Headache accompanied by fretfulness. Pressive frontal headache very much increased by stooping. Heat of head with dark red face, with coldness of rest of body, with thirst and pain in limbs when moving. Pain like a heaviness which pressed upon sore spot, in morning when lying on back, extending to shoulders. Scalp very sensitive to touch, even of hat. Pain beginning in occiput or finally become seated there associated with dryness of mouth, thirst and coated tongue. Headache after washing in cold water when face is perspiring, increased by opening eyes.


Type: Nervous. Neuralgic. Congestive. Catarrhal. Uterine. Gastric. Rheumatic. Arthritic. Hysterical. Migraine.

Location: Forehead. Occiput. Vertex. Brain. RIGHT SIDE. Left side. Sides of head. Temples. Right temple. Above eyes. Above right eye.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, burning, bursting, crushing, cutting, drawing, jerking, lancinating, pressing, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, stunning, tearing, pulsating, throbbing, hammering, blinding, intermittent, dull, aching, splitting, distentive, excruciating, stabbing.

Causes: a current of air: Chill; cold; concussion; cutting hair; heat; intellectual labour; abuse of opium; overheating; abuse of spirituous liquors; suppressed catarrh. Abuse of coffee.

Extension: Extends to back, forehead, jaws, occiput, above root of nose, behind eyes, neck, down back of neck, temple to temple.

Aggravation: Morning: morning in bed; noon; afternoon; 3 P.M., 4 P.M. to 3 A.M. evening; from cold air; from draft of cold air; open air; on ascending steps; after bathing; after cold bathing; from beer; while bending head backward; binding up the hairs; blowing nose; clothing about the neck; from coffee; from becoming cold, from getting cold on head; from taking cold; from concussion; from suppressed coryza; on coughing; after cutting hair; during dentition; on descending; after eating; after excitement of emotions; from becoming heated; after mechanical injuries; after intoxication; from jar; from light; working under gas light; from looking upward; while lying; before menses; during menses; from mental exertion; from motion; from noise; every day; from suppressed perspiration; during pregnancy; from external pressure; from lying; from sitting; in school girls; shaking head; after sleep; sneezing; from spirituous liquors; from heavily stepping; from pressing at stool; after pressing at stool; stooping; straining eyes; summer, exposure to sun; while talking; from tobacco; from touch; from walking; while walking; from walking in open air; while walking rapidly; while warm in bed; in warm room; warmth; from washing head; in cold weather; from getting cold; from wetting head; from wine; from bright object.

Amelioration: Open air; while bending head backward; binding head; on closing eyes; cold application; leaning against something; while lying; lying in a dark-room; external pressure; lying; sitting; after sleep; walking in open air; warm room; wrapping up head; lying on painful side with head high. During menses.

Attending Symptoms: Heavy, drooping eyelids, and blindness or flushes of light before eyes.

Flushed face, hot head, sense of burning in the eyeballs. “Intolerance of light and noise.”.

Vertigo, stupefaction, partial loss of sight, redness of face, cold feet, roaring in the ears, partial deafness, dilatation of pupils.

Pulsating carotids, face pale, cold, vomiting, eye itself is often bloodshot and there is much lachrymation..

Takes cold from every draught of air, especially when uncovering the head.

“First blind, then unconscious.” Heat hot, feet, cold.”.

Sleepiness but cannot sleep.

Great restlessness with sudden starting.

Ill humour, with paroxysms of rage with desire to cut or tear things or to stab some-one, “mild temper, blue eyes, blonde hair, delicate skin, and mild complexion.”.

“Women where the menses are early with bright red blood. Pressure as though all the contents of the abdomen would issue through the genital organs, especially felt in morning.”.

Stiff neck, delirium.

Symptoms: Aching in orbital region with redness of eyes and face.

Intense headache, aggravated by light, noise, motion, contact, by moving eyes and when coughing.

Headache relieved if hair hangs loosely, aggravated if it is done up.

Frontal headache, better sitting or lying, returning on rising; but on going into open air forehead seemed pressed in by heavy stone.

Headache worse from draft of air, in open air.

Headache pressing asunder.

Headache relieved by bending head backward.

Pain as if brain were pressing toward forehead, better bending head backward.

Violent throbbing in brain from before backward and toward both sides, this throbbing terminates in painful stitches.

Headaches better from covering.

Headaches better when sitting up.

