In was called in consultation by Dr. Connett, of Morristown, N.J., in an obstinate and intractable case of hives. The patient is a morphine addict. Connect, a most excellent and accurate prescriber, had failed, with a number of prominent remedies for Urticaria. I suggested Ledum palustre. But did not express much hope of success, inasmuch as the patient could not, or would not, to without her night-cap, of a hypodermic of morphine.

In was called in consultation by Dr. Connett, of Morristown, N.J., in an obstinate and intractable case of hives. The patient is a morphine addict. Connect, a most excellent and accurate prescriber, had failed, with a number of prominent remedies for Urticaria.

I suggested Ledum palustre. But did not express much hope of success, inasmuch as the patient could not, or would not, to without her night-cap, of a hypodermic of morphine.

I said, “I believe you are wasting your energy in ransacking the Materia Medica, and bringing Homoeopathy into disrepute by a misapplication of Similia.” And so, with those sage remarks, I collected my consultation fee and departed. Connett tried by Ledum, with no results. But Connett is a dog on the root, and a few weeks later, when I met him, and enquired after the patient, he told me that the patient was entirely cured of the hives. Now, Connett said, “I was nonplussed, but I noticed, or thought I did, that there was an aggravation around four oclock P.M., and so I gave her Lyc., and the hives folded their tents like the Arabs and silently stole away”.

I took care of another patient for Connett. A dope fiend. She was full of twitchings of muscles and other symptoms, which I attributed to her morphine addition. So I left her some Nux Vom. Connett rid her of those troublesome twitchings with Cimicifuga, and she kept right on with her dope.

And so, I say, hereby hangs a tail. I was the consultant, my mind was concentrated on diagnosis. My conservatism, from a prognostic standpoint, lead me away from the peculiar characteristic symptoms. Connett prescribed on the keynotes, and put my erudition to shame.

J E Wright