Locally as an application in moist eczema and for drying up secretions from the mucus surfaces; one to two drams of liquor plumbi subacetatas to an ounce of water is recommended; also in pruritus pudendi, equal parts of liquor plumbi and glycerine. In the treatment of weak ankles and tendons in walking specially in the rachitic children, mother tincture of this drug 10 drops mixed with olive oil is of great benefit.


1. Cracked nipples:– Bathe the breast with luke warm water then sponge it with Tanin one gramme and glycerine x gramme.

2. Mammary abscess:– Apply Apis oil externally and give its mother tincture internally ( if there is feverishness, right breast hard swollen and tenderness).

N. B. Apis oil can be prepared with glycerine or olive oil z 3 i and Apis m. O, 20 drops.

Boracic Acid:– A solution of it as an injection in chronic cystitis or a teaspoonful to a glass of hot milk taken internally.

For Styes:– 15 gr. of it to one ounce of water externally is a good adjunct.

Borax:– A piece of it (the size of a pea) dissolved in the mouth, acts magically in restoring the voice, in case of sudden hoarseness brought on by cold, and frequently for an hour or so, it renders the voice silvery and clear.

In whooping cough:– Fluoroform, 2 per cent watery solution, 2 to 4 drops after paroxysms, considered specific for whooping cough.

Chrysarobinum or Chrysophanic acid:– locally, as a, cerate, 4 to 8 grains to the ounce of vaseline is a good salve for ringworms; also it is a powerful stimulant and parasiticide in many skin affections (specially eczema of lower extremities) with intense itching and profuse offensive discharges.

N.B. Locally in ringworms of the scalp 5 to 10 per cent of it in glycerine and alcohol equal parts is a good application.

Cantharis:– In burns and eczema, local application of it in 1x or 2x potency, in water or as a cerate with glycerine or olive oil is very efficacious.

Capsicum:– In delirium tremens, dram doses of tincture in milk is very useful.

In Urticaria– dram doses with lime water once a day is of good service for mitigating it.

Cochlearia (Horse radish):–An infusion of the root in cider (e. i. apple juice) for dropsy causes copious diuresis. Also it is useful for dandruff as local wash.

Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum Ix– is very efficacious in all kinds of worms including tape worm.

Coca:– For loss of voice, given 5/6 drops every 2 hour, (two hours before expected demand of voice).

Cistus Canadensis:– Locally as a wash to arrest fetid discharges– (1 dram mother tincture to a pint of water).

Cinamonum oil:– is best local disinfectant in aqueous solution– 3 to 4 drops in 2 quarts of water as a douche, wherever a germicide and disinfectant is needed.

Chloralum:– In offensive foot-sweat, bathe the part with one per cent solution.

Oil of Chenopodium: –Useful for hook-worm, 10 minim doses every two hours for such three doses; it is also useful for expulsion of round worms.

Arnica:– For local use mother tincture is to be used in aqueous solution 10 to 15 drops to an ounce of water.

N.B. It should never be applied hot or at all when abrasions or cuts are present.

Kali-permanganicum:– is recognized as being the most effective chemical antidote in case of morphine or opium poisoning, acting directly on morphine and oxidizing it to less toxic substances. To be effective the permanganate must come in direct contact with the opium or morphine in stomach. Therefore it is useless as hypodermic or intra-venous injection ( as the salt will be decomposed by the blood serum at once). The approved treatment is administration of 2 to 5 grains of Pot. permang. in dilute aqueous solution as soon as possible after the poison is taken. This amount to be increased if very large doses of poison have been taken.

Washing out the stomach with a quantity of 1 in 500 solution of permanganate is also recommended using at least a pint of this solution either by a stomach pump or by enforced vomiting.

Mag. Sulph– Locally 1: 4 in water in septic conditions, erysipelas, orchitis, boils etc. By this it controls and minimises the progress of inflammations.

Mancinella– Useful in large blisters as from scalds and burns as well as in pemphigus from which sticky serum exudes with formation of crusts over them. (with internal, that is, oral use of 1x or 3x potency). Local application of a cerate or oil prepared with its mother tincture and Vaseline or olive oil in proportion of 10 drops of the tincture in an ounce of Vaseline or oil is recommended.

Mentha Piperita:– useful in pruritus vagina and herpes, zoster, both internally and externally. (For external use make a liniment with 4 gr. of the crude drug mixed with an ounce of glycerine or olive oil.

