The Belladonna case is seldom anaemic nor do they present catarrhal symptoms. Pain is the big symptom and it is due to the hyperesthesia of the sensory nerves. The sensitiveness and pain over the stomach may be so severe that they cant tolerate even the weight of clothing. The pains are worse by every jar or motion. The pains are usually lancinating, but occasionally the are throbbing in nature.

I will review a few of the symptoms of remedies that we use most frequently in treatment of ulcer cases:.


The Belladonna case is seldom anaemic nor do they present catarrhal symptoms. Pain is the big symptom and it is due to the hyperesthesia of the sensory nerves. The sensitiveness and pain over the stomach may be so severe that they cant tolerate even the weight of clothing. The pains are worse by every jar or motion. The pains are usually lancinating, but occasionally the are throbbing in nature. Other Belladonna symptoms such as sleepy but cant sleep, starting and jerking or twitching in sleep, throbbing headaches, flushed face, dilated pupils, throbbing carotids may be present. The abhorrence of liquids, especially water, causes them to refuse to be placed on a liquid diet. Hyperchlorhydria is marked. Belladonna fits the acute ulcer case where the ulceration is deep and nearing the peritoneum or here peritoneal inflammation is beginning.

Atropine Sulphate.

Occasionally you will find cases apparently calling for Belladonna but which are not relieved by Belladonna. Here Atropine, which is deeper acting, will often help, especially in controlling the lancinating pains and hyperchlorhydria. Its actions is only palliative and must be followed by a more curative remedy. It prevents pyloric spasm and inhibits the oversecretion of hydrochloric acid. Some physicians claim Sulphur prolongs the action of the Atropine if given intercurrently with it while others alternate Atropine with Uranium nitrate, which helps heal the ulcer. Alternation is never pure homoeopathy.- ED.


Is indicated in acute ulcer cases with extreme hyperchlorhydria. They have frequent acrid sour eructation and when they vomit they say it is so sour it sets their teeth on edge.


Is another remedy indicated in the acute cases, especially in nervous young people who are always in a hurry. They are often referred to as the “lunch counter type,” because of their hurry and hasty eating. The stomach is unduly active and they are hungry much of the time. The pains in the stomach occur when it is empty and are temporarily relieved by eating, only to return again soon after eating. Hyperchlorhydria is marked. Other symptoms such as ineffectual urging to stool with paralytic weakness of rectum, sensation of plug in rectum, desire to swear and forgetfulness may be present.

Argentum Nitricum.

Arg. nit. has an elective affinity for the mucous membrane and submucosa and its most frequent action thereupon is ulceration. The pain is localized to a spot which the patient can point out and from this spot the pain radiates in all directions. The pains are gnawing, burning, stinging, or spasmodic and usually associated with a great deal of gas. The pains are greater by touch, deep inspiration, eating, and drinking, and are ameliorated by eructations, vomiting, and also for a short time after food leaves the stomach. The stomach is distended with gas and they have frequent eructations which relieve. Vomiting often occurs about an hour after eating. The papillae of the tongue are prominent and erect and the tip of the tongue is red and painful. Violent attacks of gastric pain occur at night. Arg. nit. is most frequently indicated in nervous women who have many strange fancies, are melancholic, want to do everything in a hurry and yet while they may have suicidal thoughts even to considering jumping out of and window, they are afraid of crowds, afraid to go out on the streets for fear they will be injured. Extreme craving for sweets with aggravation from eating them is another prominent symptom.

Arsenicum Album.

Ars. alb. produces inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and entire gastro-intestinal tract, consequently they are unable to retain any food or liquids in the stomach, it being vomited immediately after being taken. They have burning pains as if there were red-hot coals in the stomach. These pains are relieved by taking hot liquids. Cool drinks relieve the dryness in the mouth but irritate the stomach, producing nausea and vomiting. They have intense thirst and can retain water only when small sips are taken. Prostration, weakness and rapid emaciation result from inability of retaining nourishment. They are fearful of the outcome of their condition. Midnight aggravation with restlessness and desire to move are present. They look cachectic and tired; Ars. alb. will keep the case then that is rapidly going bad, especially where vomiting is a big symptom.


