HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPY IN SOME NERVE DISEASES. Where alcohol plays a role, but is also indicated otherwise. Severe coma with snoring respiration, and possibly drooping of lower jaw; purple face with groaning; strong slow pulse visible from a distance in temporal arteries. It is also capable of stirring up slumbering reaction if given in rare doses, an “in between” remedy.


Acidum nitricum 10X. to 30X.: Has close relation not only to syphilis, but also to vasomotor disturbances: palpitation and cardiac weakness with irregular pulse, throbbing headache with vertigo and congestion, increased blood pressure and physical decline wit tendency to haemorrhages.

Acidum odalicum 6X.: Pains in heart region and solar plexus worse from thinking about them.

Acidum picronitricum 10X.: Brain fatigue from mental exertion or sexual excesses with congestive headache. Organic brain damage following apoplexy, especially softening.

Acidum sulphuricum 6X.: A remedy for weak old age with circulatory disturbances: congestion to head and heart; capillary haemorrhage.

Aconitum 10X.: Arterial excitation: severe heart action with oppression and fear of asphyxiation; pulse full and hard; arterial haemorrhage. Affected parts feel cold and numb with tingling and formication. Severe reaction to mental excitement. Nocturnal restless fear.

Ambra grisea 4X: A great remedy for nervous people and the aged; great forgetfulness, cannot concentrate, tires easily, depressed mood; vertigo and insomnia; poor recuperative power; infirm.

Apis mellifica 4X. to 30X.: Severe brain pressure leading to stupor and threatening cerebral paralysis, hence valuable in severest symptoms especially since Apis is valuable in tendency to oedematous exudates.

Apocyanum cannabium tincture: Due to severe damage to kidney function there are head pressure, confusion, sleepiness or restless sleep, also pulse and pressure to heart with dyspnoea, and oedema. Much thirst.

Arnica 4X. to 30X.: Acts prominently on circulation and haemorrhages and their results, which it alleviates. Pulse is full and hard, breathing stertorous from venous stasis; cardiac power weakened; head pressure, vertigo, insomnia. it may prevent bleeding and aids absorption; for the latter it must be given too late.

Arsenicum album 10X.: Indicated especially when kidneys are also involved and in cardiac insufficiency with Arsenicum symptoms of its aggravations.

Aurum metallicum 3X.; Aurum collodium 3X.; Aurum muriaticum natronatum 3X.; Aurum iodatum 6X. to 10X.: Gold preparations, aside from their relation to syphilis, have great action on the total circulatory system: congestion with hard, perhaps irregular, pulse and increased blood pressure and strongly accentuated second aorta sound, all are symptoms of hypertrophy or beginning weakness. Subjective symptoms are: congestive pressure to head and heart (angina pectoris); depressed moods.

Baryta carbonica 3X.; Baryta muriatica 3X.; Baryta iodata: Congestion to brain and meninges with cardiac weakness; paralytic sensation in extremities (disturbed sensibility) and increased blood pressure. It is also a grand remedy for the aged (weakened mentality) and must be remembered in apoplexy of alcoholics.

Belladonna 6X.: Indicated especially in the beginning of apoplexy with severe head hyperaemia and congestion: injected conjunctivae, dilated pupils, restlessness, hard and fast pulse felt all though the body.

Bellis perennis 3X.: Similar to Arnica in its action on muscles, blood vessels and extravasations, hence indicated in results of haemorrhages.

Cactus grandiflorus 1X.: A heart stimulant, but does not increase blood pressure. Improves general condition by strengthening heart muscle, improving appetite and sleep. (1X. is especially recommended.).

Causticum 10X. to 30X.: Acts on paralyses, even when they already show contractures and twitching, can at least produce improvement, also as to aphasia when there is difficulty in “finding the right words”.

Chenopodium 3X.: Apoplexy with snoring and sunken cheeks while breathing; one-sided paralysis and total loss of speech.

Cimex lectularius 3X.: Indicated not only when there is sensation as if tendons were too short, but also in contractures.

Cocculus 6X. to 30X.: Has not only empty feeling in head, turning vertigo worse from rising, with tendency to bend head back, but also confusion of thoughts, difficult comprehension and speech difficulty and one-sided paralysis. General aggravation from use of alcoholic drinks, nicotine, motion and especially from riding.

Coffea 2X.: Severe nervous excitement and increased blood pressure. Mental emotions-even longer conversation-are aggravating, or patient has hot flushes, fear, head pressure, easily upset, vertigo and hypersensitivity toward all impressions.