Frequently obliged to stand still when walking from violent pain in forehead, at every step seemed as if brain rose and fell in forehead, brain relieved by pressing strongly on forehead.

Headache above orbits as though brain were pressed into a smaller space obliging him to close his eyes.

Inflammation of brain and medulla from exposure to sun or after having hair cut.

Pain as if brain would be pressed out above eye preventing opening eyes and obliging him to sit down.

Headache as if skull would burst.

Pain in right temple which on supporting has soon increased to a sensation of burning and extends into right frontal eminence.

Congestion, rush of blood to head, pulsation of cerebral arteries, throbbing of brain. Cold sensation in brain at middle of forehead.

Headache from concussions.

Congestion to head with delirium.

Contractive pain in scalp.

Violent pressive headache as if would burst, worse from stooping, motion, coughing or shaking head.

Crampy pains in frontal eminence extending to zygoma and lower jaw.

Headache accompanied by feeling as if cranium was too small.

Complaints from cutting hair.

Headache from draft of air, or after having hair cut; from heat of sun.

Constant dull headache in one side of head.

Fullness of head increasing during motion.

Sensation of expansion of brain.

Pain in head and eyeballs, eyes felt as if staring from their sockets.

Pressing pain on forehead so severe during motion that it causes him to close his eyes.

Neuralgia in right side of head and face.

Severe headache with dizziness and red hot face.

Fullness and heavy feeling as if every thing would push out of forehead.

Head feels heavy as from intoxication.

Headache especially in forehead. Headache in forehead with sense of pressure, fullness, vertigo, drowsiness, nausea, eyes red, and glistening, head feels large, aggravated by stooping, noise, heat, motion, looking at shining and glistening object; photophobia.

Tension and pressure in left vertex and in forehead. Tensive pressure in left temple and forehead.

Throbbing headache in forehead.

Throbbing in head, in forehead, in temples, in vertex, in occiput, worse when moving, better when sitting still, lying and from pressure.

Cutting in right side of head from forehead to occipital ridge, becoming general, at last settling in left parietal bone.

Fullness and weight in head over eyes.

Pains suddenly commence, gradually increase in severity, till height is reached and then suddenly disappear.

Head so sensitive externally that least contact gives pain.

Constant dull headache in one side of head.

Headache with dizziness aggravated by stooping.

Hysterical headache aggravated by light, noise, motion, contact, and by moving eyes, jerking, extremely violent on walking quickly, or ascending the stairs rapidly, at every step a jolt downward as if a weight were in occiput, relieved if hair hangs loosely, aggravated if it is done up.

Heaviness in head with much restlessness.

Heaviness in scalp.

Nervous attack frequently semilateral especially on right side from four oclock P.M. to three A.M. worse from heat of bed and by lying down.

Headache right side, great sensitiveness to light.

Headache better from hot applications.

Hysterical headache.

Pain as if a stone were pressing fore-head, better laying head down and stooping with dilated pupils and whining ill-humour.

Stabbing in right, side of head as with a two-edged knife, then in front of head, then in vertex, then in occiput, so that she cannot lie on either side.

Headache daily from 4 P.M. to morning.

Pain in right side after rising and moving briskly.

Painful pressure in head especially in lower part of forehead, directly above nose, intolerable on slipping or treading.

Three stabs extending to occiput, whereupon sudden disappearance of all previous attacks.

Pain in forehead on stooping as if every thing would come out.

Lacerating pain in right side of vertex.

Sensation as if skull were as thin as paper.

Pain in head, now here, now there, which occupies each time large area.

Headache relieved in a room.

Headache relieved when leaning on head.

Headache relieved when pressing upon head.

Boring in right side of head.

Sensitiveness of scalp, pressure of hair causes pain.

Drawing, tearing, shooting and semilateral pains especially above eyes and nose.

Sensation as if skull would split open.

Wavering shocks and fluctuation as if water in head with sensation as if cranium were too small.

Headache from heat of sun.

Head swollen double its size.


Type: Anaemic. Catarrhal. Nervous. Neuralgic. Uterine. Gastric. Rheumatic. Arthritic. Congestive. Migraine.

Location: Forehead. Above eyes. Above left eye. Occiput. One side of head. Temples. Vertex. Brain.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, burning, bursting, drawing, jerking, nail-like, pressing, pressing asunder, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing, dull, throbbing, beating, pulsating.

N C Das
N C Das