In early practice when accurate records were not kept a music teacher came under my care presenting all the symptoms of phthisis. After a few weeks of treatment herpes circinatus appeared on the neck; the cough, fever and night sweats stopped and she was well. She then said that she had the herpes a long time before the cough, kept it painted with iodine, and when it went away the cough began.

In early practice when accurate records were not kept a music teacher came under my care presenting all the symptoms of phthisis. After a few weeks of treatment herpes circinatus appeared on the neck; the cough, fever and night sweats stopped and she was well.

She then said that she had the herpes a long time before the cough, kept it painted with iodine, and when it went away the cough began.

Calcarea carbonica 2c. B. & T., was the curative remedy.- Clinical Experiences, ERASTUS E. CASE, M.D.

Erastus E. Case