Conium maculatum 6X. to 30X.: A remedy for the aged, acts especially on the venous system, and causes, aside from hypochondriacal despondent moods, also other symptoms of debility: mental fatigue, tremors, vertigo especially when turning over in bed and from sudden quick motion in general. There may be paresis and disturbed speech.

Crataegus oxyacanthae tincture: Decreases blood pressure through its action on the circulation and prevents further wear and tear on the vessels and can also prevent calcareous deposits. To be especially remembered in cardiac hypertrophy, above all when there is disposition to decompensation, chest oppression and oedema due to beginning dilatation with irregular pulse.

Cuprum 6X.: Causes paralyses without disturbing perception, partially with tendency to contractures and co-movements. The tongue is frequently involved.

Digitalis purpurea 4X.: Pulse, hard, tense, due to vagus irritation, sensation of oppression to heart, head pressure and vertigo, as also inclination to vessel rupture (nosebleed, etc.) are important remedy symptoms.

Ergotinum 2X. to 4X.: Has close connection with muscle tissue and vessel nutrition; it is a vessel dilator. There are vertigo, head congestion, paresthesias in extremities (cold feeling with numbness and as “if asleep”) partly in the vessels themselves, partly from the heart vessels. The pulse is slowed (from vagus center stimulation), hard, perhaps irregular with increased blood pressure. OEdema may be present and from with other mentioned symptoms a strong indication for Ergotinum.

Gelsemium 6X. to 30X.: Next to its action on head congestions (hence indicated as prophylactic) it is valuable in paralyses following apoplexy.

Glonoinum 6X.: Sudden severe circulatory disturbances: red face, throbbing headache, throbbing all through body with full, hard pulse; chest oppression, all symptoms corresponding to the status apoplecticus.

Helleborus niger 3X.: Severe sinking of life force leading to unconsciousness and general paralysis, and even following dementia. Hypericum perforatum 3X. to 30X.: Recommended in crushing and laceration of nerves, hence helpful in the damage caused by apoplexy and softening of the brain. Iodum 6X.: Severe throbbing headache, or only heavy head with vertigo and worse from motion, palpitation with sensation of constriction from hypertrophy and anxious restlessness point to this remedy which is frequently used in combination with Barytum, Strontium, Plumbum or Aurum. In syphilitics it is used to advantage with calcarea. Iodum has homoeopathic connection with arteriosclerosis, and if it fails, though indicated, it may be the fault of the potency administered.

Lachesis 10X.: Congestion, generally worse from heat, alcohol and tobacco; restlessness, head pressure, vertigo, haemorrhages, cardiac constriction. It acts prominently on left side and has purple face with small pulse.

Laurocerasus 4X.: In its toxicology it much resembles apoplexy: severe hyperoxaemia, even stupor followed by sleep, or at least vertigo, dilated pupils, muscle weakness, restless heart action.

Natrum carbonicum 10X.: Hyperaemic headache worse from heat and before a thunderstorm, vertigo, ear noises, and lessening of intellect.

Nux vomica 4X. to 30X.: Constitutional indications are: aggravation from use of alcoholic drinks, coffee, nicotine; tendency to head hyperaemia (pressure, tinnitus aurium, vertigo) and constipation and results therefrom (nausea, inclination to vomiting, etc.); poor sleep, nervousness, general morning aggravation upon awakening.

Opium 6X. to 30x.: Where alcohol plays a role, but is also indicated otherwise. Severe coma with snoring respiration, and possibly drooping of lower jaw; purple face with groaning; strong slow pulse visible from a distance in temporal arteries. It is also capable of stirring up slumbering reaction if given in rare doses, an “in between” remedy.

Phosphorus 6x., 30X. and high potencies: General nervous and physical (especially circulatory) weakness; venous stasis with haemorrhages; organic degenerative processes in central nervous system (softening of brain, etc.); it aids resorption.

Plumbum 30.; Plumbum iodatum 6X.: Their toxicological symptoms are: mental dullness, speech difficult, insomnia, dilated pupils, slow pulse, paralyses of muscles and contractures of extensors and associated movements. It acts slowly, hence must be given for a longer time. It is also reputed to be able to arrest the advance of arteriosclerosis.

Pulsatilla nigricans 6X.: Its action on the venous circulation constitutes it a tonic (perhaps with Cactus).

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.