Stupefying headache in occiput worse on stooping from nape of neck to vertex, changing to burning pain on rising to erect posture. Relieved only by lying quiet with closed eyes. Pressing headache from outward inwardly with stupefaction and heaviness of head, worse from moving the head, from exertion, better in the open air, and from diverting the mind.


Type: Catarrhal. Hysterical.

Pain: Boring. Digging. Burning. Crushing. Drawing. Dull. Pressing. Shooting. Sore. Bruised. Stitching. Stunning. Stupefying. Tearing. Pulsating. Beating. Throbbing.

Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Over eyes. Over left eye. Occiput, one side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Extension: From nape of neck to vertex.

Aggravation: Morning. Morning in bed. Morning on waking. After noon. Evening. Combing hair. Mental exertion. Motion. Moving head. Moving eyes. Noise. After sleep. Spirituous liquors. Stepping heavily. Pressing at stool. Stooping. Thinking of pain. Walking. 4 to 8 p.m. going upstairs.

Amelioration: Open air. Closing eyes. Lying. Pressure. During sleep. Spirituous liquor. Diverting the mind when at rest.

Attending Symptoms: Coldness of hands. Vomiting. Coryza. Coldness of the fingers. General shivering. Paleness of the face.

Description: Stupefying headache in occiput worse on stooping from nape of neck to vertex, changing to burning pain on rising to erect posture.

Relieved only by lying quiet with closed eyes.

Pressing headache from outward inwardly with stupefaction and heaviness of head, worse from moving the head, from exertion, better in the open air, and from diverting the mind.

Internal heat of head with coldness of hands.

Shocks pass through head like electricity.

Dull pain in occiput with sensation of water swashing inside.

Headaches culminate in vomiting.

Stupefying headache with Coryza (4 to 8 p.m.) worse from stooping, better at rest, in open air.

Pressive and numbing headache.

Pressive headache from outward to inward with stupefaction and heaviness of head, worse on moving the head, from exertion.

Better in open air, from distraction of mind; worse from thinking of the pain, from stooping, painful heaviness with burning pain in head, coldness of the fingers, sensation of general shivering and paleness of the face.

N C Das
N C Das