HOMOEOPATHIA TRIUMPHANS. As an exponent of such treatment, it mattered little, except to one’s pride; the damage to homoeopathic practice is distinct, however, and serves as another sign of the increasing decadence of our school. If we are to uphold our sectarian name, especially where our national and state organizations are concerned, such instances are serious and a threat to our future.


Mrs. Bertha l. Age 65. First seen on 14th February 1950.

History of Present Complaint – 2 1/2 months ago began to have. pain in the right leg. Five weeks ago the pain became worse. A “cold” with fever further aggravated the condition. During this five weeks patient had been confined to bed owing to the extreme pain on the slightest movement. Maximum pain localized over right sacro-iliac area; a sharp pain shoots down the leg, is better living on right side or back, worse lying on left side. Numbness in toes of right foot.

Past History-No previous attack of this nature except for mild pain in right leg following fall on back, down a flight. of stairs in 1925. No serious illness or surgery.

General History-General health always good. Appetite good, unchanged.

Examination-Obese, pale woman, in obvious pain. Cheerful, well orientated. Sensitive to cold air. Averse to any movement.

Locally, acute sacro-iliac lesion on right side with diminished ankle reflex, and hyperaesthesia on outer side of leg and foot.

Treatment-Manipulative correction of sacro-iliac joint. Arnica 200., one dose.

2-15-50-Numbness in toes better. Can turn in bed more easily. No pain while lying down. Has had shooting pains down back of legs, but now a dull aching pain remains. This is better after sitting up for some time. Tendency to chilliness. Appetite good especially for bread, meat, salads and fruits.

Aversion to sweet things. Not thirsty.

2-18-50-Moving more easily in bed. However, since sciatic involvement still persisted to some degree a more thorough search for an underlying cause was made. Pelvic examination was negative, except for extreme tenderness of right sacro- iliac joint.

2-20-50-The following history was at last disclosed. Chronic eczema had been present on both ankles for 12 years. Recently the areas had been treated with X-rays, the last treatment on the day before the “sciatica” started. The eczema had cleared under the treatment. Always the irritation has been aggravated by washing and by the heat of the bed. Sulphur 200., one dose was given.

2-22-50-Eczema worse, but leg much better.

2-24-50-Very much better. Eczema almost healed, no irritation.

3-1-50-Sciatica much better, has walked across the park. Eczema healing well.

3-4-50-Sciatica almost well. Eczema very irritating. Lycopodium 1M, one dose. The Lycopodium was selected by the original repertorisation of 2-20-50.

3-18-50-No backache. Skin much improved. Local applications of Calendula, with lotion at night, and ointment by day. Loss of 11 lbs. weight.

3-24-50-Much benefit. To start work.

Subsequently, progress has been maintained.


Mrs. Jeanne H. Divorced. Age 45. Occupation : Stenographer.

First visit-27th March 1950.

History of Present Complaint-(1) Multiple hard, red, very sensitive areas on calves of both legs which have gradually developed over last few weeks. (2) Profuse, bright red blood passed per rectum today without pain. No previous attack.

Past History-August 1936 (a) Appendectomy.

(b) D & C of uterus.

(c) Baldy-Webster suspension and removal.

of one Fallopian tube.

(d) Haemorrhoidectomy.

February 1946-Bowels obstruction from adhesions. No resection.

August 1944-Partial hysterectomy for fibroids.

Chronic history of bronchitis, several attacks of pneumonia. No evidence of recent T.B. infection.

General History-Leads a very hectic life under considerable stress. Very irritable when tired. Very sensitive to music. Sleep poor. Disturbed by frequent micturition which is worse at night than by day.

Appetite variable. Craves sweet things. Smokes continuously. Aversion to fat. Occasionally constipated, especially when under great nervous tension. Very chilly. Always has cold feet. Back under extreme tension.

Lower limbs aggravated when hanging down on an upright chair. Ameliorated in bed, and when resting. No evidence of varicose veins. Extremely sensitive to touch.

Examination-Skin of face greasy, elsewhere very dry and desquamating. Moderate degree of nasal obstruction. Respiration shallow. Abdomen-no abnormalities detected.

Per rectum-much faeces. No other abnormality.

Lower limbs-On calves of legs large bright red, indurated flat masses, adherent to underlying muscle but within the skin. Very sensitive to touch. Some desquamation on more mature lesions. Limbs and feet cold and cyanotic.

Diagnosis-peritonitis. Nux vomica 200., four doses.

4-14-50-One area of left leg healed. Two large, inflamed, indurated, desquamating areas on right leg, one large area on left leg. Tub. Koch 30. was prescribed, prescribed, mainly on the chronic history of respiratory trouble, and also from previous experience in a similar case.