There are violent pains in stomach which come and go suddenly (Mag. phos., Bell.). The pains are worse from eating solid food. They crave stimulant and tobacco. They have constant belching and acid eructation. The breath is offensive and foul. They vomit dark bloody or green offensive material. There is blood in the stools. The sense of smell is acute and gastric symptoms are worse from odors. They look and feel languid. They dont want to study or think. Headache as of band around head. The severe cases are cachectic and weak.


Phos. is indicated when there are burning pains in the stomach which are worse after eating. The pain at times may also be tearing or knife-like. The epigastric region is sensitive to touch. They have an unquenchable thirst and crave cold water which relieves the burning in the stomach, but as soon as the water becomes warm they vomit it. Warm foods also cause pain, nausea and vomiting. Because of temporary relief from cold fluids you often find them sucking ice for relief. They often have excessive hunger even to point of being unable to sleep until they get up and great.

The patient is usually pale and anaemic. At night they are unable to lie on the left side. Phos. is also beneficial in haemorrhage from ulcer. Often the vomitus is dark and coffee grounds in nature. Other times it contains bright red blood.

Uranium Nitrate 2x.

Uranium nitrate was introduced by English homoeopaths, especially Hughes. Many of the English doctors used it routinely in ulcer cases. The ulcers are supposed to be irregular shaped or if occurring in pylorus to be round. The patient is weak and emaciated and extremely sensitive over the pyloric region. They vomit mucus and blood and the stools are dark and tarry. They have gnawing, sinking feeling in epigastrium with ravenous hunger and thirst. There is tendency to anasarca ascites. Abdomen in always bloated. There is frequent urination and often times the urine contains sugar. Uran. nit. is supposed to have direct healing effect upon the ulcers.

Kali Bichromicum.

Kali bich. is indicated in the deep round punched-out ulcers. There is great weight, fullness and distress in stomach immediately after eating and this continues until he eats again. The food lies in the stomach for a long period undigested. Tongue has heavy yellow coating and edges are red as if scalded. Vomiting occurs after attempts to eat or drink and the vomitus contains large amounts of viscid stringy mucus. There is a great deal of distress and burning rawness in region of stomach. The pain is referred to a localized small spot. The appetite is usually poor and they crave acid drinks or beer. In the past these people have indulged in eating to excess and also drinking excessively of beer.

Nux Vomica.

In indicated when the pains occur two or three hours after eating and last until digestion is completed, then they are relived. They prefer warm foods. Irritability characterizes the mental attitude. The patient suffers more from intense nausea than vomiting and has the feeling if only he could vomit he would feel better.

Ferrum Metallicum.

Is valuable in the chronic ulcer case when they are debilitated, emaciated, have loss of appetite and have become anaemic Dyspnoea is marked. They complain of severe epigastric pain and often have haemorrhages from the ulcers. Ferrum strengthens the musculature, especially the heart, and helps overcome the anaemia. Its action is more of a tonic in nature.


Is a good remedy for many of these cases. They have a weak, all-gone sensation about 11 a.m. and feel worse when hungry or if the stomach is empty with corresponding increase of snap and energy after eating. Psorinum is also worse when hungry but with this marked difference: that instead of getting faint and weak they get cross and ugly and scold because dinner is not ready. Both Sulphur and Psorinum make good prescriptions in chronic ulcers. Dr. McLaren i a recent Homoeopathic Recorder (45:840) claimed that Sulphur would cure nine out of ten cases of chronic gastric ulcer with Carbo veg. coming next.

Carbo Vegetabilis.

Is beneficial in chronic ulcers in old or debilitated people. The digestion is slow and imperfect and they have sense of weight in the stomach or faint, gone sensation, not relieved by eating. About one-half hour after meals they have sensation of heaviness and fulness in stomach and sleepiness but these are not as marked as under Lycopodium or Nux moschata. Carbo veg. has most of the gas in the stomach with tendency to diarrhoea, aggravation from 4 to 6 p.m. and the flatus and eructations are very offensive, while under Lycopodium we have the gas chiefly in the intestines with constipation 4 to 8 p.m. aggravation and non- offensive flatus and eructations.

Paul S. Wyne