HINDRANCES TO THE HOMOEOPATHIC PRESCRIPTION. One more important source of interference with the homoeopathic remedy is the widespread use of sera and vaccines as protective agents against acute diseases. The reaction to these products of disease is often long lasting in its effect and leaves the victims of this practice sick and suffering.

This subject has been brought before you many times, but it is of such vital importance to the success of homoeopathic procedures that constant repetition can not be too much.

When the homoeopathic doctor has given much time and labor to taking the case history which is the first great essential in every good prescription, and then devoted more time and labor to

repertory study and research through the Materia Medica, he cannot afford to have such a prescription spoiled or interfered with by some foolish external action of the patient, which may nullify the expected results of all the physician’s painstaking efforts and leave both physician and patient disappointed and discouraged.

With these facts in mind, it behooves the physician to instruct his patient emphatically that he must refrain from taking all other drugs such as pain killers, cathartics, camphor or menthol in any form, and most important of all he must refrain from food prepared and cooked in aluminium ware and its alloys.

These injunctions are as important as are the instructions for a proper diet and the correct amount of drinking water, proper ventilation and hygienic living, both mentally and physically.

The control of the mind and emotions are far more important than the average physician realizes. Many a fine prescription has had its curative action stopped by a sudden, violent, emotional upset; shock, grief, anger and fright are often responsible for the short acting relief of a good prescription that for while was doing very satisfying work toward cure.

We have been told by many doctors who consider themselves first class homoeopaths that they have seen very few, if any, of the reactions supposed to follow the administration of the homoeopathic remedy.

In most of their cases, if the selected remedy acted for them, it was only in a beneficial way. They have never seen the return of old symptoms or the sharp aggravation followed by a long period of well-being on the patient’s part.

These same men have voiced disappointment with many cases from which they expected brilliant results from the prescription that was made. They had taken the case carefully and fully, repertorised it, as well as referred to the Materia Medica for a confirmation of the selected remedy.

Their final conclusion was that the time and labor spent in making a homoeopathic prescription for the uncertain results obtained did not reimburse them for such time and effort. Many of us have had too many such experiences because we failed to take note of all the factors and elements in the case and, either through ignorance or laziness, neglected to instruct our patients properly so the remedy might act smoothly and uninterruptedly.

The most pernicious of these interruptables is the aluminium toxin that enters the human system by way of aluminium cooking utensils and by water polluted with aluminium chloride which is used to soften hard water. This toxin acts much like one of the miasms as it must be eradicated from the system before a cure of the patient is possible. The most certain, rapid antidote for it is Cadmium oxide, the remaining symptoms and conditions of the patient may be successfully attacked by the remedy that is indicated by the totality of remaining symptoms.

Other interfering agents that are very prevalent today are the numerous coal tar drugs such as aspirin, anacin, and numerous

others of a similar nature which do not require a physician’s prescription.

The four best general antidotes to the coal tar drugs are Arnica, Carb. veg., Lachesis, and Mag. phos. to be given according to the symptoms present in each individual case.

One more important source of interference with the homoeopathic remedy is the widespread use of sera and vaccines as protective agents against acute diseases. The reaction to these products of disease is often long lasting in its effect and leaves the victims of this practice sick and suffering.

Thuja is one of our best, if not the very best and most effective, antidotes against these agents and it helps to restore the patient to a state of approximate order where other complimentary remedies given according to their indications can finish the case in a complete cure.

From the preceding observations it is clear that the homoeopathic physician must be a teacher if he would be a successful healer. His responsibilities are great and his work tedious and unending, as the study of remedies in itself is stupendous. Without the qualities of tireless energy and a devoted faith in his work for the good of his fellows, he cannot succeed in the realm of cure. If and when he does obtain the stature of a master prescriber, he will humbly give thanks to a merciful Providence for the rare privilege of serving in the cause of true healing.

108 N. STATE ST.



DR. J.W. WAFFENSMITH [New Haven, Conn.]: Madam Chairman, Hahnemann tells us in the Organon that it usually takes five years to overcome a drug suppression. I want to report one case that fits in with what Dr. Grimmer says in reference to aluminium poisoning.

This was a man whose wife was employed in a newspaper office and had very little time for cooking. She prepared her food early in the morning and left the food in the aluminium kitchen vessels until they came home in the evening.

