HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES IN SURGERY. Calendula succus is very efficient as a would dressing for all sorts of lacerations, preventing suppuration and hastening healing. It is called a homoeopathic antiseptic. As a matter of fact, it is not antiseptic but probably stimulates granulation. It is recommended topically in erysipelas.


Calendula succus is very efficient as a would dressing for all sorts of lacerations, preventing suppuration and hastening healing. It is called a homoeopathic antiseptic. As a matter of fact, it is not antiseptic but probably stimulates granulation. It is recommended topically in erysipelas.

Hypericum cures the effects of punctured, incised or lacerated wounds, even when lockjaw has developed. It shops the pain very quickly, if given early, and prevents lockjaw, matrices of the nails, toes, palms and soles. Injuries from treading on nails, splinters, needles, bites of a rat. Two cases of tetanus, a week after injury, were cured after lockjaw had developed. Hypericum cured two cases of coccygodynia, one of thirteen and one of five years duration, following falls on the end of the spine. The pain following fracture of the elbow was relieved in ten minutes by Hypericum and pain in hand, following laceration of the arm, was quickly relieved. The pains of Hypericum are streaming in character.

Ledum for punctured wounds on palm. A man was injured in the palm from a brass fish-stringer. The wound had been cauterised. Pain was severe, pus formed in twenty-four hours, pain going up the arm. Hand swollen and jaw stiff, cured by Ledum high in forty-eight hours. Keynote for Ledum tetanus, twitching of muscles of wound, and wound apt to be cold. Ledum ointment is useful for punctured wounds.


After dental work, Aconite, Arnica, Merc. Prot., Hecla lava and staph. Calendula is a good mouth wash after extraction. Hepar sulph. removes pain and swelling after dental work.

In abscesses and decayed teeth, Merc. prot. often relieves at once. It has pain in the teeth, better by cold water.

Hecla lava has cured many cases of caries of the jawbone, upper or lower.

Phosphorus has cured cases involving the lower jaw.


For ulcers, necrosis, etc., in general, where dead bone has to be removed, Calcarea fluorica is useful. Also, silica.

Calendula, internally and externally, for ulcers that will not heal.

Silica for insensitive suppurative processes of all kinds. May be useful for dental apical abscesses. In one case, acted curatively for acute inflammatory rheumatism due to apical abscesses.

Kali bich., for ulcers near tibia that look punched out.

Lycopodium, in ulcer or the knee below left patella.

Silica, in ulcers after vaccination.

Mercury, flat ulcers on the shin.

Asafoetida, Syphilitic ulcers with atrocious pain.

Opium, old painless, insensitive ulcers, blue base, no attempt at healing.


Arnica is the chief remedy after amputation. Rhus tox., Silica and phosphorus are also useful. Arnica given immediately, in fractures and dislocations, relieves the nervousness and pain like magic, both externally and internally. A few drops of Arnica in hot water can be applied as a compress. Do not use when skin is broken, as it may cause inflammation resembling erysipelas. Arnica is useful for the first effects of sprain. Ruta is often useful after Arnica. Rhus tox. often follows Ruta and Calcarea carb. follows Rhus tox. Bellis perennis, in sprains where Arnica, Ruta and Thus tox. have failed. Strontium carb. is recommended for old sprains. Pulsatilla, temperament and symptoms agreeing, will hasten resolution in sprains or injuries to the ankle. Apis is useful for housemaids knee.


Rhus tox is a wonderfully efficient remedy in CELLULITIS and will often abort a beginning suppurative process near the rectum. The colour of the inflammation is a mahogany red. Carbuncles may be aborted if given early enough. The pains are atrocious. Any cellular inflammation accompanied by pain so severe that the patient cannot sleep or be quiet day or night, must walk about all the time. This may follow injuries from punctures, bruises, bites, even though pus has formed. Abscesses and CELLULITIS very painful, with dark gangrenous colour, are cured by Lachesis. Tarentula, Anthracinum and Arsenic in carbuncles.


Urtica urens and Cantharides are useful for the effects of burns, used topically and internally. A burn from slaking lime, involving the face and eyes, closing the eyes completely, first cleansed with sweet milk, then kept moist with Cantharides 3x, was relieved of swelling and pain in three hours.


Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Arsenic, Colocynth, Rhus tox., Carbo veg., and other remedies have cured cases diagnosed as undoubtedly appendicitis. The late Edmund Carleton claimed never to have been obliged to operate on a case and never to have lost a case that he had from the start, during his forty years of practice. Ignatia was a remedy that he found useful at times. Dr. Thomas E. Reed of Middletown, Ohio, makes the same claim. When they first began to operate for appendicitis, he decided that he would follow his own experience, He figured that he might lose some cases but that the surgeons would also and, although he is over eighty years old, he has not yet lost a case.

Appendicitis is treacherous condition, and one must know his drugs, and never sleep on the case if he relies on homoeopathic prescribing alone.


Hepar sulphur, Silica, Echinacea, Arnica, Belladonna, Tuberculin and Pyrogen will take care of most boils without resorting to surgery.

Rhus tox., Arsenic, Anthracinum, Lachesis and Tarentula will cure most case of carbuncle.


Yinglings Accoucheurs Emergency Manual is one of the most valuable instruments to carry in the obstetrical bag.

Remedy indications for obstetrical conditions are clear cut and there is not padding. The slack time while waiting is well utilised in running through this incomparable book.

After normal labour, Arnica takes away the soreness, quiets the nerves and prevents after-pains. Pyrogen or Rhus tox. is require in a few cases.

Pyrogen is one of the most useful remedies in puerperal sepsis. Kali carb. is also useful where there is great distention, easy sweat, sensitiveness to touch and sharp wandering pains.


Chelidonium, Calcarea carb., China, Bryonia, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Berberis, Chamomilla, and other drugs have relieved the pains of gall-stones. Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Berberis, Belladonna, Magnesium phos., and other remedies have done the same for renal calculi. There are a great many remedies that relieve pain homoeopathically, and to use them successfully, one must acquire the habit of thinking homoeopathically, for all conditions. When attempting to prescribe for patients who are passing calculi, failures will occur, but at least the attempt should be made. A skillful prescriber will rarely have to resort to an opiate. However pain is always one that benefits the patient;s general condition, whereas an opiate has harmful secondary effects.

Vascular disease of the retina is quite common. The blood vessels are delicate and burst easily under a variety of conditions. Athletes in perfect health may rupture a vessel during a physical strain. If the blood pressure is high, particularly if arteriosclerosis exists, retinal haemorrhages often occur spontaneously. They absorb readily if the general conditions of the circulation is good but with greater difficult if the vessels are diseased. the chance of recovery of vision is relatively good. While damage to vision is always to be feared, in many cases the blood absorbs completely and the vision returns to normal.

Guy Beckley Stearns