may be causative.

Ipecacuanha 10x. to 30x.: Severe nausea with inclination to vomiting and eructations and waterbrash, pale face, are prominent.

Iris 4x.: Periodical migraine especially during rest periods following mental or physical exertion (Sundays), but also at other times. It has many eye symptoms: dim vision, muscae volitantes, hemicrania, temporary blindness, as also gastric disturbances–severe sour or bitter vomiting at the height of an attack. The pain is an intensive throbbing, usually on right side, reaches its height at noon, and remains often above eyes.

Lycopodium 10x. to 30x.: Headache with vertigo, vomiting and constipation.

Pulsatilla nigricans 10x. to 30x.: Decisive for its indication are the general constitutional symptoms (pale face, chilliness, cold hands and feet, depression, dyspepsia, worse evenings, nights and from warmth; better from motion, in open air and from cooling; delayed menses). The tearing, pressing headache may be accompanied by vertigo, nausea and vomiting.

Rhus toxicodendron 6x. to 30x.: Aside from its relation to rheumatism it also has congestive headache with sensation as if a board were strapped to the forehead, or as if the brain were striking against skull at every motion. Worse from stooping, better from nosebleed. There may be vertigo, especially in old people.

Sanguinaria Canadensis 4x.: Headache begins in the occiput, radiating to forehead and right eye; it is a burrowing, throbbing, stitching pain, generally accompanied by nausea, severe vomiting and chilliness, especially during profuse menstruation or climacteric, with general congestive throbbing in arteries. Every motion aggravates as well as light and noise; better from darkness, pressure to head, rest and copious urination. Headache comes and goes with the sun. The face is usually pale during an attack.

Sepia 10x. to 30x.: Here also we find relation to the female pelvic organs, generative phases or diseases of those organs, but menses are scanty, and general disposition to anaemia with venous stasis.

Congestion with pronounced pale yellowish face; stitching pain in temples, also with nausea and vomiting, worse mornings, are characteristic for this constitutional remedy, also in very chronic cases; it is also indicated in constipation and gouty headache.

Silica 10x. to 30x.: This is also a constitutional remedy with occipital headache, better from warmth, worse from cold. It also has characteristic general symptoms. There is also vertigo; sensation as if the floor were pulled away from under feet.

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.