Merc. Dulcis:– For palliative purposes, to secure evacuation of bowels, 2 to 3 gr. doses of 1st. decimal trituration– repeated several times every hour. It is suitable for those persons who rather maniacally desire purgation now and then (but it should not be resorted to unless some proper and real necessity exists).

Merc. Iodatum:– It should be compared with Plumb. Iod. in Mammary Tumors both or external and internal uses.

N.B. Make salve with 1x or 2x of the crude drugs macerating with good Vaseline or mixing with olive-oil or glycerin for local application, and for internal use give 2x triturations. Mercuric- Iodide and Bin Iodide are far more active as a bactericide than the other Mercurials.

Methylene blue:– A 2 p.c. solution of it locally in chronic otitis with foul-smelling discharge is very efficacious,.

Myristica Sebifera:– Like Hepar Sul. it hastens suppuration and often does away with the use of knife.

N.B. Said to act more powerfully than Hepar and Silicea.

c.f: Calcarea Sulph:– Suppurative processes come within the range of this remedy after pus has found a vent.

Naphthaline:– For worms and specially pin or thread worms 1 gm. dose internally; externally in skin diseases, 5 p.c. ointment is useful.

Natrum Cacodyl:– Increases the number of red blood corpuscles to double. Therefore, in phthisis and in malignant diseases, (where the quantity of red blood corpuscles are greatly diminished) this medicine in 1x potency should be tried.

Oleum myristica (Nux. moschata):–Local application of this oil is beneficial for boils, felons, poisonous ulcers (with its internal use of 2x potency).

Oleum Jecoris Asseli (Cod liver oil):– Is useful for dwarfish emaciated babies; it should be rubbed over the whole body every night; also it is efficacious in ringworms as a local application.

N.B. As the smell of this oil is very obnoxious, for babies inunction as well as in rickets olive oil is more to be likened being of equal efficacy in this respect.

Paraffin:– In burns with sloughing and sepsis, wash the parts with sterile water and after drying spray with paraffin; then cover it with thin layer of cotton.

Eserine (Alkaloid of Physostigma):– The neutral sulphate of eserine is instilled into the eye from 12 to 4 grs. to an oz. of distilled water to induce contraction of pupil in injuries to the eye, iritis, corneal ulcer, etc.

Pinus Sylvestris:– In the treatment of weak ankles and tendons in walking specially in the rachitic children, mother tincture of this drug 10 drops mixed with olive oil is of great benefit.

Plantago major:– Local use in toothache in hollow teeth, otorrhoea, pruritus, and in incised wounds (either with distilled water or with glycerine in proportion of 10 to 1.

Platanus Occidentalis:– Apply the mother tincture in tarsal tumours both acute and chronic twice or thrice; this will cause the tumour to disappear in a short time.

Plumbum Aceticum:– Locally as an application in moist eczema and for drying up secretions from the mucus surfaces; one to two drams of liquor plumbi subacetatas to an ounce of water is recommended; also in pruritus pudendi, equal parts of liquor plumbi and glycerine.

Ratanhia:– Locally cerate (10 drops of mother tincture with an ounce of glycerine) has proved invaluable in many rectal complaints.

Rhamnus Californica:–One of the most positive remedies for rheumatism and muscular pains. (Pleurodynia; lumbago, gastralgia) etc. As a liniment for external use prepare it with 15 drops of its mother tincture to an ounce of olive oil or glycerine.

N.B. At the same time advise to take 1x or 3x potencies every 4 hours internally.

Rhus Glabra:– Locally for soft spongy gums, aphthae, pharyngitis, etc. preparing lotion with water (10 drops to an ounce).

N.B. Take a dram of this lotion, mix with half a cupful of the tepid water and gargle three to four times a day.

Ricinus Communis (Castor oil):–its leaves poultice is a valuable help for increasing the flow of milk from mothers breast, together with four drops of the mother tincture every four hours internally.

Ruta graveolens: — Locally as a lotion for the eyes when their redness and pain arises from sewing or reading fine prints and at the same time headache follows eye strain.

In sprains (after Arnica lotion), dip a rag in the prepared lotion and put that over the sprained part (changing that now and often).

Sugar:– as an oxytoxic has its most suitable application towards the end of labour. When there is no mechanical obstruction and delay is due to uterine inertia — 25 grams dissolved in water several times half-hourly.

Sempervivum Tectorum:– Locally for bites of insects, stings of bees and poisoned wounds, as well as in warts. Rub its liniment over the affected parts preparing that with olive oil or glycerine in proportion of 10 drops to an ounce.

J. M. Maitra