4-19-50-Improving. Less induration. More desquamation.

4-26-50-Much inflammation of lesions on legs. Marked oedema of ankles yesterday.

5-4-50-Very much better. Less induration and inflammation.

5-19-50-Limbs better, but mentally very irritable. Sulphur 1M, one dose.

8-21-50-All lesions completely healed except for one new one on right calf. General condition much improved. Petroleum 3x,

b.d., 7 days.

9-1-50-Much better.


Miss Bess L. Spinster. Age 56. Occupation: Accountant.

First visit for this condition 2nd February 1950.

History of Present Complaint-Head cold started 5 days ago. Thick

white nasal discharge. Loose cough with much yellow sputum. Past History-Frequent attacks of bronchitis and pneumonia all through life. Said to have had tuberculous infection childhood. This patient is one of identical twins and her sister suffers from bronchiectasis of right side of chest, believed to be due to an anomalous lobe of the lung. This patient has had similar symptoms, but always on the left side.

General History-Very irritable, masculine type of woman, very hard working and under considerable domestic and financial strain. Likes solitude. Chilly. Marked aggravation from damp and cold. Smokes very heavily. Aversion to food generally, but, craves pork with fat and bacon. Aversion to milk. Bowels regular.

Examination-Thin, masculine woman with sallow, unhealthy complexion. Throat scarred. Small tonsil on right. Thorax

– Diminished movement on left. Breath sounds harsh at left base.

2-7-50-Temperature up to 103 degree with descent of infection to chest. Examination-Temperature 100 degree. Pulse, 100. Respiration wheezy with much rattling in chest. Cough- copious yellow offensive, purulent sputum, worse for change of position. Moist rales all over chest, especially at bases.

General osteopathic treatment. Silica 200., 3 doses, 2- hourly.

2-8-50-Much better. Temperature 98.4 degree at noon, rising to 99.6 degree in evening. Has reduced cigarettes, under pressure, and is drinking juices in large quantities. Cough loose, profuse sputum. Very sensitive to touch all over.

General osteopathic treatment. Silica 200., 4 doses, 2- hourly.

2-9-50-Feeling much better. Cough and sputum loose and profuse. Temperature 99 degree at noon, rising to 99.8 degree.

Moist rales less numerous. Occasional sibilant rhonchus.

Kali carb.30., 4 doses, 2-hourly.

2-10-50-Temperature normal all day. Much less expectoration. Cough dry, irritating. Less wheezy. Kali carb.200., one dose.

2-11-50-Temperature normal. Still racking cough which causes splitting headache. S.L. for next two days.

2-13-50-Much better. No headpain with cough. Occasional scattered rales only. Rib raising. Rib corrections.

Cervical corrections. Kali carb. 200., one dose.

2-15-50-Much better. Bacillinum 200., one dose.

3-27-50-Has remained well. Working hard.


$ ANTERIOR POLIOMYELITIS [Anterior Poliomyelitis].


# 1950 Oct Vol LXVI No 4.

^ Rastogi R S.

~ General Topics / Therapeutics.

~ ==.


Where from the very beginning of the initial fever, the indicated homoeopathic remedy has been given, the whole aspect of anterior poliomyelitis has been very much modified and often the disease has been nipped in the bud. The treatment can be started at once without waiting for a diagnosis of the name of the disease, which in the case of poliomyelitis can unfortunately be done only when the paralysis actually manifests itself and the stage for prevention is already over. Thus Homoeopathy has a distinct advantage in the treatment of this much dreaded disease.

On the whole, the remedies most commonly indicated in the early stages may be from amongst: Acon; Apis; Ars; Bell; Bry; Caust; Cocculus; Dulc; GELSEMIUM; Lach; Lathyr.sat.; Merc sol.; Natrum mur.; Natr sulph.; NUX VOM.; OPIUM; PHOS.; Rhus tox.; Sulphur.

Aconite, Belladonna and Gelsemium are most likely to be the indicated remedies for the first stage in 95 per cent of cases. The physician seldom sees the patient early enough to be able to use Aconite, but if the sudden onset, rapid pulse, characteristic restlessness, anxiety and thirst be present, Aconite would do a lot to cut down the violence of the attack.

BELLADONNA: If the onset be rapid, with high fever, throbbing carotids, red face and eyes, with dryness of eyes, nose and throat (opposite of Gels.), severe throbbing headache, with aggravation of the patient’s condition by touch, jar, motion and noise, it does not take long to discover that Belladonna is the similimum.

Viola M. Frymann