This man came down with a very acute abdomen. I had fully concluded that he was an operative case; it was an intestinal obstruction. I finally succeeded in getting the remedy after considerable difficulty, and he recovered. but, mark you, he was not cured; he recovered. His wife, in the meantime, died, I had told him about aluminium, which was eliminated from the household. But after his wife’s death he had to go to his sister’s home to live.

One day I was sent for, and he had a repetition of what seemed to be an acute abdomen, no temperature but certainly like a very serious obstruction. I said, “Are you going back to the use of aluminium?”.

He said, “Yes. My sister uses it, and what am I going to do? I can’t go into her kitchen and dictate to her as to what kind of utensils she is to use”.

It was quite a while before I could overcome this attack. He went back finally and told his sister. The aluminium was discontinued. This man is somewhere about eighty and he hasn’t had an attack for some five or eight years. I think this is a clear cut demonstration of an allergic condition due to aluminium.

DR.T.K. MOORE [Sharon Center, Ohio]: We always get something very important from Dr. Grimmer’s paper. This little ideal coming through of the water softener is new to me. People using some of these new ideas, with a feeling of great security, may be on very soft and sinking sand. I am very glad to get that little point.

I wonder if stainless steel has any aluminium.


DR. JULIUS CHEPKO [Westminister, Maryland]: Madam Chairman, I would like to say a few words. I wonder if any of you have ever thought of deodorants as constituting an interference in your drug therapy.

DR. GRIMMER: Mostly they are.

DR. CHEPKO: That came to my attention in one case of a man who had a classical picture of Calcarea carb. I prescribed in various potencies and couldn’t get anywhere. Finally he volunteered the information that, due to his excessive sweating, he used these deodorants. So, we discontinued that and immediately got Calcarea carb. to work.

DR. HENRY W. EISFELDER [Flushing, N.Y.]: I think, in reference to the last discussant, almost all of these, “Poof” and all the rest, that you see in the ads and on television are getting to be especially widespread among women. Now Mennen’s is coming out with one for men. They are all 25 per cent aluminium chloride and distilled water. The metallic aluminium is so widespread that practically 90-some-odd per cent of the families are using it today and yet we see very few pictures of aluminium poisoning.

There are those individuals such as Dr. Waffensmith brought out, who are very definitely allergic. Those cases must be extremely careful not only not to use any aluminium cooking utensils and if they use any of the aluminium chloride, whether used as a water softener or as a deodorant to keep down perspiration, they will do a great deal of harm because of absorption through the pores.

One point in Dr. Grimmer’s very excellent paper was the fact of the use of antitoxins, vaccines, and so forth. If you remember, a few years ago, New York had a smallpox scare, and everybody was ordered to be vaccinated. Well, they didn’t give the youngsters a chance, or even the people. The police stations served as areas, the Board of Health stations and the schools. People were herded into them from the streets.

I had dozens, not one or two isolated cases but actually dozens, of cases come in to me, very few of my own patients, but stranger who had seen the results among my cases, with tremendously swollen arms, a reaction to the vaccine, the smallpox vaccine. In not one instance did Thuja fail to give prompt and complete relief.

What did I do in that epidemic? I realized I couldn’t fight City Hall. So immediately I gave every patient that I could contact two tablets of Variolinum 12x, under the tongue. Some of my children were forcibly re-vaccinated. In only one instance was there a reaction and Thuja took care of that. I believe Variolinum should be given a couple of weeks before vaccination, if possible. I do that routinely now where the children are forced by New York State law to have a vaccination before they can enter a public school. I immunize my children against that dose by a dose of Variolinum 12x, two or three weeks prior to vaccination. Then, …..when the school doctors insists on the vaccination, they get a certificate of natural immunity because it does not take.

A. H. Grimmer
Arthur Hill Grimmer 1874-1967 graduated from the Hering Medical College (in 1906) as a pupil of James Tyler Kent and he later became his secretary, working closely with him on his repertory. He practiced in Chicago for 50 years before moving to Florida. He was also President of the American Institute for Homoeopathy.
In his book The Collected Works of Arthur Hill Grimmer, Grimmer spoke out against the fluoridation of water and vaccinations. Grimmer wrote prodigeously, Gnaphalium, Homeopathic Prophylaxis and Homeopathic Medicine and Cancer: The Philosophy and Clinical Experiences of Dr. A.H. Grimmer, M.D.